Chapter 36: YouTube Event

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Missy's POV

How could Sam do that to me? He hit Chase my best friend! I talked to Sam about him. I told him that Chase was gay and he lived here in L.A. how could he hurt my best friend like that? He knew how Chase looked like. I showed Sam various pictures of Chase and I when we were younger. I still can't believe it.

Chase was driving towards my house. We got to my house in silence. We sat there for a few minutes when my phone began to ring. I picked my phone up to see Connors name pop up. I quickly answered the call and pressed my phone against my ear.

'Con Con?'

'Missy Miss, I'm headed your way. I'm like two minutes away.'

'Okay, well Chase is here.'

'Cool I'll see you two in a bit.'

'Okay, we'll be out back.' I said, as we hung up.

"Connor's coming over. Let's go out back and set a few blankets on the ground so we can watch the stars tonight." I said as Chase and I got off his car.

"Alright I'm gonna use the bathroom first." Chase said, I grabbed two blankets and went outside and laid them out.

How could Sam do that to me? He knows how much Chase means to me he's like a brother to me. I will never forget him for laying a hand on Chase.

"CON DA BON IS HERE!" Chase yelled as he walked up to where I was at. Following Chase was Connor.

"Hi Connor!" I yelled, as they sat on either side of me.

"Hi Missy! What are you guys up to?" Connor asked.

"Well since Sam punched me we just came back here and decided to watch the stars and eat ice cream." Chase said, as I noticed the ice cream sitting next to him.

"Sam did what?" Connor asked.

"What you heard he punched Chase right here." I said, as I pointed at Chase's jaw.

"I never thought Sam as the jealous type." Connor said.

"Eh, it's whatever right now. I don't want anything to do with him at the moment. After you called I turned off my phone." I said, as I let out a sigh I was holding in. Chase and Connor didn't say anything after that they just stayed quite as we watched the stars. Having both my best friends at this moment is the best. I don't have to worry about Sam right now all I have to worry about is me and my friends.

Two weeks later

AwesomenessTV had hooked me up to come along with O2L and other Youtuber's to this event and Lia and I were gonna be the host of the event. I've hung out with one of the O2L boys now and then but each time I saw Sam I felt a pain deep in my heart. Even seeing Ricky it was awkward but when I see Sam I get the urge of running up to him and forgive him. I just can't let him back that easy. Chase had tag along with me, to most of the events I attend and host since my videos on YouTube started getting tons of views. I wonder how since I only have three videos up on my channel. Chase and I were walking out of Subway when a mob of girl's surrounded us. They were so nice and sincere, after twenty minutes of signing autographs and taking pictures Chase and I got through the mob and ran back to the hotel we were staying in.

"I can't believe that this is my life now." I said, as I landed on the bed.

"Well girl believe it you're going to be meeting all kinds of people, famous people and not so famous people too. Like that one tattoo guy you met. What's his name? I always forget it." Chase said.

"Romeo Lacoste?" I said.

"Yeah, him now you too are friends and he says he'll hook you up with a tattoo anytime you want." Chase said.

"To think of it, I really want that tattoo I was telling you about." I said.

"That faith infinity sign?" Chase said.

"Yes, that one I decided I want it on my wrist." I said. Chase and I got too into the conversation we didn't realize it was time for the event to start. I quickly changed into the dress I had chosen to wear for this event. It was a white flowy dress which I paired it with a nice gold necklace. The Event was going so well that I had forgot that Sam and I had to present all the YouTuber's at the end. When Sam walked up to me with a mic in his hands I had no idea how to greet him. I stood there awkwardly as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I could feel the blood starting to boil. I took all my strengths not to punch him but the event was coming to an end and I had to announce him and the rest of the O2L boys. Lia came to my side so we could close the event.

"Hunter said that you're done. That this is the second to last event you'll do." Lia whispered into my ear.

"What? Why?" I whispered back.

"He'll explain everything later but for now sweetie you need to fake like there's nothing between you and any of the O2L boys for your own good." Lia said.

"I have, but thanks." I said. We closed the event and Lia and I had to stay back and wait until everything was put away and clean. Half an hour later everyone was out and cleaned. Chase and Jc were waiting for Lia and me out front in an Uber. 

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