Chapter Thirteen

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Jayden Pov

Finally, we are done for today. I packed up my things but I waited a little, so I won't look desperate. I looked at my watch and it was ten minutes after four. I left my office and went to Miss Cassie's. Knocking, i heard a soft come in.

"I hope your read.. Hey why are you not ready? Have you changed your mind?" I saw her constructing. Maybe she has changed her mind.

"No Mr Black, I was working on it before you came it. But we can give now". I nodded.

She started folding and arranging her files. When she was done, she bent down her table to put on her shoes. I smiled . when she was done she took her bag.

"After you Mr Black" I smiled and walked towards the door. We walked out of the building together and her car was waiting for her at the entrance.

"Don't sorry peter, I will be driving Miss Cassie today. You can go home". He nodded  and walked away.

"I hope you don't mind i drive. We might take time and it will be a shame for peter to be waiting for us in the car" I have her my reason.

I opened the door for her, she smiled and said thank you. I walked over to the driver side and started driving.

"So were are you taking me too Mr Black to celebrate"

"I thought you will not talk to me at all during the car ride"

"And why won't i talk to you?"

"Well I don't know, maybe because you have not said anything since I started driving. It feels like am forcing you to celebrate" I was ranting and she was laughing.

"Actually you gave me no choice" She told me we a smile on her face.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. So to answer your question. I'm taking you to a local bar me and my best bud Paul hang. I hope you don't mind" I know its a poor  place buts it's were i can afford now.

"No problem Mr Black as long as your not kidnapping me. We have no problem"

"Wow! You just hurt my feelings Miss Cassie is that what you think about me?" I fake hurt and she was laughing hard.

"Hey, I did mean it like that. You know what in mean" she defended herself.

"Your right I know. Am just pulling your legs" we got to the place after five more minutes drive.

"Black bird" Miss Cassie said the name out loud.

"Yea, its small but its great. Come on, let's go and celebrate" We walked I side. The place was not full because its still early .  I took hold of Miss Cassie hand and took her to the bar stand.

"Hey, harry what's up" I called the bar tender.

"Yo, Jay long time. Where have you been, have missed you" harry is gay and he had a little crush on me back then.

"Have been busy" I turned to Miss Cassie and I saw her looking around the bar.

"You don't like it here, we can go if you want" she turned towards me and smiled.

"No, I like it here i was just looking around"

"Okay, so what will you like to drink?" I asked her.

"I will take a bottle of beer"

"Hey harry, i will have two bottles of beer" he handed us our drink and I turned to Miss Cassie and handed her own beer.

"So, How so we celebrate Mr Black" she asked before taking a a drink.

"Well we get to know each other better how about that?"

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