Chapter one

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"Sir please you can't do this to me I have a son and a sick father that am taking care of.. Pls sir don't do this your my only source of income".

He can't do this to me. Oh heaven what will I do?

"Am sorry Jayden your one of my best worker but your never on time and you always leave during work hours and it cost me am sorry but you have to go"

Mr Blake told me well its not his fault.. "Well I guess I should start going i was good working for you Mr Blake".

I left before he can even say anything. Now I am back to the start. What will I do now? What will I tell da..... Ahh who is calling


"Excuse me please am I talking to Jayden Black am sorry to say this but your dad has been rushed to the hospital please you have to come here right away"

Oh heaven!! running to the hospital because I have no cash no me takes way longer than I thought. Getting there i rushed inside like a crazy person and met the nurse sitting on the register table.

"Pls what room is Benson Black in" she looked I told the register

"Room 64"I shouted thanks while running there. Opening the door i saw my dad watching tv. His eye snap at me and I know he saw the anger in my eyes because now is avoiding eye contact.

"What were you doing that made you  have an attack" he keep his mouth shut and kept looking around

"Come on dad just tell me what were you doing" i know is should be clam but I have had a lots of shit today and its getting to me

"Well I went to go and try out a job.. It was nothing hard just carry some load into a van from a distribution station" He explained his action like it was nothing and it made my blood boil

"Are you fucking me right now dad.. Why will you do something like that when you know your condition" I might have raised my voice but I don't care.

"Am sorry son I know.. I just wanted to help you.. You have been the one doing everything and all I do is sleep and eat i just wanted to help" I sighed all anger gone and replaced with sadness

"Sorry for the way I  spoke dad but I just don't want anything happening to you. Your my responsibility and there is nothing to difficult okay everything is okay"

I did not tell him about the job today cause I don't want him to start feeling bad. I stayed with me for 2 hours until I decided it was time to go home and take Jason from Mr and Mrs Mayor.. I told dad I will be back and I left.

Getting to my neighbors house, I walked inside and I saw my 7 months old baby boy on the ground crawling and laughing. He was me and started crawling towards me. I picked him up and started playing with him

"Who is my big boy" his laugh and baby giggles was heard around the living room.

Mr and Mrs Mayor came and joined us. they are both to happy couple in their early 60s they love and treat me like their son and day love Jason more.

"Jayden my boy how are you feeling? You look stressed out was work hard today" Mrs Mayor sweet voice asked me. So I told them about everything that happened today and I saw the look of pity in their eyes.

"Honey maybe we can lend him the money that I got today from the things we sold at the store" Mrs Mayor asked her husband but before he can answer I declined

"Please don't do that you guys have done a lot and I feel bad already don't worry" I didn't want them doing anything more they have done enough

"Well so u heard Brooks building is looking for a personal assistance" Mr Mayor told me.

"You want me to work for Miss Cassie Brooks. People say that woman is heartless and cold" I have seen the advert but I don't want to work someone as her

"Well son never believe what you hear and never judge a book by its cover and beside its a great way to help with all your problems" Mrs Mayor told me supporting her husband..

I didn't have much time so I bid them goodbye took my son home bath and feed him. Packed food for dad and both of us made our way to the hospital. when my son and dad was finally asleep i thought about the offer and made up my mind on going and see that will happen.
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