Chapter 31

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Selena~i knew why Carmen left, she still had feelings for Harry. So i decided on going after her but Harry went before, i thought it was a good idea for them to talk it out so i starte talking to Paige. "so how did you and Harry meet" "so baically i had a backstage pass to one of his concerts and yeah we exchanged numbers and then we started dating." "oh nice" "yeah so how did you and the boys meet?" "well actuall i already knew Harry before he became famous, we were bestfriends ever since we were five" i told her "wow" she said and looked at me in a bitchy way. "yep" "oh well we have been together for quite some time now" "ohh good for you" "yeah im very luck to have him" "yeah, he's a nice guy when he isn't a douch" "oh so your calling 'MY' boyfriend a douch?" "Oh no thats not what i ment" "oh really?-" "yeah" i said in a bitchy tone. Then Harry came back inside. "hey babe" Paige said going up to him and kissing him on the lips i rolled my eyes, i wasnt jelous or anything i just cant staand her now and i wanted Harry and Carmen together not him and that bitch. "Hey wheres Carmen?" "i dont know i was trying to get ger to come inside but she just left." "okay im going to go look for her." "it pouring out there, and i dont want you to get lost because you dont even know this place." "fine then im going into the areana to practice, and write a few more songs" "okay just becareful" "okay, im just going to get my guitar" i said walking into the room where we sleep. i grabbed my guitar and started to walk back. "wait where are you going?" "im going to the areana to practice and maybe write more songs" "oh, here i'll come with you" "no its fine you dont have to come Luke" "no i want, lets go" he said putting on a jacket. "okay but its raining really hard out there" "i'll be fine c'mon" he grabbed my hand and i looked t our hands then up at him. He blushed, i smiled at him. and we started walking out to the little living room where Harry and Paige were having a full on makeout session. i looked at them and Paige smiled into the kiss when she saw me looking. i rolled my eyes at her and Luke and I walked out. when we got inside and he put his guitar down and went up to me. "If you want i can help you with the songs?" "how would you help?" "like i can play the guitar while you sing, or help you write some lyrics, after all i am a writer too" "okay fine here play this" i said giving him the music sheet to 'Smoke, Drink, Break-up' "yeah sounds good but i think there should be some drums in there" i said pointin to the begining. "and then the guitar should come in right here" "yeah that would sound good" "okay great" i said adding the drum beat to the paper. "okay now umm play the beat again" he started play his guitar and i nodded to the beat and then started. "See i gotta be out of my head to be through with ya be out of my head-" i couldnt focus anymore i had to go look for Carmen. "Luke i cant do this" "do what?" "i cant focus i have to look for Carmen, can we finish this later?" "yeah i'll stay here and practice." "okay thanx Luke." i said hugging him and walking out. i ran and ran until i heard singing "our love is like a song you cant forget" thay sounded like Carmen i ran twards her and she was singing i just stood there and listend. it was a good song when she finished i said "Carmen" she looked at me and i ran up to her and hugged her. She ha been crying even though it was raining i could tell she was. "that was a great song, i know its about Harry but its still good" "huh thanks" she smiled we could always make eachother smile even in our tough times. "we should go to the areana and practice it" "okay, but-" "dont worry Harry isnt goingt o be there, Luke probably will but not Harry" "Luke?" "yeah him and i went to go practice because Paige and i were talking and once i said that i've known him since i was five she turned into a bitch so i said i was going to go practice and Luke came with me, we figured out some of the beat but i couldnt focus because you werent there to help me, so i ran out here to look for you, and yeah he's probably still there." "oh okay so are you and Luke a thing now?" "i dont know i dont want to be led on again but i dont know i still like him" "ohh-" "dont tell him!" "okay fine i wont" "good now lets go" we started walking back and then we finaly got to here. "hey Luke im back" i said looking at him, he was just sittin down playing his guitar. "did you find her?" he asked looking up. "yeah, and we have a great new song, that involves the guitar" "oh cool will you guys sing it for me?" "sure" Carmen said getting on the stage. "do you want to start or do you want me to?" "doent matter its your song" "okay i guess ill go" she said and grabbed a mic and started singing "did you forget" she started playing her guitar. "That i was even alive, did you forget everythin we ever had, did you forget, did you forget about me," she looked at me and nodded i picked up a mic and then started "did you regret" "did you reget" Carmen sang the back up vocals. "Standing by my side, did you forget" "did you forget" "what we were feeling inside now im left to forget about us" i nodded twards her and the she started again. after we finished the song. Luke clapped "tht was amazing you guys" "thank you" Carmen said and i hugged her. "okay we have to write the next song together" "haha okay" "hey want me to show you some of the things i added to 'Smoke, Drink, Break-up?" "yeah sure" "okay c'mon Luke" we played it for her and then she smiled. "i love it! i cant wait for our fans to hear our new song!" "me too. hey we should ask Simon if we can preform the tomorrow" "okay" i took out my phone and dialled his number "hello?" "Hey Simon" "hello girls how have you two been?" "We've been good, so Simon we wanted to talk to you about two new songs we wrote" "two new songs already? you girls must be working hard because we haven't even started on recording 'Black Widow' for the album" we laughed "yeah we've just been having alot of insperation lately" "well thats great" "yeah so we were wondering if we could sing it tomorrow along with some covers" "yeah that sounds great, i'll be there tomorrow so i can listen to them, so sure why not" we squeald "okay thank you Simon!" "you're welcome i'll see you girls tomorrow bye" "bye" we said at rhe same time then i hung up. "Yes, hey im kind of hungry do you guys want to go eat?" "in the bus or at like at starbuck?" Luke asked. i looked at Carmen and she nodded which ment we were thinking the samething "lets go to starbucks"

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