Chapter 75

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Selena~its was around 9:00 and Niall and I were still out. We were walking around a park that i dont kmow the name off. But it had a lake and Niall was holding my hand. "So where are we going now?" I asked him first we went to a sort of fancy but kind of casual restaurant amd then we went around town shopping a little and now we are here. "Well its a suprise" "well if someone jumps out at me im sorry if they end up in the hospital" he laughed. "Well good thing its not one of those suprises" he said smiling. "Well what kind?" I asked trying to get more information on what he had planned. "It's-" he stopped and looked at me. Then smirked. "Haha nice try Sele, but im not telling you anything else about it" "fine" i said "then lets change the topic" "how about truth or dare without the dares" he suggested. "So you mean like 20 questions?" And he nodded. "Except for more than 20" he said and i nodded. "Okay you go first" i said and he lokked around trying to think of something to ask. "Whats your favorite color" he said. "Umm black, blue and green" i said and he nodded. "My turn ummm what kind of music do you like?" "All kinds of music, does it have to be a specific kind?"he asked. "No" i said. "What about you?" "Well same as you all sorts of music" "well we have stuff in common who knew" he joked and i laughed with him. "Okay well its my turn now" i said and he nodded. I turned to him and grabbed both of his hands "who was the last person you dated since you have been in One Direction? Total honesty even if she was a total secret from the public and media and stuff" i asked he looked at me with his big beautiful blue-green eyes and said. "Nobody, well..." he stopped. "Well what?" I asked. "Well atleast not yet" he said looking at me. "Are you sure cause i know a million girls who would love to date Niall Horan" i said winking at him. "We what about you? Who was your last boyfriend?" "Oh umm remember i dated Luke" i said and he nodded "oh yeah" "So whats your type?" I asked. "I dont really have one if a girl is nice, has beautiful eyes, has a nice smile and has a good sense of humor than im totally into her" he said and i found a a little, i dont really fit that description though. 'So does that mean he isnt that into me? Did that kiss this morning mean nothing?' I thought to myself.

"so my turn" i said thinking of wether or not i should ask him about the kiss. Oh well what do i have to lose? Just have to do it gunna have to talk about it soonernor later and might as well be the one to start it to get his answer. "So about that kiss this morning? What did it mean exactly?" I asked and he froze a little, probably not expecting me to ask that. "Come on, we are here, sit down" he said as i looked at a laid out blancket with a banquet of flowers next to the side he sat at. I sat down facing him. "So?" I asked. "You wanna know the truth?" He asked and i nodded. "Well to be honest" he paused and looked at me. "It was the best kiss i have ever had, nobody else can compare to that kiss or to"he pause. "Or to you" he said looking down, im guessing a little embarrassed. I smiled, he was so sweet and innocent. I lifted up he face with my fingers so he could look at me. I leaned in and so did he. He kissed me and i kissed back. After a little bit or what felt like a littke bit, but was probably a couple of minutes we pulled a way and he handed me the flowers. I smiled and so did he. "Thank you Ni" i said kissing his cheek. "Hey i think you missed" he said and kissed me on the lips once again, and i couldnt help but smile into the kiss. "Well i guess i did because that is better than kissing your cheek" i said and he chuckled. "Ugh!" I said laying down. "What?" He asked looking at me. "Who do you think you are?"i asked and he looked confused. "What do you mean? Im Niall Hora-" "no i know that but i mean who do you think you are? Being all cute and everything" i said and he smiled. "You think im cute?" He asked. "No, you're not cute" i said and his smile dropped. "You are adorable, sweet, charming, handsom, nice, caring, romantic, sexy, hot, kissable, and beautiful in every single way" i said and he smiled the biggest smile i have ever seen on him. "And fit dont forget fit" he said and i laughed. "And fit, there are you happy now?"i asked. "No" he said then kissed me again. "okay now i am" he said laying down next to me. "You little cheeky boy" i said getting on top of him and this time i kissed him.

