Chapter 68

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Carmen~ I quickly ran to Lana Del Rey. OH MY GOSH. "Um Lana?" I asked and she turned around smiling at me. "Hi. You must be Carmen right?" She asked and I almost died when she said my name. "Yes." I cracked with holding my excitment. She opened her arms noticing my happiness and I hugged her tightly. She laughed and I got off. "I finally get to meet you!" I squealed. I could hear the boys behind me laughing a bit. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Listen I gotta go but tell Simon to call my manager and maybe we could work together." She said seeing her people pulling. I nodded quickly. "Of course. BYE!" I squealed and she smiled and left. I turned around seeing Harry and the boys laughing at me but I didn't care. "Jealous." I said and I walked to the bar to sit down until I saw Niall kissing Demi. Ok. I felt bad it wasn't Selena but she needs some time from Luke. I decided not to go so I went to the couches and saw Luke alone. He is still upset about Selena so I needed to talk to him. I headed to the couch and sat next to him. "What's up?" I asked and he shook his head slowly. "I don't know." He said confused and I sighed. "Selena." I said and he nodded. "I told the boys About the sex i had with her." he confessed guilty. I looked shock. "WHY?" I asked shocked. "I don't know. I was angry she flirted with Niall so it slipped." He said looking down. I sighed. "Look Luke. She misses you too. But she's just heartbroken form what happened." I said softly and he sighed and nodded. "Yeah I guess your right. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Thanks." He slightly smiled and hugged me. "Anytime." I smiled and I felt someone grab my hand softly. I looked up and it was Harry. "Let's dance." He said smiling and i went to the dance floor with Harry. "Ok everyone this one is for the couples out there. I hope you like it." Lana smiled at me and winked. She began to play Video Games. I laid my head on his shoulder. We began to sway to the music. "Carmen? How long have we been together?" Harry asked me as I looked up. "About 2 months now. Why?" I said confused. He smiled slightly. "Because it feels I've been in heaven for two months." He said hugely smiling. I smiled lightly and kissed his soft lips. "It's you, it's you, it's all for you, everything I do," Lana sang. I released and I looked at him. "Heaven is a place on earth with you, tell me everything you wanna do, I heard that you like the bad girls honey, is that true." I sang along and he smiled at me. "No. I like you. Just you." Harry smiled at me. "I wouldn't want anything to change." I smiled and he kissed my forehead. "Good." He said and the song ended. We looked at Lana and she winked. "Wanna go get something to eat?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and bit my lip. He smirked and grabbed my hand and we began walking to the boys. "Hey love birds." Mickey winked. I blushed and looked down. "Hi." I smiled and Harry winked at me. "We're going to get something to eat. You guys coming?" Harry said. "Nah later." Ashton said winking. Niall came to me. "How's Demi and you?" I asked. Selena and Niall liked eachother but Sel needs time and Niall has business. "Nah. She's nice and all but not quite my type." Niall said drunk slurring his words. I nodded and Harry put his arm around my shoulder. "Let go love." He said into my ear over the loud music and I nodded. "Bye lads." We waved to them and left. We left the house with bunch of paps. Harry grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He got into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger. "Wow." I sighed at the paps. We began to drive away from the paps. "I know hehe." He said driving. We passed beautiful lights of the tall buildings and I smiled. "Can we go to the gas station?" I asked slightly as he looked at me weirdly. "Why?" He asked laughing at the road. "I wanna buy food." I whined laughing with him. "You are always hungry huh?" He laughed and I nodded. "You have no idea." I laughed then remembered what happened a year ago. I never ate. I was getting worse, but now I'm ok. I smiled hugely and I laid my shoulder on the window. He stopped at the gas station and he grabbed my hand and led me inside the small gas station. It was lonely since everyone was trying to get into the party. We walked in finding a man who looked about already 30 sitting there bored. "Hi. Welc-." He said emotionless then looked up seeing