Chapter Eight

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Cassie Pov

Am at the airport now waiting for Mr Black to show up. I'm not angry because I know he has responsibility towards his family. I have been treating Mr Black kindly because ever since I insulted him because if Mr Russell file I became guilty because he didn't deserve the words I said.

I saw a figure coming very fast as it cam closer I realized that it was Mr Black. He was out of breath and couldn't talk when he reached me.

"M-miss C-cassie" he was panting for breath so I cut him short from his explanation.

"Mr Black there is no need for you to explain yourself. I know you have responsibility towards your family so I will allow this to pass but next time I won't" I know I said am acting kindly towards him but I hate lateness and I don't want him to make this a habit.

We walked into the plane and took our respective seats. I placed my laptop on the little office table and started working. The pilot told us that the plane is about to takeoff.

I saw Mr Black trying to fasten his belt but couldn't do it properly cause his hands were shaking. I smiled a little because I can clearly see he is nervous.

"You can't fix your belt properly with shaking hands Mr Black" i told him without looking from my laptop. He let out a nervous laugh and I wanted to smile but held myself.

I stood up from my seat to go and help him. I stood in front of him and bent down,taking the belt i my hands i fastened it with the lock. I looked up to see if he was watching me but as soon as I did, I was frozen at the spot.

He had the most captivating blue eyes i have ever seen. i couldn't stop staring at them. I didn't no how close we were until I felt his breath fanning on my nose. I was about to move away but the plane moved first and our lips met. I felt spark it was like a little electric bolt run trough my body and i jumped away like his lips burnt my body.

It was just a little peck on the lips but it felt more. I quickly composed myself and did behaved like nothing just happened. I took a quick peek at him and saw that his eyes were wide clearly show how shock he is.

Mr Black and I have not said anything to each other. have been trying to keep myself busy but I can't concentrate. The tension in here is killing me.

"Mr Black can you show me the file and design on Mr Russell so I can prepare my presentation for him on Friday". He just nodded.

When he handed me his laptop our hands brushed with each other and I tried my best not to gaps cause of the spark that flowed trough me. I took it and sent the file to my flash drive and started on my presentation.

Both if us has been working for an hour now but the tension between both of us is still there. Anytime we ask each other a question our answer is always awkward and I can't take it anymore.

"Mr Black about the kiss let's forget about it. I don't want it to come in between our work it was a mistake" I had to tell him I don't want to have an awkward relationship with my PA.

"No problem ma I was just scared that you will fire me as soon as we get back" I laugh and that broke the between us.

"Don't worry Mr Black your job is well secured" He smiled but I can tell something was troubling him. And its not my place to ask.
i love accidental kiss.

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