Chapter 54

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Carmen~ I yawned and stretched. Yesterday was tiring. I looked at Curly boy still sleeping. I kissed his cheek and got up and took a shower. I took a long one because it was cold snd the water was warm. I wore a blue sweater saying OMG and and skinny blue jeans with blue Vans and a bun with my jewlery. The only time i wear makeup is when its special. I walked out seeing Harry already awake and watching me get dressed. "Good Morning sleeping beauty." i laughed plopping next to him. "Hey. The boys texted us for breakfast. There coming in a moment." Harry said getting up and getting dressed. "Ok." i said going to the living room. As i waited for the princess getting dressed I strummed my guitar. I got bored and sung random a song. "Im not going write a love song. Cause you ask for it or you need one." i sung bored. "You see, I'm not going to write you a love song, Cuz you tell me." I sung and looked behind me Harry was looking at me. "From now on you are singing to me." He smiled and I smiled putting it down and kissed him. There was a knock. "Damn it." He groaned. "We'll continue this. Don't worry." I bit my lip and he smiled hugely. "Ready?" Selena asked hugging me. "Starbucks awaits me." I said then going like superman and everyone laughed. After breakfast we went to watch a movie at Selena's. We were watching movies for hours and got bored. I checked my phone. Barely 4. I got an idea. "Hey we should invite everyone over." I said. Everyone nodded. "I don't see why not." Luke shrugged. I began to dial Niall. It rang after a while and then I heard the little voice. "Hello." Niall said obviously was laughing. "Hey Boo. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over." I asked. "Sure. I'll be right over. Yours or Selena's?" He asked. "Selena's. and can you do me a favor? Can you tell everyone." I asked. "Yeah. See you there." He said. "Ok see you in a minute. Bye Boo." I said. "Bye Boo." He said then hung up. "Boo?" Luke asked raising his eyebrows. "Yeah." I shrugged my shoulders. "Why don't you call me anything?" He asked jealous. "Ok. What about bae." I said. He smiled. "Ok Bae." He laughed as everyone. "We should rent a movie. Or get fast food." Selena suggested. "We should. How about me and Selena go get the stuff and we'll be back." I said as Selena agreed but once the boys heard that they refused. "Hell no. What if something happens? No way in hell you guys are going." Harry refused. "Me and Harry go and get it. We want you safe." Luke said getting his jacket. We nodded. "Ok, but you know I could of kicked those asses." Selena said. They smiled. "We know. But we don't want that do we?" Luke laughed. "We'll be back." Harry said kissing my lips and Luke kissing Selena's and they left. "I'm going to change into my Pj's. Be back." I said uncomfortable in my jeans. "Ok. Me too." Selena said getting up ad changing to her room as I left. I opened my door and looked through my drawer. I found my Pj's and I decided not wear them. They were too short and I don't want the boys to see me like that and Harry gets all jealous if they look at me.And it was cold. Europe isn't that hot as I thought. I grabbed my sweats and my gray sweater and slippers. Even though I was warm now, it was still cold. I grabbed my fluffy blanket and teddy bear i brought here and walked to Selena's. I felt like a little kid walking to there parents room. I opened the door finding Selena making something. "What are you making?" I asked waddiling to here Cuz I had my blanket. "Hehe you look like a little kid. And cookies." She laughed. "Yay." I said like a little kid and sat on the stool. She was also in her sweats. "Cold huh?" I asked. "Yeah." She said putting them in the oven. "Europe is so cold." I said. "I know. I thought it was hot." She said. Then I heard a knock. We were about to get it but Louis came in. "Louis is here!" He shouted. We laughed. "Hi Louis." Selena laughed hugging him. "Hey. Aren't you going to hug me?" He asked me. I got up and waddled. They all laughed at me. "You look adorable." Niall laughed and hugged me. "Thank you." I blushed and hugged Louis. "Hello Lady." Louis said hugging me tightly. I didn't mind Cuz it gave me warmth. I then hugged everyone but I didn't see Calum. We haven't really talked since we broke up. He's never around anymore. I did miss him but just as a friend. "Where's Calum?" I asked. "I called him and he said he's on his way." Liam said. I nodded. "What's