Episode 59: The Fire

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Veronica, Anusha, Dylan, and Liz were all currently asleep on the floor of Simon's bedroom. Why Simon's bedroom, you ask? Well, Veronica hadn't slept on her bed since the incident and when she was chosen to host the Sleepover this year, she wasn't going to make her friends sleep there either, but her floor wasn't big enough. Simon had a bigger room.

And where was Simon? Oh, he got petty that the girls have had an annual sleepover since the fifth grade, so he just so happened to invite all the boys over the night Veronica invited the girl. However, he still got kicked out of his room so him and all the SideBoys were asleep in the bay room right under them.

Everything was fine and dandy until about seventeen firetrucks drove by with their sirens blaring so loud even the heaviest of sleepers was awoken. Liz shot up and punched the nearest thing to her, which just so happened to be Veronica.

"Fucking ow!" Veronica yelled and looked at Liz, who didn't look at all regretful. "Why!?"

"Because I punch to defend myself."

Dylan rubbed her eyes. "And you thought the sirens were a threat?"

"You never know." Liz shrugged. "Maybe the firetrucks were gonna ram right into the house."

"We're on the second floor."

"Maybe they were gonna fly?"

"And you were gonna punch them away?"

"You never know."

Anusha looked up to where Veronica was sitting on Simon's bed with Dylan on her other side and where Liz was on the floor. "How did you even reach her?"

"I wish I knew," Liz said and tried to punch Veronica again but was nowhere near reaching her. "I guess when you just aimlessly try to punch something Veronica will always be the first thing you reach."

"Cool! Let me try!"

"How about we don't?" Veronica screamed right as Anusha was about to aimlessly punch the air and hope Veronica felt some effect. "Let's just go back to bed, yeah?"

"No way." Dylan shook her head and pulled out her phone. "That many sirens something serious has to be going on. I say we find out."

"It'll be on the news in the morning!"

Anusha rolled her eyes. "You don't watch the news."

"And what?" Veronica crossed her arms. "It'll still be on the news in the morning."

"I'm with Dylan," Liz said and looked out the window. "This sleepover was so boring. Your house is always the worst."


"I mean, fifth grade we got lost in the woods and had to be helicopter'd out. That was at Nadeen's."

"Yeah, I remember that." Dylan said, "And sixth grade we accidentally wandered into a cult meeting and got them busted for unlawful gathering. Aggie's mom was not happy about that."

"Aggie's dad thought it was cool," Liz said.

"Wait, wait, wait, didn't we nearly get kidnapped at the movie theatre in eighth grade?" Anusha remembered, "That was terrifying."

"And definitely only something that could've happened while we were staying at Liz's house," Dylan agreed.

"Freshman year we twenty-four hour challenged the Chipotle," Liz continued, "Sophomore we went to a party with the boys, and last year we started a war."

"Wait," Veronica blinked, "Why did you skip seventh grade?"

Anusha, Dylan, and Liz all looked at each other and then back to her. "Because it sucked."

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