Chapter Twenty-two.

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Cassie pov

I woke up with a pounding headache. It feels like there's a concert going on in my head. This is what you get for drinking so much cass. What happened to me last night? How did I get here?. Immediately all the event of yesterday played like a movie in my head.

'Fucking hell!!' Jayden will think am a loose woman now. He will see me differently. Oh heavens wipe his memory away please!! I sat up from the bed and held my head in pain. I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Cass, are you up" it sounded like Jayden voice.

"Y-yea" I cleared my voice.

"Can I come in?" Why is he asking? Its his house. I looked at myself, am still in the cloths I wore yesterday.

"Yea you can" he looks clean meaning he showered. He held a glass of water in his hands.

"Here, drink this it will help with the headache" I quickly tool the drugs from his hands and drank it. I began to look around the room and it looks empty. There is only a bed and closet.

"Em.. This is my room. There's nothing much because I can't afford furniture. So I live with what I can provide for myself" I nodded.

I didn't feel the normal tightness i feel around my chest whenever I wear bar. I cupped my breast and found out am not wearing bra. I looked to Jayden with wide eyes.

"Em.. You didn't have a bra on last night" he told me and I began blushing like crazy.

"Would you like a bath?" He asked. And I nodded. I really need a bath.

"Okay, let me take you to the bathroom, there's a spare toothbrush and Towel. Since you don't have any clothes here. I'll give you a shirt but its not new" he informed me. We stopped in front of the bathroom, he left me to do my business.

I used Jayden body wash and it smelt like lemon. I tied the towel around my body and came out of the shower. I wore my trouser and the shirt Jayden dropped for me. I smelt just like him making me smile. I used his hair brush and brushed my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the dinning room. Jayden is busy setting the table for brake fast while Mr Black is playing with Jason.

"Is there anything I can help with?" My voice made them to stop what they were doing. Jason started laughing and started walking towards me. His action brought a smile on my face.

"Good morning baby boy" I picked him up and started kissing him all over his face. He laughed loudly. Placing him on my hip i greeted Mr Black.

I went to the kitchen and made his food and went back to the dinning room. I started feeding him while Jayden placed pancakes and bacon on our plates.

"Jayden, if I slept in your room, where did you sleep" I asked him.

"I slept in the living room" instantly i felt bad.

"There's no need to feel bad Cass. Its nothing" I still felt bad.

After brake fast, I took Jason to the empty living room. I sat both of us on the floor and started playing.

"Am always embarrassed anytime I see you on the ground" Jayden told me. He sat on the floor and started to play with Jayden.

"Its not a problem Jayden I understand" he nodded.

"So when willing you put up your Christmas decorations" I asked. Trying to change the subject.

"Mmmm.. We don't have Christmas decorations. We normally go to the park and play nothing much" way to go cassie you always ask stupid questions.

I looked around the house and it was really empty. Jayden needs more than this. He is a very hard working man and he has a kind heart.

'why don't you do something about it. you have the money wise conscience. That's not a bad idea. They have done a lot for me, its the least I can do. I'll furnish this house and who knows i might spend Christmas with him.

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