Chapter Seventeen

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We are on our way to the construction site here at Italy.

"So what do you think the problem is Miss Cassie" Jayden asked.

"I don't know Mr Black, but I hope its a minor problem I don't have time to waste here. I need to finish Mr Chan building plan and work on my presentation" I really need to rest.

"Am here to help Cassie all you have to do is ask" he told me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Thanks Jayden that means a lot" I smiled back.

When we got to the building site i was shocked to see how far they have gone. I saw Derek and I walked to him.

"Derek, am highly impress. You have gone so far. So what's the problem?" I asked.

"Thanks Miss Cassie. We are just having problem with the supply of cement, concrete and building blocks. We had to stop construction because what we have had finished" he explained.

I was too stressed to shout or be angry i just nodded and walked away. I can tell Derek was shock at my reaction because normally, I will rain insult in him and the supplier.

Since there's no chair, bench or table here i went back to the car and called our supplier.

"Mr Robbin, why haven't you supplied what we need? I've paid you so why are you delaying?" I asked him in a sharp hard voice.

"Our van had a little problem but its fixed now, the supply should be there by tomorrow" he replied.

"It better be, because I don't have time to waste and I hate losing the little i have" i ended  the call before he can say anything.

"Has the problem been fixed?" I heard voice. I turned to my right and I saw him. When did he get here?

"Yea,its been fixed. We are going back home tomorrow at noon okay" I told him.

"Yea, no problem. Lets go to the hotel its getting late" h close the door and the driver started the car.

"Holy shit" I didn't book a hotel.

"What happen? Did you forget something" I could hear the concern in his voice and it warmed my heart.

"I forgot to book a hotel" I told him.

"That's not a problem we can just ask for two available room in any hotel" he said. Well I guess its not a problem.

"Mike take us to the nearest hotel" Jayden told the driver. Sometimes I wonder how he know their names and I don't even know them. The driver took us to the nearest hotel and we took our night bags and left the car.

"Excuse me, are there any available rooms" I ask the receptionist.

"Yes, there is but only one room is available" she said. Wait only one room?, how are we going to do that. I looked at Jayden to see his reaction. He looks like he is thinking.

"Well that's not a problem, we will take it" i was about to protest but he beat be to it.

"Its getting late Cassie and you need to rest, you look like you haven't slept in days" i didn't ague i just nodded.

I have noticed that anytime I am with Jayden i don't have a day in anything. Am a self willed woman, but with Jayden its him that makes decisions and I just follow.

Jayden took the key from the woman and we both walked to the elevator together.

"I hope your not mad at me making the decision" am not mad am confuse. Why did I not protest.

"If you don't like it or your uncomfortable, we can go and search for another hotel" he said when he didn't get a reply from me.

"Its no problem Jayden its just for the night" yea just for the night nothing bad will happen right?

We go to the room and Jayden opened the door. The room was not big but it was not small either. The middle of the room is a king size bed, there is a small couch, bedstand and a tv. Well is not a 5 start hotel that's for sure.  Jayden dropped our bags on the couch.

"I will go and take a bath" i told him. I went to my night bag and took my night cloths and went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I don't know how long I have stayed in the bathroom. I had bathed but i didn't want to leave the bathroom. I don't know but I am dreading what will happen if I go out. But I can't stay here for ever a d i have to eat. I opened the the door and what I saw made me stand froze at the door.

Standing in front of the bed is a half naked Jayden. He only had his boxers on. I looked from his waist down. His thick thighs. I lost contact when he wore his pajamas trouser. I look up. He had 6 delicious abs. Cassie seriously delicious. His defined chest. Wow he is a sexy Greek God! Am feeling hot all over just by staring. What is this Man doing to me. I quickly composed myself and walk out.

"We should order dinner" I told him and had to behave like his naked chest is not affecting me.

"I ordered pizza i hope you don't mind" he told me while he put on his shirt. Why am I disappointed that he put on a shirt?.

"No problem Jayden, food is food" I told him. We are and having small talks. He will tell me some silly things he did when he was growing up but I couldn't tell him anything about my childhood. Dinner was done and it was time for bed. I saw Jayden carrying blankets and putting them on the ground and I became confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I will stay on the ground and you'll stay on the bed" he told me.

"Why, both of us can stay on the bed" I told him.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he replied.

"Well I will be uncomfortable knowing that you are on the ground. Come on its getting late" I laid on the right side of the bed. Five minutes later I Felt the bed dip meaning Jayden is on the bed. I was tensed a little but relax when I turned and saw the space he kept between us.

"Goodnight Jayden" I told him and put off my lamp.

"Goodnight Cassie" he did the same. Now the only source of life was from the moon this coming trough the window.

I was awake for about 30 minutes . I was fighting sleep because I was a little bit scared, I don't want to have any nightmare and scare Jayden off with my scream. But I couldn't fight it anymore and I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take over, hopping for the best.
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