Chaptet Ten

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Cassie Pov

Today has been really stressful. I've been moving around the site and I have not rested plus am hungry.  I am writing down my presentation for tomorrow. I call Mr Robert last night and told him everything was ready and he told me he will be here by 8 in the morning so now I have to prepare i want everything to be perfect.

My feet right now are hurting. I don't even no why I wore heels. I took a seat  cause I can't stand any longer. Am sitting on the bench at the garden here at the hotel. I pulled my shoes off my feet and placed them on the grass. I let out a sigh of relief. I decided to get a few minutes rest, so I closed my eyes and allowed my body to relax.

"Miss Cassie" I felt someone tapping me. I opened my eyes and saw Mr Black face. I won't lie Mr Black is a very handsome man and right now I couldn't stop staring at him. He moved his face away and the sun fell on my face  i had to close my eyes braking me out of my daze.

"What can I do for you Mr Black" I looked at him and he seems to be debating with himself to tell me what's on his mind or not.

"Well I got lunch for you. You have been working since morning and I don't know if your  hungry but I was getting food for myself and I thought about you and"

"Thank you Mr Black you but shouldn't have" i cut him off from his rant but I took the food also cause am really hungry.

"Its not a problem Miss Cassie, your always busy and hardly have time for yourself and its my duty as your PA to see that you have enough energy to do your work right". he gave a a heart warming smile and I returned the gesture.

I opened the food and I wasted no time eating because am really hungry. I looked up and saw Mr Black standing there watching me. Something strange happened I became self conscious.

"Mr Black is there something on my face or what?" i had to ask

"No Miss Cassie Is just that i don't know if you will want me to sit beside you". I laughed at what he said.

"You can take a seat Mr Black am not that wicked or heartless" he laughed and sat down. We sat in a comfortable silence I was eating while he was looking at the view in the garden. his phone started ringing and he picked.

"Hello dad" his dad was talking at the other end and by Mr Black expression I knew something was wrong.

"Why is he crying? has he eaten, maybe he needs a change diaper" he had a worried expression.

"What Happened" I mouthed to him.

"Its My son Jason he has been crying for an hour Now" he looks really troubled and I really wanted to help him. I didn't no what I was thinking when I told Mr Black to pass me the phone. He was contemplating no either to give me or not but he did.

I took the phone and placed it on my ear. I heard a baby voice crying at the background and my heart broke.

"Mr Black its Cassie Brooks your son boss em.. Can you place the phone on Jason's ear" I can tell he was shocked because he didn't say anything. Instantly I heard the loud cry of Jason.

"Hey baby" I said in a soft voice i didn't no I Had. His crying came down a little bit. I began to sing the lullaby my mom sang for we when I was young to stop me from crying.
"hush, little baby don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turn brass
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass get broke
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over
Mama's gonna buy you a dog name Rover
And if that dog name Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down
You will still be the sweetest little baby in town".

As I finished singing i didn't hear is cry and I smiled.

"Thanks Miss Cassie, Jason is sleeping" Mr Black told me over the phone.

"Your welcome" I handed the phone to Mr Black and he look stunned. He talked with his dad a little bit and ended the call. Suddenly he stood up and walked towards the rose bush and plucked a single rose and walked towards me.

"A single Rose for an amazing woman". I felt my cheeks hear up and am sure he can see my blush cause his smile grew.

I took the Rose and placed it by my side. Anytime I look at the rose I smile cause its my first flower ever given to me by a Man.
Cassie has a heart after all.

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