Chapter 24

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A week had pass and nothing felt normal in the slightest, I think I might be sick!

'You are SICK! As in a love-sick puppy' said Guess who still taunts.

Disregarding it with a roll eye, 'Yeah right'

The pass seven days felt longer than most, maybe it could have been due to the days going slower or I am just being tortured and tormented by a pair of coffee/chocolate eyes that haunts my mind every second of my days.

Eyes I had not seen not once the pass week. Eyes I find myself longing to see, eyes I miss. Eyes I grew to like a lot by only seeing them once.

I think I might be sick!

The unfamiliar feeling of imagery tummy butterflies erupts in my belly along with the shiver that flows through me at the sight of the stranger's stunning eyes behind my close lids.

The entire week like a mad woman I had been on the look out for coffee/chocolate eyes with flickers of blue that did not appear, frustrating I tell you. The days going agonizingly slow didn't make it any better, it only tempt me to go search for what I longed to see.

I had even dreamt of and fantasize about the man behind these eyes.

I have never been or behave this crazy over a guy I met only seven days ago.

I feel like a schooler with her first crush only this is not my first crush maybe second. My first crush I had at fifteen at a boy in my grade. If I remember correctly his name was Michael. A cute, straight A's, smart, boy my parent would have approved of me dating.

In all our conversations I would always blush, and he would too, we were friends I don't think our friendship would have pass that stage we were both too shy to confess our feeling. It was nice, but nothing compared to this intense and strong feeling I have with this present crush of mine.

My world was a 90-degree angle, simple and organize but since meeting this stranger it took a turn to a 180 degree, it's a mess. My mind is at war, still trying to comprehend and decide how I feel about it all.

Is it a good or a bad thing to be pinning over a guy whose name I still don't know? I am too enveloped in thoughts of him to decide yet.

'Just like a love-sick puppy I tell you' said my mocking conscience.

'Fuck off' I fired back.


"Z, I told Marcel I wanted to marry him today", Rose states her cheek red as she tells me about her day at school.

If I was eating or drinking I would of choke, I am just lucky I didn't choke on my saliva nonetheless. Surprise I turn from supper I am making to face her. She looks a little sad with her head down.

"You did, did you?", this is the only thing that flies out of my mouth to ask, still too stunned.

"Yes", she answers her voice small.

"Why do you want to marry him sweetie?", I ask gently so she would open up more before shying away.

"Because I like him, and I thought he liked me too"

"So, what did he say?", I inquired food temporary forgotten.

She begins sniffing and I know she was on the verge of tears, "he said he never liked me and I shouldn't talk to him ever again", Rose got out and then the dam broke, "and t-that I a-am a or-orphan be-caused m-my p-parents d-didn't want m-me"

I hug her tightly as she cries on my shoulder. My baby is experiencing her first heart break which makes me sad and angry.

That little brat is lucky he is a kid too else he would have faced my wrath for hurting her feeling. I will be the big sister, mom and overprotecting dad in one, the future idiots who dare to hurt her will not be spared.

"Shhh baby that's not true, you are not an orphan and mom and dad loved you dearly", I tell her comforting her.

I will need to speak to her teacher Monday, I will never tolerated her being bullied or troubled.

Ten minutes later Rose tears ended, and she was good again. Being rejecting and the awful things her crush said all forgotten and buried. Rose had said, and I quote "I will never ever get married Z and I am done liking boys. I never wanted to catch cooties any way."

At that point a had to burst out laughing when I calm down, I kiss her cheeks saying, "That's my girl". I had also given her a better explanation of what marriage is all about. Although I told her it would not happen for years to come and her prospective may change later as she got older.

She was dead set on what she had said before when she repeated with a serious look, "OZARIA, I MEAN IT! I WILL NEVER EVER GET MARRIED! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?"

I knew she was very serious, she never uses my full name if she wasn't. Dropping the conversation Rose went on to watch her favourite cartoon and I went on to finish making supper.

Will that certainly did take my mind off a certain someone for a little and it also got me thinking about how and what I would say when I see him. I have a feeling I'll be seeing him soon. He did promise to see me again soon although it seems his soon could take a week or maybe two.

But if I should tell my crush I like him would he reject me too?

He probably would like Rose crush did. I do have a lot of baggage and secrets.

Although I may not be ready for a relationship, I could probably find the courage like Rose did and confess my likes for him.

Or not.

But it would go either two ways I would be rejected or accepted simple as that, right.

Finding the courage to express yourself and feeling to someone takes a lot of guts and strength. No one likes being rejected.

So, I truly admire my baby sister for what she did, she's sometimes very shy and to find the courage to confess her feeling or otherwise, whether she understands it or not takes guts no matter what her age maybe.

Can I find the courage to tell the man I have a crush on I like him?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But who knows, I might just will.


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