Episode 11: Do We Really Need An Anthem?

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"Alright, so let me tell you why I called you all here," Simon said as he stood in front of all his friends in the Chipotle.

"Simon" Veronica said, "We come here everyday"

Simon dramatically turned to her, "Shush" Veronica rolled her eyes and he clapped, "Anyways! We are here to discuss something important-"

"Like how important?" Josh interrupted.

"Everyone just shut the fuck up" Simon said losing the calm tone, "ANYWAYS! You know how we're like, a gang"

Nadeen raised her eyebrow, "A gang?"

"We are considered a gang, yes" Simon said looking at her. Before she could interject again he kept talking, "And gangs have like theme songs"

"Theme songs?" Veronica said again, "Simon please, we aren't the fucking mystery gang, we don't need a theme song"

"Call it an anthem then" Dylan said shrugging.

"Yes!" Simon yelled, "Exactly an anthem"

"Don't you need a name before an anthem, at the least" Tobi asked.

"We do have a name" Rachael said. Tobi turned to her confused, "SideThots, yeah?" She asked her friends and they all nodded.

"Wait no," Vik said lifting his hand in the air, "We're-" He gestured to the boys and him, "Not the thots, you guys are"

"Exactly, we're the thots and y'all are the side bitches" Anusha said gesturing to the boys like Vik had.

"Hence the 'Side' in 'SideThots'" Aggie said in a 'duh' tone from behind the counter to Vik.

"That's wild" Vik said.

"We're wild" Veronica said.

"That was extremely sexual" Vik said turning from Aggie to look at her.

"No, you just have a dirty mind" Veronica said pointing at her head.

"Okay, you think that you little WildThot" Vik laughed.

"Name done" Simon smirked to Tobi, "So anthem?" He asked turning to the rest of them.

"I do not see the importance of an anthem" Veronica said as Simon glared at her again.

"You are the best buzz kill I've ever met" Dylan said to her as she laughed.

"I agree" Vik said as the others laughed.

"Our anthem could just be like a Big Time Rush song" Liz suggested.

"I refuse to have my brother's song represent me" Aggie said getting out the oh so familiar counter cleaning rag.

"But it's banging music," Liz said, obviously wanting to represent Kendall.

"We don't need an-" Veronica tried to talk but Vik put a finger on her lips.

"You will not talk" Is all he said as she just pouted and looked around at her friends.

"So what type of song do we want?" Alexis asked Simon.

"I didn't think that far" Simon said, "This is the part where you guys jump in and help"

"I can't think on the spot like this" Dylan complained.

"Well here's an idea," Josh said and everyone looked at him, "Let's just not think about it now, but when we go home think of ideas and come back to it tomorrow"

"I like that" Veronica said, "I have to go hang out with Freezy anyways" She picked up her bag and began walking out.

"You wouldn't even have been much help!" Simon yelled as she left.

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