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Hey im know that teen age girl u see in movies the perfect girl who gets what she want when she wants it and has every guy chasing her and has the best hair and prettiest clothes. Yeah, well im not her im the COMPLETE opposite im abused by my father at school im the complete opposite of the person i am at home even though my dad lets me dress up how i want he's still rude and he lets me do that so ill "forgive" him but i dont. At school im known as the bad girl and that aparently makes me "popular". I do have great hair im which i get told alot and my sense of style is mostly black, some band shirts and converse i can walk in high heels but i only wear them for parties and stuff. *Knock* "Selena! Get your fat ass up!!" I groaned and yelled back "im up just fucking leave me alone!" That was my dad. As he was leaving i could hear him mumble "good for nothing bitch" i didnt want to get up it was Monday i fucking hate Mondays! "Ugh" i groand. Can't i just fucking die?!. I got up and showerd. When i was done i changed into my black tank top, black jeans, my black converse that were red on the inside, my black leather jacket and i put on two of my braclette one with a black heart with nails stabbed into it the other one was blue with little pearls on it and my black necklace with a black bow tied to it. I walked down the stairs seeing that my dad had already left for work. I grabbed four pieces of bread and took out the peanut butther and jelly and made two sandwiches. I heard the door open and close soon enough harry was at the door. "Hey Sel" he said grabbing the second sandwich. Harry knows when my dads gone and he comes in every morning and eats the sandwich i make in every day. "You look good today" he smiled at me. "What did i look bad yesterday?!" I yelled sarcatically at Harry. He shook his head saying yes. I playfully smacked his arm. "HEY! No fair i can't hit a girl!" "to bad!" i hit him again and ge laughed. i wouldn't say i liked Harry but he has had a little crush on me since i dont know when but i know cuz he asked me out one time but i said no because we are just friends, and he's not really my type, not saying that i have a type i just dont like anybody. "C'mon we are going to be late for school!" he said getting up. "alrigh, off to hell we go" i said sarcasticaly.

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