chapter 77

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Selena~a while after Carmens left Harry went after her even though i told him to let me go he wouldnt. hey said that i might end up taking all night. Yeah i was worried but i let her have some space she needed to...breath. the lads were talking with the other boys, as in 5SOS and they were all in very interesting conversation i guess, since they didnt even try to talk to me. Then i felt two strong arms hug me from behind and kissed my neck, as i realized it was Niall, i turned around in my chair smiling. "Dont worry babe, she'll be fine" he reasured me. "I know i just worry shes so innocent" he kissed my forehead. "I know but she'll be fine" "okay" i said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oi! What's going on between you two?" I turned around to see Louis smirking and some of the other guys. I smiled really big. "Well Niall and i are dating" i said and everyone soon smiled. "Well congrats" Liam yelled. "Thanks Li" Niall said squeezing me a little and kissing my cheek. "Aww our little Niall has a girlfriend" Louis said laying his head on Liams shoulder. "Hes growing up so fast" he said wiping fake tears from his eyes. "I know seems like just yesterday he was a shy little boy afraid to even talk to a girl" Liam said pretending to comfort Louis. "Hey! I wasnt afraid" Niall whined and the other guys laughed. "Its okay Ni, it cute" i said kissing his cheek. "Guys! It hasnt even been a day and you're already lovey dovey! Sickens me!" Louis fake gagged and i laughed. "Hey Lou you know the more you say that the more lovey dovey ill be with Niall" i said kissing him on the lips. And Niall laughed.

Its been an hour after Harry went to get Carmen and i decided to shower to get thing off my mind. "Hey babe, where are you going?" Niall asked as i got up from the kitchen. "Im gunna go shower, you know get things off my mind" he nodded. "Okay but ill miss you" he said coming up to me and resting his hands on my waist, and kissing my cheek. "Me too" i said kissing him and walking upstairs. I put my music on shuffle and 'Road Trip by Eric Bellinger' came on. I softly sang along to it. 'what if the guys didnt even care that we are leaving?' i thought. 'What then?'. 'What if Niall and i break up?'. 'What will happen to Carmen and Harry, yes i know Harry will be so mad but, will they break up? I hope not they are so good together'

After a while i got out. I got dressed and started brushing my hair. I looked at my phone, 'should i text Carmen?' I thought. "Fuck it" i said and started texting her. "Are you okay?" I texted her and waited for a reply, after a little while i decided to quit waitting and i laid down on my bed. 'Harry's got her, i know he will make sure to bring her back' i thought. I couldnt even lay down i was so worried. I started pacing around in my room. 'Why would she jsut walk out like that? Yes she has a lot of thing on her mind, but so do i, i didnt run out of the house though. She isnt the only one that has to leave someone they love and not see them fo- wait what?' I thought to myself. 'Do i love Niall?' I questioned. Then a smile grew on my face "i love Niall" i whispered. "I love him" i said, then my smile left my face. "But i have to leave him" i said sitting down. I got up and went into his room nit even bothering to knock. "Hey babe what are you doing?"he said. When i walked in he was changing so he was in his boxers, i just walked in like it was nothing and layed down on his bed. I sighed. "Whats wrong?" He asked me and i looked at him, hes so cute i couldnt tell him i was leaving that would hurt him to much. "Nothing im just worried" i said the truth. "About Carmen?" He said. "Yeah i hope shes okay" i said i didnt nessesarily lie i do hope shes okay but i also dont want to leave. "She'll be okay dont worry Harry's got her he'll make sure, just watch she's going to be here in the morning" he said reassuring me. "Mmkay" i said laying my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around me. I felt so safe in his arms. I wish this moment could last forever. Soon darkness took over me and i was asleep.

I woke up the next morning with two arms around me. I didnt want to move after i remembered last night. Niall is so warm i would hate to leave this. Our legs were intertwined with eachother and i was laying on his chest. After a couple minutes i looked up to see Niall looking at me. "Good morning beautiful" he said saoftly and i smiled laying my head on his chest again. "Good morning" i yawned. "Wanna go and get breakfast?" He asked me. For once i didnt want to go and i just wanyed to stay with him. "Maybe later i just want to stay like this for a little longer" i said and he smirked pulling me tighter to him. We started talking about anything and everything. I heard his stomach growl and i laughed. "You're really hungry huh?"i asked. "Maybe a little but i wanna stay with you" "well we can cuddle later but you need to eat, can't have you starving the fans would hate me" i said getting up and making him sit up, with tye blanket still around him. It was a little chilly so i went over to his closet and pulled out a hoodie and some sweat pants and handed them to him. "You know i can get my own clithes right?" He said. "Yeah but i wanted to get them for you since your jn your boxers and its kind of cold" i said and he stared to put them on. And i laid back down on his bed. "Ready?" I asked. "Yep" he said smiling. "Alright" isaid getting up" "hey Sele" he said "yeah?" I asked. "Are you cold?" he asked. "Maybe a little" i said. "Here" he handed me one of hus sweaters. "Thanks" i said putting it on. "No problem" he said coming up to me and kissing me. We just stood there for a moment staring into eachothers eyes. He kissed me again. We pulled away smiling. He reached up and moved a strang of hair from my face, and he sighed. "Gosh i love you" he whispered. I smiled "i love you too" I said and kissed him. This time the kiss was so passionate and caring. He was soft and gentle, thats one of the things i loved about him. He isnt forcing me to do anything and its just nice. We pulled away and i sighed. "Whats wrong?"he asked. "Nothing its just this is perfect, your perfect" i said and he smiled. "Im not perfect" he said and i smiled. "I know but you're perfect yo me and thats all that matters to me" i said and he smiled again then he pecked my lips. "Come on we have to get skme food in you" i said grabbing his hand and walked to the kitchen.

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