43: The Fall

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Dua Lipa- Genesis

"You know, I'll roar like a lion
For you, you know I'll keep trying till the sun stops rising
I need your love and I'm dying for the rush
Cause my heart ain't got enough
I need your touch
This is getting serious"


I woke up next to Cade, warm and safe in his arms.

"You're up?"

"Yeah. What time is it?" I asked.

"10 a.m."

"Uh, I gotta go." I said abruptly.

"Gotta go where Maia? It's a Sunday."

"I know, I have to do something. It's super important."

He looked confused. I couldn't tell him what I had in store for him.

"C'mon we just talked about no secrets and here we are?"

"Cade, it's a girl thing. I'm going with Ember. I can't tell you what it's about sorry."

"Is it an Ember issue?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Uh yeah. Sorry. But I'll be home for lunch." I kissed him and went to shower.

"Can I at least shower with you?" He shouted.

"Cade, you will turn this into something else and we both know that." I laughed.

I showered and he went home and I took a cab.

I arrived at the airport.

"Hey." I greeted the nice lady.

"Good morning miss, how may I help you?"

"I'd like to book two tickets for NYC."

"For which flight?"

"Friday afternoon."

"Alright, the plane departs at 1600hours. You knoe the check in rules."

I paid for the tickets. I took them and hid them in my purse.

I just pictured how happy Cade was going to be when I surprised him for his birthday.


I went back home in time for lunch but I didn't really feel like eating. I just wanted to lie next to Cade.
I was so lucky my parents weren't home and it was just Cade and I.

"Hey baby do you want some tea?" He asked.

"Haha no thanks, I don't feel like eating. I just wanna hug you." I said and I hugged him.

"Aww, is everything okay with Ember?"

Oh that. I almost forgot I had lied.

"Yeah, she's alright." I lied.

"Let's go to your balcony and watch the afternoon sun. The fall is starting to kick in, wouldn't wanna miss that." He said

"You go and I'll get some smoothies." I told him.


The sun means so many things as it drifts in, igniting the colours of the room. The light is the greatest artist in history, creating beauty on the canvas beyond the window pane. It shines a path to his face, and, as my mind wanders to him, I feel my eyes smile and a rising coziness in my core.
I sipped more of my smoothie and rested my head on Cade's shoulder. I think love is when you can just sit with each other and do nothing but it still means everything to you.

The way these rays will reveal silken webs and grass wands of many hues, the rich browns of oak arms, the silver-cream of our inconspicuous moon above. Even before I move, I have dreamed each waving leaf, telling its own story to the wind with each dancing flutter.

The sun was like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the world. Amid the dancing raindrops was the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. The fall was starting to show its gloriousness. Gazing toward the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow, I felt at home in a way I never had before. The fallwas beyond beautiful.

"I think you can agree with me that home isn't a place but it's a person." Cade said.

"I'm always home when I'm with you. And missing you is missing home."

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