us. "Hi." I smiled back. "Why hello celebrities." He excitedly smiled. We laughed slightly and went for food. I grabbed a mango smoothie and he grabbed a strawberry. We then went for candy. "Skittles." I said like a little kid and he laughed. He grabbed Snickers. We went to pay and the man smiled a lot. "Everything good?" He asked scanning. "Yeah." Harry smiled. I grabbed my purse but Harry stopped me. "I'll pay." Harry said already paying. "Harry I got it." I smiled and he smiled back. "Don't worry. I buy anything for my girl." He kissed my forehead and I hugged him. "AW you guys are adorable." The man laughed handing change. We laughed and grabbed the bag. "Excuse me but I'm sorry but can I have a picture. My daughter loves you." He smiled holding a camera. We smiled and nodded. "Of course." I said excited. "Great! Ok here we go." The man said holding the camera in front of us. Harry grabbed my waist and I put my arms around his shoulders. We saw the flash. "Ok good. Thank you so much. Also can you sign this." He slightly smiled hoping he wasn't being a bother. "Of course. Anything for her." I smiled which made him for secure. He brung out a little teddy bear from the counter. I literally almost died. "AW!" I smiled and signed it. "Carmen V. Stay Cute! Xoxo." I signed. "Harry Styles. Be good ;)." Harry signed. "This is going to make her so happy. Thank you!" The man said excited and we said our goodbyes and went outside to the car. "That was cute." Harry laughed buckling up. "Cute? ADORABLE!" I laughed. "You love kids?"He smiled and began driving. "Adore." I smiled. He smiled lightly. "I want McDonalds." He frowned. "Well who is stopping you." I laughed and kissed his cheek. He smiled. Luckly the McDonalds was only two stores away. We went through the drive through to avoid Paps. "Hello welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?" The woman said. "Um...can I please have the 10 chicken nugget meal?" Harry spoke as I played with my phone. "Had a FUN TIME! :)." I tweeted. "Ok. Anything else?" She responded. "What you want?" Harry asked me. I looked up. "Same." I said looking back at my phone. "Same thing." He asked. "Ok. Your total is 20.32." She said and Harry drove. We payed and we got our food and left. "Hungry!" I shouted random looking through the bag. He playfully smacked my hand. "Not yet." He laughed. We got to the house. It was still loud and full of people but We quickly ran to our rooms since we were tired. As we entered the room, I took off my heels. "Finally." He said tired and plopped on the bed. I secretly grabbed his long shirt and went to the bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and put the long shirt on. It reached to my thighs. Like a dress. I got out of the bathroom and posed. He was already in bed shirtless and all ready. He laughed and bit his lip. "Come over here." He laughed and I jumped into bed. We sat on the bed and began eating watching Amber Alert. "Throw it." He laughed opening his mouth and I threw a fry. Made it. "Yes!" Harry clapped and I laughed. "I need to check on Selena." I said getting up. "In that no." He frowned looking at my revealing legs. "She's next door come on." I said. He looked serious. "Fine." I said putting on my closest dirty jeans. "Happy." I said sarcastically. "Yes." He said smiling hugely. I rolled my eyes and went walking to Selena's room. I entered but she was sound asleep. I sighed. Poor Sel. She needs to happy and forget boys. Tomorrow is officially girls night out. I smiled and grabbed a note and pen. "Morning Sel! Get dressed. We're going Girls day. All day. No boys." I wrote and left it near her bed and left. She'll see it. I went to my room and took off my jeans and walked into my room finding Harry eating still. "HEY!" He smiled hugely and looked at my bottom. "I barely took it off." I rolled my eyes and plopped in bed. We began to play with our food. After eating I grew tired. We threw away our trash, turned out the lights, and laid down. We stared at the pitch darkness. My eyes began to fall until I felt a pair of lips kiss my neck. "Sorry what happened this morning." He said uneasy laying back. "Don't worry about it. It was a team effort." I laughed with him making him feel better. "Good. I rather have it happen than just say when." He said making me feel wierd. It just happens. "Yeah." I smiled and kissed his lips. "Night Love." He smiled back. "Night." I pecked his lips and fell asleep.

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