that smell?" Zayn asked. "Oh I'm making cookies." Selena said but laughed Cuz Ashton picked her up. "I LOVE YOU!" He shouted as she laughed. "Hehe where's Harry and Luke? Dumped the lads already?" Michael laughed sitting on the couch. "No. They went to rent movies and by fast food." I laughed at his comment. "SLEEPOVER!" Niall cheered laughing. All of us were either in there sweats or Pjs. "When are we leaving here for the show?" I asked. "Um...I think in two days." Zayn said. I nodded. As much as I love it here, I have to see our fans. "I'm tired." Selena said sitting on Zayn and Liam. "I bet." Liam laughed. All of the sudden Harry and Luke enter. "HEY!" Everyone cheers. They laugh and I waddle to Harry as he comes to me. He laughs. "You look like a baby." He laughed kissing my lips. "But im .your baby." I laughed as he hugged me. "What movies did you rent?" Louis said taking them from Harry hands. "Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones and Grave Encounters." Harry said sitting on the couch as I checked the cookies. Almost. "Which one first?" Michael asked. "Lady's pic." Luke said having his hand around Selena. "Carmen?" Selena asked me. "I don't care. Whatever you guys want." I said checking the oven. "Grave Encounters." Selena said. "Ok." Louis said putting it on the DVD player. I took out the cookies and automatically everyone came running. "Who made these." Luke said taking a bite of one. "I did." Selena said. "I love you. My god." Luke said kissing Selena's cheek and she laughed. Then I heard a knock. No one seemed to hear because they were fighting for cookies. "Don't worry I'll get it." I said rolling my eyes laughing and carried my new friend, Bubbles, yes the teddy bear with me to answer the door. "Hi." Calum said shyly. "Who is it?" Liam asked stuffing his mouth as everyone was on the couch now. Fatties. "Calum." I smiled at Calum. "Come in." I said. "Thanks." He said hugging me tightly. After releasing I felt a pair of eyes burn on me. I turned and saw Harry's face madly. "Hi Calum." Selena said hugging him. "Hi Sel." Calum hugged her and we went to sit. I sighed. "Calum! Where you been?" Michael said as Calum sat down. I sat next to Harry. He crossed his arms. Zayn turned off the lights and we watched the movie. I sighed. Why is he mad? I just hugged him welcoming. Selena did too. I don't see Luke being a bitch. During the beginning of the movie I felt my phone vibrate. "Are you ok?" It said. I looked at Selena. She slightly smiled. "Peachy." I texted and put it down. I looked at Harry. His hands still crossed. I sighed and got up. "Bathroom." I said waddling out the room. I waddled to my room and opened it. It was cold with no presence. I put my blanket on the bed with Bubbles and I sighed and went to my bathroom. I washed my face in warm water and dried my entire face and as soon as I was about to head out Harry stood there at the door. "Harry?" I asked confused as what the fuck. "Where you going? Go screw with Calum?" He snapped angrily. I sighed. "Harry don't start." I said. He closed the door. "Don't start. You were the one who hugged Calum." He snapped. "He's just a friend." I said tired of this. "Oh so why are you friends with him when we're dating but when you guys were you never talked to me." He snapped once again. I was now tired. "Because he isn't a douche as you were." I snapped. He took it. "Well that doesn't mean you have to be a slut." He said. I bit my lip. Wow. Just wow. "Well I'm sorry I don't spread my legs faster that wind like Paige so if that's what you like." I said madly and was about to walk out until I felt his hand grabbed my wrists. "Carmen wait." He said guilty. "What Harry!" I said madly. I haven't been this mad. "I didn't mean any of that. I'm sorry." He said coming closer. "You said." I said still mad. "I know. I just cant control the things I say." He said. I calmed down. "Look Harry. We both need to calm down if we want this to work." I sighed. "Of course. I really want this to work." He said kissing my lips. I smiled slightly then we released. "Let's go back." I said grabbing my stuff and grabbing hand. "Do we have too?" He winked. "Yes because they think we're doing something wrong." I laughed. "Why dont we prove them right." He smiled. "Hehe no." I laughed hugging Bubbles. "Do i have to take that away? I don't like competion." He laughed. "Maybe." I laughed and he gasped and grabbed my hand to Selena's.

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