Chaper Five

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Jayden Pov

Today is my first day working with Brooks buildings. And I was nervous. I don't want to get my new boss angry.

I was thankful to Miss Cassie for the extra one hour she gave me. I was able to prepare both Dad and Jason before I left.

I took a taxi because if I want to talk I will be late and I seriously don't want that on my first day.

Getting there on time I had 10 more minutes to spare. Getting to the elevator I taped the last floor to Miss Cassie office.

Getting there i saw her secretary. She looked you and smiled lightly at me.

"Hello  Mr Black your on time and in luck Miss Cassie is not here yet"

I was a little relief even though I was early I felt better knowing I was here before her.

Not less than 5 minute she came. Her aura was full of power and with every step she took you know that's she is not someone to mess with.

"Mr Black good to see you on time" she nodded to my direction

"Cassandra as you know Mr Black is my new assistant so I will need to show him round the building cause i don't have the time or a tour" she said strictly

"Mr Black will you follow me. There are something's we need to talk about" she left and her heels echoed as she walked.

With out thinking twice i followed her like a puppy. Getting to the office i saw that she has already taken her seat and looking through some blue print.

"Miss am here" she looked up and dropped what she was doing.

"Well Mr Black we made the terms and conditions yesterday so today I will tell you what your job to me are" she looked directly in my eyes and I was getting attracted to them.

"the office you passed will be yours. Your to every morning bring me a glass black coffee, your too work my schedule, arrange meetings, answer emails and send message and do other things i tell you to do okay" well it didn't sound bad. They were just normal things.

"Go and meet Cassandra and let her show you around and on your way bring me a cup of Black coffee when coming" she ordered

Doing as I was told. I met Cassandra and she showed me around. Cassandra was a bubbly girl and fool of life she made fun of some workers and gave me the gossip that happens in the work place. I was surprised that she knew so many things

Getting Miss Cassie coffee i walked backed to her office and saw her looking at the blue print again and making some few adjustment

"I want you to send a text to Mr Russell and tell him that he can come by noon." she told me without even looking up from what she was doing

I walked out and went to my own office. My office was big there was a couch by the side of the room. My table had a laptop  by the side i didn't want to spend time staring i sat down and started to work.

I sent the massage to Mr Russell and started to answer mail and and massage.

I checked my time and saw that it was a minute to 12. I walked to miss Cassie office too see her busy reading something on her laptop she looked really concentrated.

"Next time when you enter my office knock i will let this on pass but next time I won't be forgiving" I was shocked because I thought she did not know and also because of her tone.

"Yes ma" I said quietly.

"So what can I do for you" she finally looked up to me.

"Ma Mr Russell will soon be here i just wanted to inform you"her eyes widen in shock

"Shit I forgot why didn't you tell me about that" she started clearing her desk i wanted to help but I don't no what to do.

"Don't just fucking stand there idiot help me clear this table and look for the building plan i have for them" she was pissed. I was a little hurt from her choice if words but I didn't say anything.

when everything was cleared she handed me the blue print

"I want you to go print this very fast" I left immediately and did it on time before Mr Russell came.

In less than 2 minute we heard a knock and I walked to open the door.

I saw a man about my age and I was not expecting him to be Mr Russell. I was expecting a older man.

He walked in without paying any attention to me.

"Cassie darling you look breath taking" I don't no what the meaning of my feeling is but I know I don't like the way he addressed her.

"Mr Russell its good to see you" Cassie said in her usual business tone.

"How many times will I tell you not to  call me that it makes me feel old" he told her in a baby voice and even pouted

Is this man serious dose he know who he is talking too.

"Mr Russell i know you came here for business so why don't we just to work and save this drama" this woman is always straight forward

I was a little happy and satisfied that she did not listen to him.

"Always so straight forward well since its business let's do that" Mr Russell said.

Mr Russell wants Brooks building to build a new hotel for him. I wrote down everything they said.

Miss Cassie showed him the blue print but he said he didn't line it. That it looked ordinary. He wanted something out of this world.

I looked at Cassie face and saw that she was getting angry but masked it.

She told Mr Russell to give her a month to draw a new one. He agreed and after that he left.

Gave me some work to do.. And that's what I did.

I looked at the time and saw it was 4. Packed my things ready to go home.

I walked to Cassie office and knocked. I heard a soft come in.

I told her I was going but she was too busy and didn't even acknowledged me.

but I didn't take anything to heart cause I know she is a busy woman.
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