Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cassie Pov

Its a week to Christmas. I've bought the furniture and decorations for Jayden and his family. Now all I have to do is tell him, But I don't know how, I've been thinking about so many ways to tell him but I don't know the right words.

'Hey, Jayden i bought furniture for your house cause you know, you don't have money and all' Cassie you just insulted him. Oh! What should I do?

"Miss what will you like for brake fast?" Martha question brought me out of my thoughts.

'How can I eat when I have a problem'

"Whats the problem dear? Am sure I can help" did I say that out loud?

"Well Martha, there's this friend that has been really helpful too me and I want to give him a gift as 'thank you' but I don't know how going to do it" I rested my head on the cold counter cause my head hurts.

"I have an idea, want to hear?" I looked at her.

"Am listening" I replied

"Okay here it goes, why don't you invite them over, we feed them, watch movies and enjoy ourselves" is this woman playing with me.

"Martha are you trying to help me or are you mocking me?" I asked her.

"You didn't allow me to finish. Once they are here, you'll the furniture company and your personal interior decorator that works for your company. Both of them would go there and decorate the house while they are here. And when they go home BAM!! surprise" I was speechless

"you are a blessing from heaven I love you" I jumped on her. She was surprised by my action but hugged me back.

"You must really like that man" I froze at what she said.

"I don't like Jayden. We are just friends and friends care for each other" I told her.

"You still don't understand the feeling you have for him. Do you?" She asked. I returned to my seat. I

"Tell me what you feel for him. you can trust me you know" she is right, I do trust her. She's the only one that knows what I got through. But she acts like she doesn't. And she will make me understand my feelings for Jayden.

"Am always happy when he praises me
I always want to be in the same room his in.
Anytime he tells me am beautiful, I feel beautiful
When we touch i feel sparks
It warms my heart anytime he laughs
And anytime he kisses my cheeks i feel butterflies in my tummy.
And the worst part is i don't want to stop" I sound like some fairy tale shit.

"Do you understand" I looked at her and she was smiling.

"You my dear are falling in love" I looked at her with wide eyes. In love, me in love with Jayden? Hell no.

"Nah! Your wrong Martha I can't love. And even if I can, No one will love me back" that's the hurtful truth.

"You know I love you like a daughter right?" I nodded

"Why don't you call Jayden and put your plan into action" I smiled and called him.

"Hey Cassie, what's up?" Jayden greeted.

"Hey Jay, I was wondering if you, your dad and Jason can come to my house. I'm having a little Christmas celebration and am inviting you" I crossed my fingers like I do when I was young.

"Sure Cass, we'll be there" I need him to drop his house key.

"Emm.. Jay, can you drop your house key under the foot mat at the front door. You know so you won't forget your key here when you having fun" please don't ask any question.

"Sur..... I will leave it" thank gracious

"Okay, see you bye" I ended the call. I quickly dialed the furniture company and my interior decorator.

"Hello can you please deliver the furniture today, I'll send you the address but I will tell you the time to get there" I sent the address and called my interior decorator.

"Kate I need your help. I want you to decorate a house for me. I will send you the address" I sent her that address.

Twenty minutes later i heard the door bell. Grace one of my maids opened the door. Jayden and his family walked in. I quickly ran to the kitchen and called the company and my interior decorator. telling them they can go and start the work. I told Kate that the key is under the foot mat.

I went into the living room and I say Mr Black, Jayden and Jason seated.

"Thanks for coming on a short notice" I told them and took Jason on my arms.

We watched Christmas movies, at lunch and dinner. Just to round it up, we had fun today. Even the maids were involved in the games we played. We are currently playing hide and go seek. Jayden has found everyone except me. Am hiding under the dinning table. I heard the door open and I froze.

"Come out, come out, were ever you are" Jayden sang in a deep voice. I tried my very best not to make a sound. I didn't hear is foot steps again and I sighed in relief. Immediately I felt to strong arms around my waist and I screamed on top of my lungs.

The person placed me on top the table and covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. When I opened my eyes i saw it was Jayden I stopped.

"Caught you" he whispered. I looked into his eyes. He kept on looking at my eyes and then lips. I don't know what's going on but he began leaning. I felt the tip of his nose on mine. As he was about to kiss me we heard baby cries. That pulled us out of whatever trance we were in.

"W-we should go and check whats going on" I told him. I came down from the table and went down towards the living room. I saw Jason crying and I ran and picked him up. Immediately he stopped crying

"Looks like we should head home. Its really late" shit I forgot the surprise. I quickly gave Jason to Jayden and to the kitchen to call Kate.

"Kate is everything ready?" I asked

"Yea, you can come and have a look tomorrow. Its late now" I let out a breath in relief. I went back to to the living room.

"Its getting late, I will drive you home" and with that we left my house to go and see the surprise.

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