Chapter 12

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Feeling the cold blade at my throat, I froze.

My bag and keys fell from my hand.

My sleep haze forgotten, all I can right now is focus on the blade at the bass of my throat.

Different ways to take down my attacker comes to mind, but I need be careful the blade is press tightly. One wrong move and my life could drain away, literally.

Glancing at my car the dim lighting of the street light not too far a way gets me a glimpse reflection of who had a knife to my throat.

And could you guess who it was?

None other than dick head Bob had I knife to my throat.

Well truth be told I had expected this but a little sooner.

I could feel his heavy breathing at my ear and smell the bourbon on his breath when he gritted though his teeth. "The cops aren't coming to save you now, you whore," he chuckled.

I know I shouldn't push my luck but me being me had to reply, "I don't need their saving to fuck you up, you shit".

If he could he press the blade even closer. I am startled it as not broken my fresh yet.

"Keep talking and I will end you right here," he snarled, and started to pull me away. "Make any sudden moves and your dead. Make another sound your dead".

In this moment the only two things I feel is angrier because he has not only threatened me but had the nerve to attack me twice and adrenalin. Adrenalin coursing through my veins.

Fear is the last thing I feel. Rose is safe, so I have nothing to fear. If this turns out bad, I know Rose will be safe and well care for with James and Claire.

I know I can't make any sudden moves or this could go south quickly. I just need wait for my opportunity to break free and put this fucker in his place. I just need something to distract him of a second.

Dick head Bob had one arm around my mid-section where he held me and the other held the knife. Let me tell you it's one big and long knife, it could be a butcher's knife.

Although he had the knife at my throat. I had to say, if I was looking to get a knife I would most definitely get this knife, it's one sweet blade.

Maybe after I fuck him up I could take it. It's only fair I take something to compensate for the trouble of using the only energy I have left, after such a long day at work to kick his pitiful ass.

"Don't make me repeat myself, don't fucking move," Dick head growls out. Now, that bring me back to the situation at hand from my dreams about that sweet dagger.

I had always had a thing for knifes.

I wonder where he is taking me to get his ass busted. My question was soon answer when he pulled me toward a nearby alley.

"I am going to fuck you up really good, maybe then you will learn to mind your own fucking business," His breath stinks I to force myself not to gag.

I hiss my teeth, wishing I could cover my nose from his serious case of Shitbreathtosis.

It's not a real word but it could be. His breath his stink of shit. Not the good type of shit but the one you have when you have diarrhoea. Well no shit is good, but you get my point.

He then kisses my neck. My body repulses causing a shudder of disgust to run up my spine.

Reaching the poorly lite alley. It reeks of urine with countless garage spread across the floor. I could see a big fat rat, or it could be a mongoose, I could not tell rushes away upon our arrival.

I am pushed up against the wall of a building. Dick head Bob then grinds his lower region into my back. "You're going wish you were dead, when I am done with you bitch," He said.

I had the strong urge to throw up. 'Does he even own a freaking tooth brush? Like seriously, probably not'. His breath alone could suffocate me to death.

"HEY, LET. HER. GO," A voice I recognised right away as Leviticus.

Taking my chance as he is temporary distracted. I knock the knife from his hand. Using a lot of upper body strength, I elbow him in the ribs hopefully cracking it. He didn't even see it coming. Fucking idiot he threatened and came after the wrong girl.

I navigate my way out of his arms.

In a quick motion I punch him in the nose again, the cracking sound could be heard, as I had succeeded in breaking it once more. His hands went to his nose as he curses, "Your dead whore".

I didn't give him a chance to recover as I knee him in the groin. He hissed painfully falling to his knee.

I could hear Levi running in our direction, but I didn't look at him. I double my fist and brought it down to his jaw with a force I did not know I was capable of. Sounds of bones breaking is all I hear as I punch him repeatedly.

"You will never lay a hand on any woman in a harmful way again," I shout in his ear, so he could hear me. My breath comes out in pants as my heart hammers away as adrenalin rushing through me.

I know my knuckle will be swollen tomorrow I might need to call into work.

The sick bastard barks out a painful, but harsh laugh. He is laughing like a psycho. Irritating me even more.

I raise my fist to punch him again.

Then 'BANG'


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