Episode 23: The Breakup We've All Been Waiting For

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"Guys," Simon said as he walked into the Chipotle, "guys you got to help me."

"Simon," Josh said as he sat calmly at the table and stared down at his phone. Rachael was sitting next to him, also looking at his phone. She had been doing so subtly ever since she found out about him still meeting up with Freya. "I'm not lending my ladder to you to climb out your window just because you crashed your mom's wedding."

"You guys crashed it too!" Simon yelled in defense.

"True," Anusha said, "But we didn't go up for a speech and say 'fuck my life', now did we?"

"No," Simon admitted, "But you did drink all the champagne."

"It was free," Anusha said.

"Okay, yeah, whatever," Simon dismissed, "That's not it."

"Let me guess," Harry spoke up, "You fell out of your window because Josh didn't give you a ladder."

"Harry," Anusha said and Harry didn't even look over to her. He was now used to the constant ridiculing from Anusha. The rest of the group looked over though and she was holding a glass of champagne. "That was you."

"You know what, Anusha?" Harry said, "Get off my ass."


"Would you like me to episode four you Anusha?" Harry said and Anusha cowered backwards.

"How did you know about that?" Anusha asked.

Simon laughed from behind the group, as he hadn't sat down at the table yet. "I told him to say it when you're mean to him."

Anusha glared at Simon, "Jokes on you, Simon. It's episode twenty-three now, I'm a plot point and you aren't."

"What the fuck? Episode twenty-thre-"

Aggie was interrupted by both Simon and Anusha. "Silence!"

"I am a plot point!" Simon yelled. The rest of the group had no clue what Anusha and Simon were about to fight about, but they thought maybe Lewis did, because Lewis is God, and everybody knows that.

"You aren't," Anusha took a sip of her champagne, "But go off I guess."

"Shut up!" Simon hissed, "You live in a pantry."

"Hey!" Anusha yelled, "That's my choice."

"Stop!" Dylan yelled, afraid if she didn't the strange argument would somehow transcend them to a different astral plane. "What were you saying when you came in, Simon?"

"I was saying..." Simon said and glared over to Josh who had interrupted him in the first place. "That I need some help."

"With what though?" Dylan asked.

"I was getting to that part!" Simon yelled.

"You took a pause!" Dylan yelled back, "What are you talking about!"

"No I didn't," Simon said, calmer than before, "Moving on."

Dylan slammed her head to the table. "Why are we friends with this kid?"

"Misogynistic Minter," Anusha mumbled.

"Hey!" Simon yelled and pointed at her, "That's a different story! I am not like that in this one!"

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