Chapter 23

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They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.

The eyes speak so much, from different emotions to how one is feelings.

From gazing in a person's eyes to a person's locomotion you can probably tell what kind of people they usually are; like a cold, heartless, brooding, tense-looking man with emotionless eyes you can guess he might be bad news or even very dangerous, or a lady who dresses only in conservetive clothing could be Christian or just simply an old school tradition person.

Or I could just be stereotyping, but you get my point. Bottom line if you look deep enough the eyes could reveal how a person feels or what they are probably thinking and so much more.

These eyes that peered in my own, dark intense eyes a mix of coffee and chocolate with flickers of blue.


Eyes that contain longing, joy and traces of tranquillity.

These eyes gaze deep in my mine as if seeking all my secrets and deepest fears, stripping deep to the soul. Such intensity these eyes portray, I couldn't hold the gaze any longer as I case my gaze away from the stranger's penetrating eyes.

My nerves rock which I fight to keep down as I feel my cheek becoming a bit fluster from my stare on with the stranger. Talking a deep breath, I find my composure once more and plaster on a smile as I walk to my new table where the stranger now sits.

"Go get that gorgeous specimen, he sure isn't anorexic looking", Catherine said giggling which I ignore and focus on the mysterious stranger who has never took his eye off me.

I have never had anyone stare at me this long and intense, almost tangible but it isn't eye raping. I am not sure how to explain his gaze but it's almost like he is looking though me to the walls I have built to protect myself.

I feel like I am being scanned under a microscope, nerve rocking I tell you and a bit creepy too but also sensual.

'Am I getting turn on by his gaze only? What is happening to me?'

I have never felt this affect by any male before. This is strange for me, I have never notice or care for being under a male's gaze before with all that's been going on with me, but this is different.

I am not sure if it's bad or good different.

"Hi, welcome to Panjamay. I'm Ozaria. Ready to order?" My voices come out soft, a little breathy, but can you blame me? his gaze is unwavering, pinning.

"Hello, Ozaria. Hmm.. It's both beautiful and unique", He said smiling charmingly, his eyes sparkle as he says my name and his voice, DAMN! Smooth, muscular, husky, the way my name rolls of his tongue my GOD, I so wanna hear him say it again.

I need to do a self-check, my composure for the first which I have perfected it to be professional, calm and cool is slipping.


I don't want to show how flustered I am just by the way my name sound off his tongue. I fight not to shudder hearing my name from his lips.

My ability to speak seem to have evade me as my throat suddenly feels dry, clearing my throat I force myself to find my voice as I ask, "Thanks, ready to order?", I remind him. He seems to be in deep thought still looking at me.

"Huh", he blinks rapidly as if snapping of his trace then asks, "Sorry?"

"Ready to order?", I repeat my tone comes out strong not betraying how nervous I really am.

"Oh, yeah can I have the basil chicken breast with sautéed greens please and a tropical fruit punch?", he asked running a hand through his soft looking black hair that fell over his face to comb it back.

"Yes sir, you will have it as soon as possible", I smile professional turning to leave but stop when he says, "Thank you, Ozaria", I find myself wanting him to hear him say my name even more now that before.

At lease he is polite, I thought.

I can still feel his eyes on me. Eyes that seem so familiar, but I can't place where I have seen them.

Placing the order with the chef, I went to the bar to get his drink. So many thoughts, why is he still staring at me? And with admiration and longing? His eyes say he likes me, I can usually tell when a guy likes me from the look in their eye.

Gathering the mysterious stranger's now ready food and drink I place them before him and told him to enjoy and call me if he needs anything else. Even as I leave him to consume his meal I still feel his eyes on me as I took care of the other customers.

When I notice he had finish eating I clear his table and gave him the bill which he thanked me for and paid then left but not before leaving a statement that confused me a little. I understood what he meant but not why he said what he did.

I can still hear his smooth, strong voice and feel his breathe tickle my cheek where he stood grinning then whisper, "I look forward to seeing you real soon, Ozaria. Until next time, my love."

I thought he was going to kiss me when he had lean in to me only to whisper in my ear. I had stood frozen not knowing how to react. The longing look in his beautiful dark eyes as he took one last long gaze at me as if to memorize my appearance.

Hypnotize to stare after him, my gaze lingers in the direction he left a while ago. Catherine comes from my side view grinning I bet to snoop.

"So, did he ask you out?", facing me she ask eagerly. From her enthusiastic tone I know the answer she wanted to hear.

"No", I told her suddenly feeling disappointed about not being asked out by the first guy I could see myself liking after so long.

I am not sure how I feel about admitting I could possible see myself liking him or even already like him.

"No?" she repeated questioning, her enthusiastic tone dropping to one of disappointment as she waited for me to elaborate.

"No, he did not ask me out and I am glad he didn't because I would have denied", my voice seems to contain a little disappointment even to my own ears. I hope Catherine didn't pick up on it too or she will never let it go.

"You sound disappointed he didn't ask you out, you seem to like him", she claims staring at my face to get my reaction to her accusation.

"I am not disappointed, and I do NOT like him", I lie with a straight face, but she seems to be seeing through me to my lie.

"Then why were you staring after him for so long?", Catherine questions rolling her eye.

"I was just loss in thought and he remind me of someone", I tell her not completely a lie his eyes do remind me of ones I have seen before which I am still trying to figure out whose and I was indeed lost in thought thinking out him.

"Yeah right, whatever helps you sleep", she says disbelieve evident in her tone, before I could correct her she leaves shaking her head.

I don't think I am ready to admit out loud I may like mystery guy to any one or myself. Saying it out loud makes it more material, more real even if he makes me feel thing I never did before.

I don't think I am ready to have a relationship with anyone let alone intimacy.

But I can't deny the excitement that course through me and crazy thing my heart does when his gaze sets on me or at the sound of his great voice.

I can't believe I am thinking this much about a man whose name I don't even know!

'Now whose bursting their pretty brain over such thing as a guy.' My conscience taunts.

'Oh, shut up!'


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