Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up, to find myself in the living room. I checked the time and saw it was 8:45am. I woke up late.

"Happy birthday miss" I received birthday wishes from the maids on my way to my room. I checked my phone to see if I have any missed call or text from mom or Mary but I saw none.

"Miss a young man is here to see you" Martha by head maid told me.

"Where is he?" I asked her

"He is in the living room ma" I nodded and she left. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before going down.

I walked down the stairs and saw Jayden looking around the living amazed my the decorations and design not sensing my presence.

"Hey Jayden, what are you doing here so early" he jumped as he heard my voice. He turned to me and smiled brightly.

"Happy birthday Cass" he gave me a single white rose and I use my hair to cover my flushed face.

"Thanks Jayden" I said softly.

"But honestly what are you doing here?" I asked again.

"I told you I would take you out to celebrate your special day" he told me with his charming smile.

"You were serious about that?" i thought he was joking.

"Yes I was, we don't have time, so go and get dress wear something comfortable and casual" he told me.

"Okay take a seat, when I come back we will have brake fast" I quickly went to my room. I had the quickest bath ever. I wore a dark tight blue trouser marched with a white fitted top paired with a black high boots. I curled my hair. I did a little  makeup. I looked at myself in the full length mirror in my room. Happy with my appearance i walked out of my room.

"You look beautiful Cassie" Jayden complimented as he saw me coming down the stairs.

"Thanks Jayden" I looked at his outfit, he is wearing a black fitted trouser and a white shirt that outline his muscles and it took every power in me to avert my eyes. We went to the kitchen for breakfast.

"I  hope you don't mind us taking one of your cars" Jayden ask nervously. I no he doesn't have a car so I agreed.

"Its not a problem Jayden, I understand. Chose any car you want and I will get the key" we were at the garage. He picked a black posh . Giving him the key, he opened my side of the door. Thanking him, he went to the driver side and started the car.

"So were are you taking me too Jayden" I asked him making a conversation.

"its a surprise Cass" he replied and I glared at him making him smile.

"Thinking about it, how old are you?" He asked.

"Am 25" he looked shock at what I told him.

"Are you for real? Wow! Young, beautiful and successful. You one of a kind Cass" he said causing me to blush 50 shades of red.

25 minutes later in a comfortable silence. I saw that we are heading towards the zoo.

"Are we going to the zoo?"I wanted to make sure.

"Yes Cassie, we are going to the Zoo" he answered. I let out a sound i didn't know I could ever make. I squealed in happiness.

"I see your happy about coming here" he said smiling.

"I've always wanted to come to the zoo, but am always busy" I told him with a huge smile on my face.

"Well am honored to be the first to take you" he said as we packed the car. I came down first because of my excitement to go explore the zoo. I quickly walked to the gate. Jayden was behind me taking his time.

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