Chapter 35

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QSelena~"No one touches my girl" i said an we got on stage. "oh sorry about that but Carmens fine now. right Carmen?" "yep totally" "okay so this next song is called 'Bed Peace'" i said as Carmen was getting ready to sing. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah," she sang then it was my turn. "Wake up, wake up, gotta get this paper, get this caked up, gotta do my hair, gotta put on make up," "gotta act like i care about this fake stuff stright up, what a wast of my day, if i had it my way, i'd roll our of bed say 'bout 2:30 midday," "hit the blunt, then hit you up to come over to my place, you show up right away, we make love and then we fuck, and ten you give me my space" "hey what i am trying to say is the love is ours to make, so we should make it, everything else can wait," "the time is ours to take, so we should take it," "wake up wake up, bake up, gotta get the paper,lets get faded" "gotta call your job tell them you wont make it, aint nobody here baby lets get wasted, we should just get naked" after awhile of singing we finished the song. "alright guys this next song it called 'Stolen Dance by Mikey Chance' now i have to tell you guys i absolutely ADORE this song" Carmen said into the microphone. I grabbed my guitar and Luke took it from me telling me to sing and that he would play, i just nodded at him. "I want you by my side, so that i never feel alone again, They've always been so kind, But now they brought you away from me, i hope they didnt get your mind," she sang now it was my turn. "your heart is too strong, anyway we need to fetch back the time they have stolen from us" "i want you, we can bring it on the floor, You've never danced like this before, we dont talk about it, Dancing on do the boogie all night long, stoned in paradise, we shouldnt talk about it, shouldnt talk about it" "coldest winter for me, No sun is shining anymore only thing i feel is pain, caused by absence of you, Suspense controlling my mind, i cannot find the way out of here" i sang. after we finished the song we desided to sing 'Black Widow' then after that we sang 'Skinny Love by Birdy' the we decided to sing the song Carmen wrote 'Did You Forget' then we sang 'Smoke, Drink, Break-up' and the crowd loved our new songs it was really fun and then sadly it had to end. we all went to the bus and then decided to celebrate the great job everybody did by having our bus driver Bert drive us to a restraunt. we were at mcdonalds and we all orderd our food and sat down Luke was on my right and Carmen on my left. Next to Carmen was Liam. we had to set two tables next to eachother and so we could all fit, after all there was eleven of us. I saw Carmen staring at something on the other side of the table, and i looked at the other side of the table and Harry was texting someone he was sitting at the edge of the table. and i rolled my eyes. Then the door opend and i didnt bother looking up neither did Carmen. then we heard someone clear there thoat and ther stood Paige and Harry. i glared at her an then looked at Harry. "Selena, Carmen, i think theres something you want to tell Paige" Harry said. and i smirk crossed my arms and leand back in my chair. "oh yeah like what?" i said cocking my eyebrow at him. "i think you guys should apologise" i got up and everbody looked at me. stood right in his face. "Apologise for what? for this stupid bitch almost hurting my bestfriend? for the stupid thing she tried to do? you know she could of killed Carmen!" i yelled in his face. "you should still apologise to me" she said and my head snapped at her direction. "oh really so you want me" i said pointing to myself. "apologise to a no good slut who is just fucking Harry for his fame?" i said now pointing at her. "no chance of that happening" i said and she was about to slap me, but i caught her hand before she could. "oh its go time bitch" i said grabbing her hair and walking outside. i threw her to the ground and she fell with a loud thud. She tried to stand up but i got on top of her and punched her right across her face. she was bleeding already from how hard i hit her. i grabbed the collar of her shirt and punched her in the nose and then i just kept throwing punches until someone tried to pull me off. the person go me off but they couldnt hold he for long, Paige had alredy gotten up and she looked at me. i got out of the persons grip ran up to her and punched her in the jaw. I stood over, she was on the ground dont ever try to fucking hit me you bitch!" i said. "your just jelous that Harry has me instead of you" she said. "oh yeah like i'd like to be in your place, why would i want someone who is to blind to see that you are just using him" i said. "thats enough Selena!" Harry said grbbing her. "oh Shut up Harry you are so fucking stupid i swear! she is just using you dor your fame! every girl who dates youbecomes famous and thats the only reason she's with you!" i yelled "oh please like i said before your just jelous!" "why would i be jelous when i have a boyfriend!" i lied. everyone looked at me shocked. "oh yeah who?!" she yelled back at me. "Luke" i said going up to him and kissing him on the lips. He kissed back and grabbed my waist. i let go and looked at her again. "and just so you know i was never jelous. the truth is your the one whos jelous." "why would i be jelous" she emphisised the word i. "because you are also afraid that i am going to steal Harry from you, your jelous that i've known him longer and that he is going to dump you for me, when in reality i dont want Harry i never wanted him so you can take your fake ass home