Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jayden Pov

Cassie has been avoiding me and I don't know why. She didn't come for Christmas nor did she come for New year too. Jason has been missing her too. He said his first word on Christmas and Cassie didn't come. I called her and her excuse made me upset.
"Hey Cassie when are you coming over?" I asked

"Jay, I won't be able to come am working" what the hell

"What work cass, all work are on hold till after Christmas and new year" there no work.

"My work is none of your business  Jayden so stop asking" that hurt a little.

"Okay, are you coming for new years eve" I asked him hope.

"No Jay, I won't be coming. I have things to settle in Italy with Mr Russell so I might likely send my new year there" or with him I wanted to tell her but I know she is not like that.

"Why?, can't you come back when your done" am jealous I want her beside me.

"Mr Black, when and were i spend my time is none of your business. I have to go now bye" she ended the call before I could say a word
End of flashback

Its been 3 weeks since I last years from Cassie. 3 long, boring and empty week without her. I'm beginning to think I've done something wrong.

I've been calling her but she is not answering. It keeps going to voice mail and am worried. What if something has happened to her.

"Maybe the reason why she is not answering your calls is because she is avoiding you" Dad voice brought me out of my thoughts

"What? I didn't hear you" I told him.

"Well she is avoiding you" I frown at what he just said.

"Why?" I asked

"Well dumbass, you kissed the girl and told her you love her. I guess it scared her and now she is avoiding you" shit

"But I do love her. And I couldn't control myself from kissing her" I told him the truth.

"My other guess is that she is avoiding you because she thinks you love her cause of money" I'm shock. Will she really think like that.

"What should I do dad" am helpless and I need to make it right with her.

"I may not know Cassie very well but I sense that 'love' is a hard thing for her. And I know she doesn't like me" I looked at him like he has grown another head.

"Yea she doesn't like me" he said again

"And how would you know?" I asked.

"She hardly talks to me, whenever we are in the same room, she walks away. And anytime I raise my hand she flinches. She is okay with everyone but hostile to me. I guess something might have happened" I didn't know what to say.

"Son, work is starting tomorrow you should go to bed. Its late" I can confront tomorrow and tell her I love her and not her money. With that in mind I went to bed.

Work has been stressful today. Being the first day of work in the year 2018. I have been typing, answering email, send emails, reading files and trying to organize Cassie schedule. I can't feel my fingers.

Cassie has been really busy too. She's been getting calls from client. Since its new year, they want her to be the first to get her to construct their building.

"Mr Black, can you come to my office" Cassie called me from the intercom. This might just be my opportunity. Knocking on her door, I heard a stressed come in.

"You call Miss Cassie" she didn't look at me like always, busy typing.

"Mr Black i want you to take this file. It has to do with Mr Chan project I need you to order from our suppliers all we need. I would've done it but my hands are full" I took the file from her table.

"Cassie can we talk" I need to tell her. She didn't sat anything.

"Cassie i know you are avoiding me because of the kiss and my confession. But its the truth Cassie, I really love you" she stops typing but still didn't look at me.

"Jayden, we might be friends but that doesn't mean your close to me" her words were like knife to my heart.

"How can you say that Cass" how can she

"Look Jayden, stop this nonsense, I don't have time for it. We are just friends and nothing more and if that's not enough for you, then we can end everything" I was about to say something but my phone started ringing.


"Is this Jayden black?" The person asked.

"Yes who is this"

"Its Sandra your neighbor. your house caught fire and your dad and son has been rushed to the hospital" my world is over.

"What?" i wanted to shout but it came out as a broken voice.

"What hospital?" i asked in a crack voice.

"the town hospital" i ended the call and ran out the office.

"Jay, what happened, why are you running" I heard Cassie voice calling behind me.

"Jason and Dad are in the hospital" i heard her gaps

"Oh my gosh I'll drive. Your not in the right state of mind" she said. We got into the car and drove to the hospital. Oh God please don't forsake me.

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