Chapter twenty-seven

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Cassie pov
I don't know how long we have been sitting on the plastic hospital chair, but all I know is I can't feel by ass.

I don't think Jayden mind. I know his mind is on his dad. I really do pity him, he has gone through a lot and more problem keeps coming.

"What will I do now Cass?" I didn't answer cause i don't know what to say.

"Where are we going to live now?, what would we wear?, what will I feed my baby with?, what will I do Cassie?" He turned to me and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I honestly don't know Jay, but whatever happens just know I am here for you" I cleaned his tears with my hands.

Even though am trying to fight this growing love i have for him but if its love I can offer to him, I will do it gladly.

"Let me give Mr&Mrs Mayor a call maybe they can allow us to stay a while at their place" I nodded.

"Hello Mr Mayor" Jayden began to explain everything that has happened.

"Please Mr Mayor can we come and stay at your place for a little while?" You can hear the hope in his voice.

"Oh! You have moved to California... Its okay... Thanks... Bye" he rubbed his face with his hands.

"Looks like you need a new assistant Cassie cause my family responsibility has  increased" he let out a dry laugh.

"You are always welcome at my place" I said without thinking.

"I don't understand" he looked confused

'What are you thinking Cassie? No man has ever stayed at your house. Abort mission!!' my brain kept yelling.

"You can live with me" who said that i hope its not me

"I can't Cassie, you have done a lot for me. I'm already guilty at all the money put into the house that has been burnt to ash. You paid for my dad surgery and now you want us to live with you? I can't Cassie" he kept looking at his hands like it will save him from his problem.

"Listen Jay, its not the time to feel guilty. You need to take care of your family. You will stay with me till your able to provide for your family. Don't argue" he looked at me and his eyes held so many emotion.

"Your a sent angel Cassie thank you very much" I smiled. If you only know that is angle has done

"Jayden Black" we turned and we saw the doctor walking towards us.

"How is my dad doctor?" Jayden quickly asked.

"The surgery was a success Mr Black. Your dad has been moved to room 503. he is still unconscious but he should wake up in an hour time" the doctor told us and relief felled our body.

"Thanks doctor" Jayden hugged the doctor who patted his back. We quickly went to the room the doctor kept Mr Black.

Jayden opened the door and we saw Mr Black on the bed. To me he looks dead. The only thing that made me know he was alive was the heart monitor that keeps beeping. He had so many needles and wires in his hands. He has two wires on his chest.

Jayden sat down beside his father while I sat on the couch by the side of the room with Jason in my arms.

I looked at my watch and it was 8 in the morning. I've been in the hospital for over 19 hours.

"You should go home and rest, you have been here for a long time" Jayden said.

"Yea, I'll take Jason with me. Don't worry I will bring some food and cloths for you. Hospital food are horrible" he smiled at me. And I left the room.

Getting home, I pick up Jason from the back seat and walked into the house.

"Martha" I called her as I entered the living room.

"Where have you been Cassie, this is the first time you did not sleep in the house when your not on a business trip" she scolded me in her motherly voice that warmed my heart. I told her everything that happened.

"Oh my!, poor Jayden what will he do now?" she asked

"Well they are going to be living with us" she raised her eyebrows at what I just said.

"Just prepare two rooms for them Martha. And please I know you buy cloths for your sons please go shopping but cloths for Jayden and his dad. Shoes, socks even boxers also by baby cloths and all the things that Jason will need. Here's my card. Am going to bed" I gave her my card and took Jason to my room.

I removed his diaper and bathed him and myself. I wore him one of my shirt praying he won't pee or poop on my bed. I placed him on top of me and closed my eyes for a much needed sleep.
looks like Cassie is not heartless anymore.

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