because if i ever see you trying to hurt my bestfriend again i will do more than just punch you in your stupid little face." i said threatening her. She gulped. "here i'll drive you home" Harry said taking her to her car. i turned back to the boys all looking at me. "what?" i said and Carmen ran up to me and hugged me i hugged her back. "thank you Selena i've never really had a friend who stood up for me" "hey what about me?" Niall said. "oh please Niall your as scary and a baby panguin and you wouldnt hurt a fly" Carmensaid to him "true" he said. we let go of the hug. "so you and Luke are a thing now?" "no, i mean i dont know, i only said that to prove a point and so she would stop thinking i was jelous of her and Harry's 'relationship'" i said adding quotations around te word relationship. "okay then lets all go and finish eating" i said walking back inside mcdonalds. "hey Selena can i talk to you for a minute?" Luke asked me i nodded and everyone went inside except us. "well i just wanted to say that i have been trying to make a move but it was just so hard thinking a guy like me could get a girl like you" he said and i sory of blushed. "and i didnt think you liked me back but that kiss" he said touching his lips. "that kiss showed me that you did, and that you still kissed me when i kissed back,-" "look Luke i do like you i have been waiting for you to make a move for weeks now but you just didnt-" "but i am now so, will you be my girlfriend?" he said getting really nervous and putting his hands in his pockets. i smiled at him. I kssed him and he smile into the kiss after what felt like forever, which probably was about like two minutes, we pulled away. "so is that a yes?" i kissed him again then, then i pulled away. "its a yes" i said. "should we tell the boys now or later?" i asked him. "we should probably tell them later" he said and i nodded and he quickly pecked my lips and we walked inside. we sat in our seats and he held my hand under the table. We all finished and then went back to the bus. i went to go change in the bathroom and i over heard Luke and the boys's conversation. "so Luke are you finally going to make a move on Selena now that she kissed you an called you her boyfriend?" i heard Louis ask. "yeah im deffinatly going to try even harder now" "well finally" i desided to come out of the bathroom. "hey guys what are you talking about?" i said sitting down. "you" Mikey said. "me?" "yeah it was so cool how you beat up Paige, i didnt think so much strengnth was in that skinny little body you have" i smiled and shook my hea at them "well im going to go check on Carmen" i said getting up. "hey do you want to wath a movie with me in my ded?" "umm yeah sure" i said. "what movie?" he asked "any movie im fine with" i said and he nodded i walked to Carmens cubby, even thougj it was small there was enough room to for two people and you could sit up in it but it was still small. i moved her curtain to the side to see that she was a sleep, you could hear her little snores i just smiled and closed the curtain. "hey How Carmen?" Liam asked "sleeping" i said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bunch of snacks for the movie. "wow Sele carring all thay food makes you look like Niall" "haha yeah right i can eat more than him" i said and all the boys looked at Niall. "no thats a lie oh please i can finish all this in like 2 minutes" "but its not all for you right" "yeah actually it is i dont share food with people unless there my baby cusins or my boyfriend or my bestfriend in the entire world" "aww well thank you Sele but im not hungry" Ashton joked "what are you talking about Carmens not wake" i said and all the boys laughe at him. "hey Luke better grab something before we watch the movie" i said winking at him, none of the boys notice because they were all looking at Luke instead of me. "okay i gett the popcorn" he said getting up. we finally went to his bed and layed sat down he put the movie mean girls on. "haha really? Luke" "what you said you would be fine with any movie." "i am its just ididnt think you would pick this movie even though i know its your favorit" i said "so you. Would only share your food with your boyfriend?" he smirked i put a chip in his mouth and he smiled "of course Lukey-Pukey" i said smiling at his little nickname i gave him. We looked at eachother and started making out. itbwas heated we moved the food the the side and he got on top of me we kept the movie playing so the guys wouldnt suspect any thing. we just kept making out. Its like we couldnt stop, well we could but we dint want to. The he started kissing down my neck and i let out a little moan. He smiled because he found my sweet spot. "shh we dont want the boys to find out" he whispered and i nodded we just kept making out and then we heard the foot steps and instantly he went over to his side and i grabbed a bag of chips. Mikey moved the curtain and smiled at us, "hey Louis you owe me 20 dollars!" "so you mean there not making iut?" "no!" "fine" "so you guys made a bet on wether or not we were making out?" "yep pretty much i said you you guys werent but Louis thought you guys were so i won, now i'll let you guys get back to you move" he said walking out to the living room, Luke and i looked at eachother and started laughing. then he kissed me again and he was on top of me again. His hand started going up my shirt but u stopped him. "Luke i think we should wait awahile before we do anything, i mean we just started dating." "your right im sorry" he said and we started kissing aagin then we fell asleep cuddling with eachother.

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