Chapter 16

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My wide eyes snap from the door to Levi's. My heart beat picks up speed, Levi raise a brow at me probably listening to the drumming of my heart. I am momentarily paralyzed as every and I mean every possible thought as to why the police could be at my door right. It could be because of the recent events with dick-head Bob or my dreadful past coming to catch up with me now.

'Could there be witnesses to the incident?' Maybe they found my DNA on Bob or someone saw blood in or on my car before it was cleaned. Bob could have also rat me out too, if that's the case that little bitch. But what makes my heart go even crazier is the thought of possible being arrested that would mean time away from Rose.

That spark fear in me, thought of being away from her. I could careless about being arrest, facing the consequence of my action. But I would die being away from her.



"Miss Olive this is the Police" the words sound through the door.

Leviticus snap his fingers before my face snapping me from my momentarily paralysis I had not seen him getting to his feet standing before me. Blinking rapidly, I whispered, "What should I do?"

"Just act normal they could be here for anything", he said pushing me towards the door. Resting my hand on the door knob I glance at back to find that Levi is no where in sight. Taking a much-needed breath to calm myself I pull the door open and plaster a neutral look on.

"Good afternoon", my voice comes out steady not betraying my nerves which I am thankful for. I know I need to be careful of what comes out of my mouth, I can bet Levi is listening to everything right now.

"Good day Miss do you remember Officer Ray and me Officer Lewis from the incident at the restaurant" Officer Lewis ask.

I nod in confirmation "We are here to inform you that we have in custody Bob McLean the man who tried to harass and threaten you, so you now have nothing to worry about"

"That's good" I breathe in relief.

"We also wanted to know if you have seen or heard from Mr. McLean since the incident" they gaze at me intently.

Masking my feature with a look of curiosity as the beating of my heart escalates, my voice comes out strong not giving anything away as I ask, "No, Why?"

"We found him in a bad condition; broken ribs, jaw, fingers and a facture to the skill. He is also suffering from memory less, he doesn't remember anything from the pass couple of months and that includes the incident at the restaurant." Officer Ray explains "We are trying to figure out everything that could be in connection to Mr. McLean incident. Therefore we are questioning all who were in a altocation with him the past few months"

Maybe I breathe in relief too soon. Instinctively I hide my bruised knuckles from view, I just hope they didn't caught on to it. That would have caused a lot of question that I would struggle to come up with a pass able lie has to why my knuckles are bruised.

Masking a look of shock and concern, I portray a voice of sympathy as I then said, "My God that horrible, no one deserves that. I hope he will recover soon", or not little abusive shit deserve everything he got.

"Yeah, do you want to press charges for harass against him?" Officer Lewis ask.

"Oh no, he has been through too much with memory less on all" I told them still sounding concern, "If it's ok I would like my name to not be mention in the incident that occur at the restaurant if he should face the consequence of his pervious actions. The poor man may die of a guilty conscience."

"Yes, miss but if you change your mind let us know"

"Will do"

"Thats all, have yourself a great day" Officer Lewis said tilting his hat in a gentleman way and then went their way.

"You too" I call out then close the door and press my head against it taking deep breaths.

"You fuck him up good" Levi comments causing me to jump in fright hitting my forehead in the process.

"Don't sneak up on me like that it's not cool" I shake my head while using my palm to rub the sore spot as my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. Levi laugh at my embarrassment making me glare at him to stop.

"Ok" he raises is hands in defence then stop laughing, "Come have something to eat, you must be starving"

As if on cue my stomach rumbles indicating I was indeed famished. Sitting at the table the silence that surround us becomes deafen. All the questions I want to ask piles up at the front of my mind just waiting to leak out.

I watch Levi's every move as he plates my meal moving as if he had been in my kitchen years prier to the couple of hours since I had bought him here. He seems to know where everything is located without my help although it's not a big kitchen. He also moves with a certain grace if you watch him closely you could see how his ears perk up hearing everything that needs to be heard.

Probably he can also hear my thoughts and the amount of questions I wish to know the answer to, just waiting to be spilled from the sound of my heart rate and breathing. Anxiety is starting to eat away at me as the silence prevails on.

As if sensing my inner battle, he places the bowl in front of me and said, "When you have completed eating you can then ask all that's piled up in that mind of yours"

Nobbing I went on to devouring the amazing soup Levi cooked, who knew he was such a great cook from his usually outer appearance.

Putting my pending thoughts and question aside I focus on the meal I was eating.


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