Episode 21: Back For Blood

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"Happy mcfucking March," Aggie said as her friends walked into the Chipotle. She threw a bunch of cilantro on them as they all entered.

"What's so happy about March?" Ethan asked.

"Leprechaun month," Aggie answered and pulled out her usual cleaning rag.

"Is this... cilantro?" Dylan asked as she picked a piece of cilantro off of her shoulder.

"I didn't have any clovers," Aggie said, "now sit down and enjoy your cilantro."

"I don't think the leprechaun thing is all month," Anusha said, "just the one day."

"Well, Vik's here," Aggie responded and gestured over to Vik, "and he's short, so, wagwan."

"What?" Vik asked as all the group started laughing, "Rachael is short, too."

"Do not bring me into this!" Rachael yelled, "you are short. He is short! Let's all laugh haHA!"

"Are you alright?" Josh asked her.

"Leprechauns can be a bit crazy," Liz answered for her, but was only met with more cilantro in her face from Rachael.

"Alright, somethings wrong," Dylan pointed out, "those two aren't laughing, and they look a bit dead." She pointed to the end of the table where Veronica and Simon were.

"Way to be observant," Simon mumbled.

"Way to be dead," Dylan responded.

"Did you give her wheatgrass?" Anusha asked, talking to Vik, who immediately became confused.

"She's not allergic to wheatgrass!" Simon yelled.

"She is," Anusha said.

"You two really need to stop doing creepy shit like that," Liz said, "it's like you're breaking a fourth wall that isn't there."

"Who taught you the term fourth wall?' Dylan asked.

"Someone in the real world," Liz answered.

"What?" Rachael asked.

"Fuck, now I'm doing it," Liz said and slammed her head down on the table. The group decided to move passed the weird sentences that were being spoken.

"Moving swiftly on," Aggie said as she cast Liz, Simon, and Anusha all a weird look, "what is up with you two?"

"There are multiple reasons I don't want to speak," Veronica finally said. Suddenly everyone could feel the tension in the room get multiplied by ten. No one had mentioned that it wasn't actually Vik who trashtalked Veronica during an English class he wasn't even in, but that it was her boyfriend instead.

"Hey, Aggie," Lachlan said entering, breaking the tension immediately and all the friends let out a sigh. "Everyone," He also greeted.

"Lachlan!" Aggie screamed and ran over to him, "did you bring the itinerary drafts?"

"I was... supposed to?" Lachlan asked and all the friends took cover immediately. Aggie was becoming very sensitive about anything that had to do with the New York trip. While they were working once, Harry accidentally spilt a glass of water and Aggie threw seven plates at him even though the water went no where near the papers at all. They also weren't even her plates, they were Simon and Veronica's, who had to give her those plates from out of their cabinet as she was about to throw their parents wedding china that had just come in for the upcoming wedding.

"Yes, you were supposed to," Aggie said through a forced smile.

"Just want you guys to know, in case she explodes, that I love you all," Harry said.

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