Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Jayden Pov.

Its February and it's three days to Jason birthday. My baby I turning one and I don't know if I should celebrate it or not. To be honest I really want to celebrate it but I can't. Cassie has already done enough for me and I don't want to disturb her in her own home.

"Hey baby boy, are you ready to eat?" Am currently in the kitchen with Jason and dad. Even though there are maids in the house I still do some work for peace of mind.

I started feeding Jason his good while dad was eating his. I heard soft foot steps coming towards the kitchen. I looked up and I saw Cassie. Beautiful as always. She is wearing fitted suit skirt pair with a white singlet and a suit Jacket. She had simple makeup making her look simple but ravishing. She cleared her throat and that brought me out of my daze.

"Good morning Benson, Jayden" she greeted and took her seat. We all said our good morning. Martha served her food and she started eating.

"Jayden, what are you planning for Jason birthday its this Saturday" I turned to my dad and glared at him. 'What the fuck is wrong with him'.

"Jason birthday is in three days and you didn't tell me Jayden?" did I really really upset her by not telling her.

"You have done enough for us Cassie, I don't want you to do more" I told her quickly.

"I understand, but its not you we are talking about its Jason first birthday" I nodded my head.

"Well you can invite your friends and we will do the party here" she said.

"Em.... I don't have friends cause am always busy. You, me, dad and everyone here are enough" she gave me a small smile before she walked out of the kitchen.

Cassie gave me a week off to settle and regain myself so I have not been going to work. I can tell she is having a hard time at work cause she always comes back late and looking stressed.

After the day I took care of her, the next day, she became distant and hardly looks my way. I didn't know what to do, so I allowed her to act the way she wanted. I couldn't confront her because I don't what to say. To to this day she only talks to me when its necessary. But who am I to say anything, even though it hurts me I don't want to say the wrong word and make her angry and push her further away from me.

Cassie Pov

"Happy birthday baby boy" Jayden voice woke me up.

"Dada" Jason shouted.

"Shhhh baby we don't want to wake up Cassie. She needs to rest" I heard Giggles.

"Am so proud of you. You stay with dada through every hardship and you didn't make a fuss" I could hear the love in Jayden voice.

"let's get you ready for your day" I heard the door close and I opened my eyes. I could still hear Jason giggles.

I looked at the time and it was 8:30. its really late. The sleep was really needed.

Jayden not at work, I have been doing everything and client are not giving me breathing space. Well its a form of distraction.

Am happy with Jayden and his family living here but it feels like my peace and quite has gone and I can only get that at the office. Oh heavens am really a sadist.

I prepared myself for the day. We decided to make it a jungle themed party, but I am not dressing up. Its not my style but everyone else are dressing up.

Walking down the stairs into the living room. I was surprise to see the decorations its really beautiful. I went to the kitchen for Brake fast. I saw Jason sitting on his high chair.

"Happy birthday baby" I took him in my arms and showered him with kisses. His giggles can be heard around the house.

The birthday party has started and it's taking every power in me to stop looking at Jayden. He is dressed as a caveman. A very sexy cave man. For a man without money, Jayden looks defined. His chest that keep getting my attention is broad. His six packs that's on display. God took his time creating Jayden.

Benson is dressed as an old zebra, Martha an old fox even the maid are dressed up to. Why the birthday boy is dressed as a cute, wide lion. His nose is painted black and his cheek has three black strips on each cheek.

Jason has refused to let go of me. he has been in my arms and refuse to step down and walk around. I phone started ringing and I checked to see who's calling. Mr Chan was calling and its really an important call. I quickly passed Jason to Jayden and ran outside as soon as I heard his cries.

"Hello Mr Chan" I greeted him

"Miss Brooks how are you doing?. I called to know how the progress of my building" shit i don't know the progress.

"Mr Chan am having a bit family problem but I will give an update first thing Monday morning"

"No problem miss Brooks talk to you on Monday" he ended the call and I walked back into the house.

I heard Jason cries and i ran into the living room. Immediately he saw me and the word he said gave me the shock of a life time.

"Mama, mama, mama"

It warmed my heart but it also broke my heart. What should I do?

"No baby em...." I frowned at what Jayden said. I walked to him and took Jason from his arms.

"Don't cry baby, Mama is here" fucking hell why would I say that.

I cradled him in my arms and is snuggled towards me. I looked at Jayden and he was looking at me with adoration. I couldn't help but smile towards him.
Jason finally has a mother in his life.

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