Aftef a while of looking at the stars i decided to ask the question that has been in my head ever since this morning. "Niall what are we?" I asked. "Well we are human, your a girl and imma-" i smacked him."No you idiot! I mean what are we? Friends? More than friends? Or even more than the more than friends?" I asked. "What? What iz the difference between being more than friends and the being more than the more than friends?" He asked. "Being more than friends as in friend with benefits and more than the more than friends is boyfriend and girlfriend" i said "oh" he said, nodding finally getting it. "Well i dont quite remember asking you to be my girlfriend and i dont remember telling you thar we were going to be friends with benefits so none of them" he said. "Oh"i said looking down at my lap as i sat up. He laid down on my lap so that i was looking at him. "Hey Sele? "He asked. "Yeah?" "Will you do me the honor of being my beautiful, and gorgeous girlfriend?"he asked and i smiled, and I kissed him. "Is that a yes?" He asked and i nodded. He smiled even bigger than last time, if it was possible, and he kissed me again. He got up. "Well ma'lady should we go and tell the other lads?" He said sticking out his arm for me to grab. "Well kind sur i think we should" i said and he laughed. We picked up the blancket and left. I still had the roses. I was looking at them when i felt a hand on my thigh. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "no, everything is perfect" i said and he smiled. I put my hand over his and ge grabbed it and pulled it ul to his face and kissed it still looking at the road.

"Hey Sel?" He asked. "Yeah babe?" "Woah already starting with the pet names?"he joked. "Im sorry to soon?"i asked and he shook his head. "nope it cute, but iwanted to know if i could sleep in your room tonight" "Niall, you cheeky little boy you, we just started dating and already you want to sleep with me?" I joked and he smiled. "Not in that way" he said. "I knwo i was just joking" i said. "But i would like to sleep with you just further into the relationship" he winked. "Huh! I knew it you cheeky little pervert!" I said and he smiled, opening y door as we got to the house. He helped me out. "Dont worry i want to sleep with you to" i winked about to walk away. "Oh really?"he said leaning in for a kiss. "Really" i said running to the door. Giggling since i didnt kiss him. "Hey come back here and kiss me!" He yelled. "Try and catch me" i said still running and almost getting to the door, but befor i could i got picked up. "Hey put me down!" I yelled at him. "Nope its a good thin g your short cause i can juat pick up your cute ass" "hey put me down!" I said again. "Nope not until you promise to kiss me" "well fine if your going to carry me atleast let me be comfortable!" I said and he put me down and threw me over his should this time. "Better?" he asked. "Yep the view from here is very nice" i said. "What do you mean?"he as asked i heard him open the door to the house, and soon we were inside. I poked his butt. "Hey!" He yelled. "Heyyy" i said poking it again. "That is not nice Sele" he said. "Well picking up a someone and calling them short isnt nice" i said. "Well thats cause you are short" he said and put me down on the couch. And i realized nobody was here yet. Niall sat on my lap with his legs on both side of me. "Are you gunna kiss me now?" He asked i pecked his lips realy quick and pushdd hi mto the side getting out of his little trap. "Imma go check on Carmen" i said kissing him again and then going upstairs. I walked straight into her room without even knocking. "Hey Carmen" i said as i saw her on her bed on her phone with the TV on and eating some popcorn. "SELE!" she yelled jumoing over to hug me. "Hey how was your day?" i asked. "Forget about my day! How was your date?"she asked wighlingnher eyebrows at me."well to be completely honest" i said sitting down next to her. "Magical" i said dropping myself on her bed so that i was laying down. "Oh wow anything interesting happen" "well besides me getting a boyfriend, we went to a restaurant, then we went walking, then we looked at the stars and-" "hold up, back the truck up and parketoamy now what?!" She yelled. "We went to the park and-" "no i know that but you got a boyfriend?!" She asked/yelled. And i nodded. "That is amazing Sel!" "I know! Im so happy!"i said. "Okay so enough about me how was your day?" I askdd and she looked kind of sad. "what happend Carmen?" I asked. "Listen we need to talk" she said.

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