Chapter 34: You know

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Connor's POV

I couldn't fall asleep, tonight Sam did a stupid move. I had to tell Missy what had happened tonight. I grabbed my hoodie and slid it on. I slid my shoes on and grabbed my wallet and car keys. I drove up to Missy's house and parked in the driveway. I quickly dialed Missy's number. After the third ring she answered.

"Connor?" She asked.

"Yeah, I know it's late but can you come outside?" I asked.

"Connor it's 4am." She said, as I heard shuffling on the other end.

"Yeah, but this is important." I said.

"I'll be out in a sec." She said, and hung up. I waited in my car for a few seconds when she came out and got in my car.

"Hey Con, what's up?" She said.

"I have to tell you something, I told Sam to tell you but I know he didn't." I said, as I lowered the volume on the radio.

"What is it?" Missy said, as she looked straight into my eyes. You could see the redness around her nose and her eyes were red.

"You already know don't you?" I asked her.

"Know what?" She said, with a straight face.

"That Sam ki-" I began to say but got cut off by Missy.

"That Sam cheated on me. Yeah I know. He wasn't that careful. Cameras are always around him. He did something idiotic and got caught. Yeah he had a few drinks but he knew what he was doing." Missy said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Connor you're not the one who has to apologize Sam does. I wanted to see who would come clean to me and you did. Jc didn't even mention a word to me about it. Thank you Connor for telling me. Even though I know already." She said, as she leaned over and hugged me.

Missy's POV

It's been three days and I've been avoiding Sam and the rest of the boys except Connor. I know I shouldn't avoid Sam and confront him but I don't know how things are gonna end up. Maybe I'm just afraid.

I grabbed my ray bands and slid them on before walking out of my house and getting into Connors car before I got in a saw Sam in the back seat.

"Hey Miss." Connor said.

"Hey Con." I said.

"Babe, I missed ya." Sam said, as he leaned over the seat to give me a kiss. I turned right when he was about to kiss me.

"I forgot my phone I'll be right back." I said, as I jumped out of Connor's car and ran into my house. I felt my phone vibrate and saw Connors text.

Con Da Bon: 'R U okay?'

Me: No.

I sent the text and decided I would go and actually deal with Sam. I made sure to lock my house before leaving. Once again I got into Connor's car. Connor was taking me to the mall since Lia had borrowed my car since hers was in the shop. We arrived at the mall and right when I got off Sam tried holding my hand. I flinched at the touch of his hand.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked me as he looked at me with a hurt look.

"Sam don't you dare look at me that way, don't ask me what's wrong you know what's wrong." I said.

"I'm so confused." Sam said.

"And I'm not?" I said, raising my voice.

"You're confused about what?" He asked.

"You cheated on me, with some girl. Did you think I wasn't gonna find out. Well I did. I don't know how you would try to kiss me when you didn't even tell me about that girl. You don't know how much you've hurt me Sam! You know what I'm done with this. We're over." I said and before Connor or Sam could stop me I ran through the mall's parking lot. After a few minutes running I ran into the mall and hid in the first bathroom I saw. I saw my reflection in the mirror and the memories started to flash back, all the lies and mean comments started to hit my walls. They started to crumble down and soon enough I was full on sobbing. 

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