Chapter 2

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Arriving in the restaurant parking lot, thanking the heavens I was on time. Entering the Panjamay Restaurant it was half filled and had a nice atmosphere.

The restaurant had a modern European décor concept. I was greeted with a short girl by the looks of it, about 4ft 9" while I am 5ft 9, so she had to look up at me. she had long blond hair, round face, blue eyes, boobs popping out of her white uniform blouse with her thick bright red 'fuck me' lipstick. Her name tag read JESSICA'.

Smiling politely at her I offered a warm greeting "Good morning How are you? I am Ozaria Olive, I have an interview with Miss Davis, the manager".

She looks at me from head to toe then scowls giving me a hard look.

So much for being polite. My conscience said.

Narrowing my eyes at her, from her expression I could tell she was judging me, but who the fuck cares right, judge away. Turning on her heels "This way", she calls over her shoulder.

If it was not for her attitude and first impression, I would have consider her beautiful.

Scanning my black kneel length pencil shirt, white blouse, cream blazer, the short black pumps that adorn my feet and my dark brown almost black hair in a tight bun, with minimal makeup. I would say I look good. I held my head high and continued walking.

Reaching the door that says 'Manager', Jessica taps it gently 3 time, which was followed by a soft voice that says, "Come in", from the other side of the door.

Jessica opens the door wide gesturing me to enter, up on entering I hear the door being closed quietly. Sitting before me is a beautiful middle age woman wearing a warm smile.

"Morning Miss Davis, I am Ozaria Olive and am here for the waitress job that was advertised in the newspaper", happy I didn't stutter as she gesture for me to sit.

"Good morning Ozaria, thank you for replying to the ad, I would like you to full out this employee form. then we will begin the oral part of the interview, can I have your CV?".

"Here'', I said handing her my resume "Thank you so much for seeing me on such short notice it means the world to me", gazing around her office realizing I hadn't checked it out yet.

The office was a small standard one, wood desk, chairs, a soft looking black couch, walls painted in a half white color and the window and door in a cream color, the standard office stationary with a few picture frames on the wall and on her desk.

Filling out the employee form quickly as Miss Davis review my CV. Her face is concentrated on the pages in her hand, she crunches up her nose as if lost in deep thought. Clearing my throat to get her attention once she looks up, I hand her the form which she takes and scan. I fiddle  with my finger in my lap trying control my nerves.

Glancing around the office once more, I saw an ancient looking clock on the wall like the one my dad had in his office. When I was younger, which I hadn't seen earlier.

" Ozaria", Miss Davis called, getting my attention. "I see here that all the places you've worked are all in different states, it seems you move around a lot and only a few months in each job".

''But all for different and important reasons. I won't be going anywhere, anytime soon,'' I told her.

"Ok then, Ozaria," Miss Davis started. "Tell me about yourself".

Taking a deep breath, "Well I am a hardworking, determine, honest, outgoing person. Who works well in groups and also a team player".

"How long have you been living here Ozaria," She asked curiously.

"I just moved here six weeks ago," I answered honestly, and a bit confuse as to why she asked.

" Well the reason I asked is because I am looking for a person who will be a part of our team for a long time. I can't afford to be replacing staff frequently," She said firmly.

''No need to worry, I'll be here for a long time. This is my home now," I insist.

She continued, "Why should I hire you?"

Clearing my throat, I looked at her directly in her eyes, " I will not only uplift this establishment, but put out my all to ensure all our customers are treated with respect and are always satisfied with our service. You will never be disappointed when you hire me. I will be the best employee you ever had". Cockily telling her while  smiling.

"When you hire me?" Miss Davis asked, while chucking quietly. " I like how confident you are, and I am taking a chance here with you. So, don't make me regret this. You remind me so much of my daughter."

I mentally pump my fist in the air while doing a little dance. Sporting a bright smile knowing she is giving me a chance. But my smile flattered when I notice her teary brown eyes, wondering what was wrong.

"Miss Davis are you alright?" I asked gently. She blinked rapidly as if she had been in a deep trance, quickly drying her tears then smiling sadly at me.

"I am sorry dear, every time I am reminded of her this happens," upon seeing my confused expression she added "My daughter Gabriella died when she was 18 in a car accident".

"My condolences, I know how hard it is to lose someone. My parents died in a car accident too," A lump forming in my throat.

I never talked about my parents death to anyone, I don't know what compelled me to tell her about them. Maybe it was the sad look in her eyes or the fact I had a strong urge to comfort her by letting her know she is not alone and I had lost someone too.

"I am sorry to hear about your parents Ozaria, it must have not been easy".

"It's ok, it happened a long time ago".

"Can you start working tomorrow morning?" she asks.

"Yes, Miss Davis" I replied excited.

"Good come in at 10am. You will get your uniform then"

"Thank you so much for the opportunity," I thanked her. Standing to our feet, we shook hands.

"No problem, tomorrow we will discuss your shift and I don't tolerate tardiness".

"Yes, Miss Davis and thank you again"


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