Chapter 53

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Selena~Luke was in te room playing his guitar when i got back. "hey babe" i said putting my arms around him. "hey" "what are you doing?" "im trying to write a new song" "really? what do you have so far?" "Can i show you later when its done?" "sure" i said and he put the guitar down and turned to me. "I just wan to spend some time with you before Carmen comes" "how do you know shes coming?" "Are you serious? you and Carmen cant be away from eachother more than like twenty miutes when you are a wake" "true" i said he kissed me. "i missed you! please dont ever leave me for that long again!" he said. i laughed. "Luke it was just a couple hours!" "still! i love you and i dont want to be away from you for that long again!" I kissed him. "i love you too! And you can stay this time Harry is coming" "yay!" "well im going to put on my pjs" i said getting up. "you can change in here, i have already seen you naked you know?" "yeah, but i dont want to 'affect' you again" i said winking at him and heading to the bathroom. "too late!" he screamed. i had alread tooken my pants off and put my shorts on. "Because never is too late" i sang and he laughed. "so what is your favorite song from the album?" he asked me. "all of them of course!" i said and he smiled. i sat on the edge of the bed and he pulled me into his chest. "i want to cuddle" "okay" i said laying my head in the crook of his neck. i decided to mess with him so i started kissing his neck. "babe what are you doing? that tickles" he said laughing. i stopped and he kissed my lips. we started making out. he took off his shirt. and i took off mine. then there was a knock at the door. Luke groaned and i laughed handing him his shirt and putting mine on. "we'll finish this later" i said walking to the door. "CARMEN!!" i screamed hugging her. "Hey Hazz!" i said hugging him too. "what you arent excited to sse me?" he asked pretending to be hurt. "oh come on Hazz you know you cant compare to mah boo" i said putting my arm around Carmen. "Hey shes mine!" "She was mine FIRST!" I said putting my arms around her. "Sele do you have ice cream?" she asked. "what kind of question is that?" i asked her in a rudely joking tone. she gave me a look tht said 'sorry' "OF COURSE I HAVE ICE CREAM! YOU SHOULD KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT!" I said and she laughed, and went to get it. "Are you just going to stay out there in the hallway?" i asked Harry since he didnt come inside. "umm no" he said stepping in. "i thought so" i said about to walk away but then i rememberd i needed to talk to him. "Haz?" "yeah?" "we need to hang out like old times again i miss you as my bestfriend, i have Carmen but, you were my friend before her so i miss you. but you cant replace her because she has already tooken your spot" "what spot?" he asked. "you and i used to be bestfriends we went through thick and thin but that was a long time ago. and now i have her, we have gone through everything together since we met. and one of the reasons that she took your spot is because she was tere when you werent. he was there when you were the one causing the pain. but i have moved on from that, with her help, so im just saying we need to be friends again. so what do you say Haz? wanna hang out?" "oh sorry, and yes i would love too" "okay great im just going to tell Carmen" "dont you think she'll get jelous?" "no! she knows we are friend and you and her both know i dont go after guys when im taken, and when they are taken" i said and he nodded. We went to sit down.

"okay, so what do you guys want to do?" i asked and they shrugged. i looked at Carmen and we both nodded. "MOVIE TIME!" we shouted at the sametime. "WHITE CHICKS!" i said after looking through all the movies and the finding that one. "wait no how about a scary one?" Carmen asked holdig up The Conjuring. i loved that movie i think its funny. yeah as you can tell im not really the type to get scare of movie, i just laugh at them actually. "okay!" I said sitting down grabbing the pint of ice cream and cuddling next to Luke. "if you get scared just know that im here to protect you" he said kissing the top of my head. i turned to him. Luke and i havent really watched a scary movie together. "and if 'you' get scared im here for you" i said emphasizing the word you. "What do you mean?" He asked. "i love scary movies they make me laugh" "how?" "like the stupid people i there run and then fall and the killer is like five miles away from them and there are just like 'go on without me' 'no i wont leave you' and they spend like thirty minutes saying how te other person should leave them and then the other person is saying how they wont leave them and then they get killed, like seriously just get up and run" i said and they all nodded. after the movie was over everyone though i was crazy because i just laughed at the movie, but they were all scared. "bye guys" i said hugging Carmen and Harry goodbye. "bye see tomorrow!" Carmen said. "see you" then i shut the door. Luke was o the bed in his boxers. well thats the first time he is going to sleep in them, he usually has sweats on. i kissed him climbing into bed. "Oh so you rememberd" he said kissing me again. "nope, but i do now" i said. "now where were we? oh yeah" he said kissing me. i took my shirt off again and we started making out again. he took my shorts off, now i was in my underwear and bra. "do you want to?" i asked him. "umm i want to wait, because this is your first time and i want it to be special so we should wait" i nodded that was very mature of him. "okay thank you Luke" i said kissing him again. We just made out for a little bit an then we cuddled and fell asleep. I ended up sleeping in my underwear and bra. it was pretty comfortable i have never slept like that before. i woke up to a knock at the door. i groand and got up. i picked up the nearest shirt and i ended up bein Lukes, oh well. I put it on and opend the door. "hey" said all the boys except Harry, who was probably with Carmen still sleeping. "so did you have fun last night?" Louis said gesturing to the shirt i was wearing. "yes i did as a matter of fact" i knew what he ment by fun. "so how was it?" he said wiggling his eyebrows. "it was amazing! Luke is really good at cuddling" i said. "so you guys didnt?" Niall asked. "no of course not! we just cuddled all night in our underwear thats why im wearing his shirt. you dirty minded freaks" i said and they laughed. "so do you guys want to come in? Luke is still asleep" "nah its okay we just wanted to know if you guys wanted to come get breakfast or if you guys wanted us to bring you gusy some?" Liam said. "hold on let me ask Luke, yo guys can come in while you wait" i said and the nodded. "LUKE!" "what?" he asked sleepily. "do you want to get breakfast or do you want the boys to bring us some?" "Lets go" he said pulling the covers off his body. i laughed and went up to te guys. "will you guys please wait for us?" "yep sure" they said and walked away. "thank you" "bye, see you in a little bit" they said walking to Carmen and Harrys room. i went back to te room. "im going to go shower" i smirked and he looked up at me. "can i come?" he asked with a poit. "yes you can" i said kissing him. "yay!" he said and we went to the bathroom. we jast messed around like last time. it was fun. We got ready and we went to Carmens room.

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