Chapter 15

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Selena~Once i was done gelping Carmen get ready i we went downstairs. i got her to wear this beautiful midthigh dress that was a glitery silver at the top and black from the middle of her stomach and down to her midthigh. It was cute and it wasnt to showy because she doesnt like that. I on the other hand wore a dress that was at black and the top part was a bra like top and it conected to the bottom half of the dress that went to my midthigh. The dress hugged my body nicely, it deffenetly showed off my curves. Carmens wore boot like heels and i wore open toed heels, they were both black. We went down stairs and all the guys stared at us. Calum espesaly at Carmen. Calum had a crush on her but she didnt know she was to into Harry to notice. I on the other hand didnt really have any of the boy's attention. i mean yeah Luke checked me out sometimes but he never showed any signs that he was into me, and same thing with Niall. To me it looked like Niall kind of had a crush on Carmen i mean she is pretty and gorgous, also sweet and innocent. While i was tough a rebel and i was punk but i wasnt really a sweet and innocent type of girl. The only time guys go after me is when they want to hook up. While i want a serious relationship though it probably didnt look like it by just looking at me. Anyways when we got downstairs the boys started complemnting Carmen while i just stood there. "You look HOT" Ashton said to me. "Thank you" i told Ashton and then we all headed to the car. In the car Carmen sat between Luke and Micheal they were both playing with her curls an making mustaches out of them. I just silently smiled to myself and started to look through my phone. 'whats wrong?' I got a text from Harry. I looked up at him and he was looking at me. 'Nothing' i replied and looked at him till he got the text. He gave me a worried look and i just shrugged at him. Then the car stopped, we had gotten to the club. All the boys stepped out first and then Carmen did i heard some people whistle at her. Then i stepped out and there was even more whistles and i heard some guys saying "i'd tap that" and that boosted up my confidence a little bit. I looked at the boys and i saw Harry glaring in the direction the guy. we walking inside the club and you could smell the alcohol and there was people dancing and grinding on the dance floor. We all went and sat down. Harry asked Carmen to dance and they left all the boys went on the dance floor to and i didnt want to be alone so i want to the bar and got a few shots. i could handle my liquor so i didnt really matter how much i drank. I decided it was tume to start having fun with out any of the boys since they didnt pay attention to me so i went on the dance floor and started dancing the someone grabbed my hips and started grinding on me. i looked at the guy and he wasnt that bad, he was actually pretty good looking so i started to grind back and then he said "do you want to get out of here?" "Im sorry but i came with some of my friends!" i shouted over the loud music. "its okay c'mon lets go?" he asked me. "Im sorry but maybe next time." "Okay well then i'll see you later, here." he said handing me his phone number and leaving. He came back. "Oh by the way my names Garret" he said leaving again. Wow, for a drunk guy he was actually pretty nice and understanding. i went back to the table and only Ash, Mikey, Loui, and Liam were there. I sat down with them and thy all looked at me. Louis wriggled his eyebrows at me. "what?" i asked him. "Who was that guy you were with?" "Umm his names Garret." I said back. "and you didnt hook up with him? its a shame he was actually good looking!" Louis shouted over the music. i laughed "yeah but im not a 'one nightstand' type of girl" i said and he nodded raising his cup a little pointing at me "good for you!" he said and i nodded a waitress came over with a couple shots. "Would you guys like some?" she asked us we are nodded and she handed us all a couple shots. "actually can i have a couple more?" I asked and she nodded handing me some more. i downed them all. "woah woah woah, slow down there!" Liam shouted over the music. "Its okay i can handle it." I shouted back. "Okay whatever you say, dont say i didnt warn you!" Liam said. "Hey wheres Carmen and Harry?" I asked. "they left!" Ashton said smirking. "Oh i hope he doesnt hurt her!" I said. he laughed. "Oh where's Niall, Luke, Calum, and Zayn?" i asked. "Well Niall was dancing with a brunett, Luke was snogging a red head, Calum he left early because he drank to much already so we sent him home and Zayn left with some blonde chick." Mikey said. I nodded trying not to look hurt. Luke was snogging some girl and Niall was grinding with a brunett i felt bad that i actualy thought i had a chance with them i guess not. "Well then im going to go dance" i said getting up "here ill come with you!" Ashton said getting up i nodded and we started dancing. it was fun and then Liam came up to us saying it was time to go. We nodded and left.

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