Chapter 57

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Selena~"HARRY" Carmen shouted after him. "Harry, theres paps everywhere. its not worth it" she said grabbing his arm. Harry pointed at the guys. "Dont EVER talk about my gurlfriend like that" and then we walked away to the black range rover. "Harry please calm down" "no! he called you a whore" "its okay Harry he was just an ass, he was jelous that you have a beautiful girlfriend" i said hugged Carmen. "you're right" he said taking her from my arms and into his. He kissed the top of her head. Aww there so cute together. i smiled. "alright so hiw long till we get where ever we are going?" I asked. "about twenty minutes" Liam said. i nodded plugging my phone into the speakers. Liam was Driving Louis was in the passenger seat and the rest of us were in the back. "Wow Sele you cant go anywhere without listening to music every five minutes?" "nope" i said pressing shuffle and 'Birthday Cake (Remix) by Rihanna featuring Chris Brown' Came on. "i Love this song!" i said starting to sing, "Come and put your name on it, your name on it, come and put your name on it, bet you wanna put your name on it, come put your name on it, Its not even my birthday (my birthday) but he wanna lick the icying off, i know you want it i the worst way" and everyone looked at me with confused looks. "I havent heard this song" Calum said. "yeah thts because its the remix" i said and everyone kept looking at me and laughed. i was getting into it. "ooh baby i like it its so exciting dont try to hide it imma make you my bitchh, cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake, i know you wanna bite this its so intisin' nothing else like this, imma make you my bitch, and its not even my birthday (but you wanna put your name on it), and its not even my birthday (my birthday my birthday, and hes trying to his name on it)" i was getting ready for Chris Browns part when i noticed everyon was amused by my dancing and also that Ashton was recording, Louis of course was the one who handed him the camera. I shook my head at them and just kept singing. "Leggo, girl i wanna fuck you rigt now, been a long time i've been missing your body, yeah lemme lemme turn the light down (lights down), when i go down its a private party, ooh its not even her birthday (her birthday) but i wanna lick the icying off (the icying off) give it to her in the worst way (the worst way), cant wait to blow her candles out" after a while of the song it was almost over and i was way to into it to stop so i started looking for other songs to dance along to, i was still singing. "If your sexy and you know it, put a candle on my mafuckin' back baby blow it, love the way you do it when you do it like that, show up with them stacks" after the song was over 'Pause by Pitbull' came on. i looked at Carmen and she smiled getting ready to sing it with me. "Pause, now go, stop, drop, pause, now go, stop, drop, pause, ooh look at that girl shes like ahh, look at that girl shes like ohh, look at that girls she like ahh, look at that girls shes like, look i got what you need to get you hooked, i'll steal you heart imma crook" we said i turned to Luke and he smiled when i said that, Carmen did the same to Harry. "want frinday night?" we both said. Luke just smiled. "im sorry im booked" i said and he scoffed and i laughed. "brook, marria la migra deya, tan rican en la cama no jega, explota ey dise pause" ii sang and. Luke looked at me weird before he realised i was singing in spanish. after a few more songs we finally arived. "what are we doing?" i asked "we are going sight seeing" the boys said an Carmen and i smiled and nodded. "alright does that mean we are goig shopping too?" She asked. "yep" she smiled and grabbed her boyfriend and i grabbed mine. after walking around and shopping for a few hours Zayn said, "hey we should go to a pub" "yes!" Louis said really excited. "wanna go guys?" Liam asked us. "yeah of course!" i said. "yeah sure" Carmen said. "okay but we have to go get ready" i said. "we will go after this shop!" Carmen said walking twards it. I laughed she sure does like shopping. The boys and i walked in after her. I automaticaly went to te girls side to look around and the boys went to te gus side. "Carmen! look at this dress" i said grabbing the dress it was from the Nasty Gal collection, it was a Mischief maker Lace Dress. "ooh thats pretty sexy" "i know! im going to buy it! Im going to hide it from Luke" "for what?" "it looks like a dress for a special ecasion. So im going to save it for his birthday" i said. "oh thats a good idea! he would love to see you in that dress" we both laughed. i went up to buy it and then i looked for more. I found another dress it was a Sweet Hearti Skater Dress. it was beautiful, i am going to wear it tonight. I also found a dress for Carmen it was a Dressystar Short Strapless Chiffon dress. "Carmen come over here!" i said and she walked over to me. "what?" "Here" i said handing her the dress. "its beautiful!" she said. "i know! its for you!" "What? When am i going to where this?" she asked. "at the pub tonight! duh" i said. "come one lets go pay i bet the boys are tired of waiting for us" i sai and she nodded. We went to go pay when the boys stopped us are you guys done yet?" Louis asked. we put the clothes down. "quit whining Lou! you have maore clothes than us!" i said sassily to him. "ohh Lou she just sassed you!" Niall said laughing. "what? nobody sasses at me! im the sass master from doncaster!" "well to bad" i saidcrossing my arms. He pouted. i turne around to get the clothes and they were gone, i looked around and saw Luke and Harry coming twards us with bags. "Here you go" Luke sai holding a bag in my face. i looked at the bag before opening it. "Luke you didnt?" "i did" he said and i looked in the bag it was the clothes i was going to buy. good thing i was still holding the other bag with the dress that i was saving for Lukes birthday. "Luke! you didnt have too" i said. "but i wanted too" "here" i said handing him the money. "what? no! keep it" "but Lukey" "nope too bad i paid and im bot taking your money" "ugh" i groaned. "save that for tonight babe" he whisperd in my ear, taking my bags away from me. "Luke! you dont have to carry them" "well i dont want you to carry them let your strong boyfriend do it" he said winking. "okay when is he going to get here?" i joked and he shook his head at me. "not cool" "your not cool, but i still love you" i said pecking his lips and taking the bag with the dress that i was saving from him, "i love you too" he said and we got into the car. i plugged my phone into the speakers again and everyone started singing to the music.

