Chapter 63

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Selena~After i took a shower i went downstairs. "Carmen!" "What?" she said walking to me. "i have to tell you something" i said dragging her upstairs. "okay what?" "that guy from last night we didnt really sleep together" "what but you came home with sex hair" "yeah i know, when we were about to leave at the club james, the guy i was dancing with, heard everything and we went to his house and he said he didnt want to do anything, he said he heard me say that Luke and i arent together anymore and he just invited me to his house so that i could get away from him for awhile" "oh okay and what about your hair?" "oh yeah i was about to leave his house when he asked me if i wanted to make Luke jelous and he suggest that i make my hair look like sex hair and then he dropped me off here and then yeah thats pretty much it" "oh thank god! i knew you wouldnt just sleep with some random guy. you almost had me fooled" she said. we laughed and went downstairs all the guys were talking and then stopped once they saw me, i knew they were talking about me so i just glared at all of them and went to the kitchen. i grabbe the ice cream, chocolate syrup and whip cream. i started pouring it all in a bowl. "hey Carmen do you want some ice cream?" "of course i do!" She yelled from the living room "i know you do but do you want chocolate and whip cream on it?" "yes please" "okay" i said and made he one. i walked back to the living room and they just looked at me. i gave them my 'what' look and they started talking again. "here" i said handing her, her ice cream "thank you" "welcome, and if anybody needs me i'll be upstairs watching movies" "do you want me to come?" Carmen asked. "no its okay you dont have to" i said and walked to my room. after awhile of watching movie i got kind of bored and decided to clean up. i grabbed everyones dirty clothes and seperated them. i was waiting for the clothes to finish washing so i could put them in the drier when Ashton came in. "hey Sel" "hey Ash" "what are you doing?" "washing everybodies clothes" "why?" "i dont know i got bored okay" he smiled. "hey do you umm want to go on a date with me?" "what?" "a date do you want to go on one with me?" "umm yeah sure when?" he smiled. "How about the day after tomorrow?maybe at like eight?" "umm yeah sounds great" "okay great" "fancy or casual?" "well i know how much you dont really like fancy so casual" "okay see you at eight" "or before that because we live together" "true" we both laughed and he walked out. i sighed. After i was done washing everybodies clothes i folded them and took them to everyones room. "hey Li" "hey Sele, is that my clothes?" "yep, here i washe them" "oh thank you" "welcome now im going to take everybody there clothes" "okay" after i took the other boysb there clothes i didnt want to take Luke his, but oh well fuck it. i said and knocked on his door. when he saw me his eyes lit up. "hey Sele" "hi Luke, umm i brought you your clothes i washed them" "oh thank you" he said grabbing it from me. "your welcome" "would you like to come in?" "umm sure" i said a little confused. i sat on his bed and he sat next to me. "look im sorry i didnt mean to do that its just she came onto me and i got caught up in the moment" "its okay Luke im over it" "really?" "well not that much 'cause you know first serious relationship and you took my virginity, but im still getting over it" "oh yeah sorry about that" "no its okay Luke i dont regret any of the thing we did. but it is probably best if we do see other people, i mean if you got caught up in the moment that much then you must not really like me the way that you say you do" "but i do" "look Luke, saying thing an actually meaning them is a totaly different thing, but i get it so i guess i should be going now" he looked a little sad. "but we can still be friends right?" "yes we can still be friends, see you later" i said walking out "see you" he said. i walked downstairs and got some cerial. i finished eatig when Carmen came down. "hey" "hey, what are you doing?" "nothing do you want to hang out today its been awhile" "yes where should we go? i dont know, i have always wanted a peircing wanna come with me to get one?" "yeah sure what are you getting?" "im going to peirs my lip or my nose i dont know" "nose def" she said. i laughed "okay, hey you should get one too!" "Yeah and a tatoo i have always wanted a tatoo" "oh my gosh me too lets go!" i said all excited. I went up to Liams room. "We will be back later okay?" "okay. have fun girlies" "okay bye" "bye" we walked out and grabbed my car keys and we left. After singing and messing around in the car we finally got to the mall. "hello how may i help you?" The lady at the front desk asked us. "We would like to get a tatoo" "okay do you know what you would like?" "yes i would like something like this" i said showing her a picture of a music note with a heart on it. "Oh thats nice yeah we could do that and what would you like?" she asked Carmen. "i would like the words 'Heaven Is A Place On Earth With You' on my waist. "okay would you like it in cursive?" "yes please" "okay is this you girls's first tatoo?" "yes" "oky here you guys get the first timer discount, now if you girls with follow me" she took us to a room and there was a chair and a bed thingy that you lay on. "okay where would you like your music note?" the tatoo guy asked me. "right here" i said pointing to the spot barely bellow my thumb. "okay i can do that" "and where would you like yours?" "on my waits right here" Carmen siad lifting up her shirt a little to to the other tatoo guy guy where. "okay so this might hurt" "okay" "ready?" "ready" Carmen said. "okay well just telling you now they are permanent, you know if you want to re-think it" the guy who was doing my tatoo said. "no it okay i still want it" "okay" he said and then started. it felt like a little pinch since mine was small Carmens was longer so it must hurt more. After the guys finished our tatoos. we paid them and left to the piercing place. "hello, may i help you two ladies?" "yeah umm can i get my nose and my lip pierced" "and i would like my lip pierced since i already have my nose pieerced" "okay just sit over here and we will be with you in a second" she said and we sat down. We were looking through there magizines when i found a picture of Carmen and i at one of our concerts. "hey Carmen look" i said and she smiled. "thats us" "yeah i know, you look so pretty look" i said. "oh my gosh so do you!" she said. we saw the lady coming back i hid the magizine, so she wouldnt recognize us or anything. "okay ladies follow me" she said and we followed her to another room. "okay your up first since your getting two" "okay" i said and sat down Carmen just looked at me and smiled. "okay now you might feel a little pinch" she said about to stick the needle in my nose. It didnt hurt at all compared to the tatoo. "okay now im going to put this here" she said grabbing something and putting it on my lip so that it would hold it. i was waiting for her to stick the needle when she said. "okay your all done" she said putting a lip ring in. "oh i dont even feel that" i laughed. "so it doesnt hurt?" Carmen asked. "no" "okay you have to be careful when you eat you have a long ring because your lip will swell as big as it and when you eat might bite it. an you have to wait atleast six weeks until you can change it to a shorter ring" i nodded telling her i had got everythig she said. "okay and your done to" she said. "thank you" we said and left since we already paid when we got there. we went back home and all the guys were in the living room.

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