Chapter 7

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The day started out bright implying it's going to be a beautiful non-rainy day. Today was supposed to be fun. Today I was supposed to enjoy the day in Rose company and an had a blast at the zoo. Today was supposed to be a day we both would always remember, a day fill with joy and happiness.

Life is full of ups and downs, twist and turn. But this isn't just a twist or turn, or up and down, this is isn't just a bump in the road. This is a deep never ending agony. Today is going to be the day, I will never forget, forever be imprinted on my memory.

Tragedy, heart breaking tragedy is about to take place and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

I grab my chest as my heart threaten to burst into my palm. My breath came out in harsh pants as I struggle to get air in my lung.

I scream until my voice is no more. No longer a recognizable sound but a crack, broken screech as my dry, hoarse throat betting me to stop.

Just as the car was about to hit her the homeless looking man that was at the far end of the parking lot snatch her out of the way just in time as the car tire screen trying to come to a halt. But couldn't as it drifts a meter or two away before stopping.

I have never fully believed in miracles but now I do.

Relief, oh sweet relief wash me as I gasp for air to fill my burning lung. Struggling to control my shaking limps as I fight to stand, my legs feel like jelly.

'Oh, thank God' I chanted as I try to get my scramble thoughts together.

She is safe.

My lifeline is safe.

Standing I hold on to the nearest post to balance my jelly legs.

I can breathe a little easier but not fully until I have her in my arms. Pushing pass my jelly limps I run toward them.

Relief, oh sweet relief.

My heart has calm down a bit, but it's still beating wildly. The tightness in my chest as started to release causing my lung to expand. Sweat runs down my face like a waterfall. A lump forming in my throat.

Reaching them I snatch Rose from his arms and hug her tightly to my chest. My legs threaten to give out again as sweet relief floods my heart and soul. The lump in my throat bursts as my tear ran freely.

Rose burry her face in my neck and hug me tightly. I felt something wet running down my neckline and realize Rose was crying as well, she keeps on repeating "I'm sorry".

Getting myself together for her I rub her back in circles and eases my tears and drying them with the back of my hand. I whisper words of love and assurance in her ear trying to calm her.

"Shhh baby I have got you now", I tell her softly.

"I'm so-sorry Z", Rose stutters as she cries.

"Your safe now baby", I whispered.

"I'm sorry", Rose hiccup.

"I love you baby and your safe", I reassure her and myself, maybe mostly myself as I keep on repeating these words.

Rose finally stop crying but still had her arms locked around my neck. The beating of my heart had calm somehow.

Turning towards the homeless looking man I felt a lump form in my throat again. How could I ever repay him for all the did for me? Do I even know the right words to express how grateful I am for how he just saved the most precious piece of me?

I open my mouth only to close it again not knowing how to begin to express my gratitude towards him. Then suddenly words start to flow out my mouth.

"Thank you so much, I owe you my life and so much more", an overwhelming urge take over me to hug him as it feels as if my words are not enough to thank him. Walking up to him I support Rose in one hand and grip him with the other squeezing him while repeating "thank you". Hoping to send how grateful I am though the gripped lock hug I am giving him.

I felt him rub my back in circles trying to comfort me and maybe stop my ranting as he says gently "Shhh it's okay child, you both are safe".

Releasing him I ask earnestly "What can I do to repay you", looking into his captivating dark eyes I see strength I had not notice before and so many other emotions I cannot name.

"You don't need to repay me, it's okay and I should be the one thanking you for what you did for me the other day. You save my life as well, in more ways than one", the homeless looking man told me. I still don't know my good Samaritans name.

"Thank you so much Mr.?" I leave the sentence hanging hoping he would catch on and reveal his name. He seems to have catch on because he then said "Leviticus, my name is Leviticus but call me Levi".

"Thank again Levi you just saved my everything. I need to repay you somehow?, I insist. Before he could respond I hear the door of the speeding car being open and closed I turn to see it is a young girl maybe a little younger than I am.

Turning back to Levi to thank him once more, he seems to have vanish. One minute he was here and the next he was gone.

I'll have to thank him again when I see him around.

Rose had gone quiet after she had stop crying, she must have falling asleep from exhaustion.

The pleading and begs of the crying girl snap my attention to her. How should I feel to come face to face with the person who almost caused my entire being to fall apart? Should I feel mad even furious or relief, my emotions are running wild I don't know how to feel.

'How are you even suppose to feel if the one who almost took everything you hold dear away from you, is facing you?'

All I feel now is exhaustion and absolute relief.

Sweet sweet relief.

I turn on my heels cutting through the by passers leaving her there begging for my forgiveness.

Today was supposed to be fun. Today was supposed to be a great day with Rose. Today was supposed to be a day like any other filled with laughter that we were always to remember.

But today is a day that is forever imprinted on our memory.

Today is a day we both will never forget.


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