We had finally gotten back and we all went to get ready. i made Luke go and change in Harrys room because if he came i the room with me we wouldnt come out. Carmen came in my room with me. "Camren come out! i bet you look great" i sai then she finnaly came out of the bathroom. "see wht did i say you look great!" "thank you" "okay now come on let me curl you hair" i said an she sat down we both curled eachothers hair and did our own make up. "you look great Sele" "thank you i try" i said and we laughed. there was a knock at the door. i went to open it, it was Liam. "are you girls ready?" "yeah let me just grab my phone" he nodded and walked away. "Carmen come on lets go" "okay" she said grabbing he rphone then we walked out of the room. "well you girls look amazayn" Zayn said and we laughed. "thank you, you boys look perfect as alway" "we dont always look perfect" Harry said wrapping his arms around Carmen. "Thats a lie" Carmen said. "that is here" i said handing them my phone "thats a picture of you guys sleeping." "why do you have pictures of us sleeping?" "i post them on twitter for your fans to fangirl over" "really?" "yep just look threw Our twitters. we mostly do it 'cause your fans ask for pictures of you guys" "oh okay, so lets go!" "yeah i want to party!" Louis yelled. We got to the pub and everyone started taking shots. "okay the person who can take the most shots wins!" Louis said. "wins what?" i asked knowing i was going to win. "The person who wins doesnt have to pay for any of there drinks" he said we all nodded. "well im out i really dont want to drink" Carmen said. "okay then you can judge this compition" Louis said. "im out to im DD" Liam said. "fine then both of you can judge" Louis said. "Carmen wanna count down?" Louis asked. she nodded. "3... 2... 1... Go!" she said i all started downing my shots then all the other boys did to. "okay stop!" Carmen said. "who won?" Mikey asked. Liam and Carmen counted everyones shots. "Selena won! With a total of 7 shots thats 3 more shots than Niall" Liam said. all the boys looked at me. "yes!" i said. "how did she win with that many? we all started at the sametime?" Niall aksed obviously sad because he lost a drinking contest. "back in Cheshire i was the #1 drinker!" i said. "well babe your goig to wake up with a bad hangover" we all laughed. "its okay Niall dont be sad" "fine" he said and then smiled. "Lets go dance" Luke said grabbing my arm and taking me to the dance floor. We started dancing and jumping around, then Luke grabbed my waist and we started grinding. He was in the mood i could tell. After hours of dancing Liam came up to us. "guys its time to go" "okay" we said and we walked out. "everyone went to the car" we nodde and headed to the car we got in. After a couple minutes of driving we finally reached the hotel. on the way over here Luke was kissing my neck and had his hand on my thigh. "alright guys goodnight" Liam said taking a drunk Louis to there room almost everyone was wasted except Carmen, Liam and i. Luke was sort of drunk but not really he was just tipsy. "come one babe" he said opening the door.Once we were inside Luke starte kissing me. it turned in to a make out session he stated to unzip my drees and i took his shirt off. He took off his pants and we were both in our underwear. "i love you so much" Luke said kissing my neck. "i love you too" i said.

The next morning the sun woke up. i looked up at Luke an he was still sleeping. i smiled last night was great. i kissed him on the lips and he smiled he wasnt asleep. "good morning babe" "morning" i said kissing his neck. "Im guessing you had fun last night" "i did. did you" "yes i did" he said kissing me. "want to relive that last night again?" he asked smiling. i smiled knowing what he ment. "why not?" i said and he Jumped on top of me, kissing me. I dot know how it could get any better than this. After we were done we cuddled and then i checked the time it was ten. i got up. "where are you going?" Luke asked me. "to shower" "can i come?" "Luke if we both go in there we arent going to come out for hours" "i know" he said winking. i shook my head and then went to shower.

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