Chapter Sixteen

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"Yes, miss Cassie you called" Jayden and I have agreed that at work we act professional and outside work we are friends.

"We'll be traveling to Italy on Wednesday, it looks like the workers are having a little problem so I have to see what the problem is" I told him.

"Wow, that's good have not been there before" he replied.

"I know Mr Black" i gave him a friendly smile.

"But now I can because your a great boss" he winked before leaving my office.

Tuesday evening (9:20pm) Texting.
Jayden: what's up friends?

Me: Am fine you?

Jayden: Am great,I just put Jason
               What are you doing?

Me: Nothing much trying to
         Finish Mr Chan building
         Plan. The presentation is
         Week Monday.

Jayden: yea I know, you work too
              And I don't like it.

As he said that my heart skipped a bit.
Me: yes I know, its not easy
         Being successful and the
        Best at what you do.

Jayden: your right, well enough
               About work. Lets talk
              About life.

Me: what ' about life' do you
        Want to talk about?

Jayden: what date is your
Why is he asking about that now?.

Me: my birthday is on November

Jayden: wow that's next Tuesday,
               And your telling me just

Me: your just asking now.

Jayden: well am happy I asked.

Me: why do I have a feeling you
        Have something in mind.

Jayden:  That's for me to know
               And you to find out.

Me: Jay, there's no need for you
        to do anything.

Jayden: And who said anything
               About doing something
I smiled at the nickname he just gave me. No one has called me that.

Me: its late Jayden, I will see you
        Tomorrow bright and early
         And don't be late.

Jayden: well I don't want to be
               The reason you sleep on
               Your office and don't
               Finish your work.

Me: Hey, we both know that's a

Jayden: I don't know, goodnight
               Cass sweet dreams.

Me: goodnight Jay.

I couldn't concentrate on my work and the smile refuse to leave my lips.  I charged my phone and I went to bed with a smile on my face.
there relationship is blooming.
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