Chapter thrity-two

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Cassie pov.

I can't believe i told Jayden that. Holy hell. What was i thinking. Now he will think am like those girls seeking for attention.

"Cass, I"

"Save your explanation Jay I don't want to hear it" I had to leave so i ran out of the building I don't want to keep making a fool out of myself.

I was about to make it to the driver when I was forcefully pushed and I immediately heard a loud noise.

I turned around and I saw Jayden landing on the ground with great force and it was like time stopped.

"JAYDEN" I began to run towards him, hoping this just a dream.

"Jay, Jay open your eyes" i pat his cheek but he won't open his eyes.

I took is head in my lap and my hand felt warm and wet. I looked at my hands and I saw blood. My panic rate increased.

"Someone please call for an ambulance" I shouted.

"Ma, don't worry an ambulance is in the way" I turned towards the person and I saw it was Leo the driver.

"Jay, please baby open your eyes for me" I don't care anymore all I want I told see his beautiful eyes that I fell in love with.

I began to hear the distant noise of the ambulance. About a minute later a nurse came by my side.

"Please help me. Save him for me please" I began to beg the nurse.

"We will try our best Miss just allow us to do our work" they took Jayden from my lap and placed him on the stretcher.

"Leo go home and inform my family about what just happened. I'll going with the ambulance" I didn't wait for his reply i went into the ambulance.

The nurse tried to stop the blood from Jayden head. But he began to look pale. I hardly pray but i began to pray like i have never prayed before.

God please keep my Jayden alive for me please.

We reached the hospital in time and they dragged Jayden to the operating room. With me running beside him.

"Am sorry Miss you can't enter" the nurse stopped me in front of the operating room. I didn't argue anything cause I know its the law.

"Please whatever happens save him. Please" she nodded and gave me a small smile.

I sat down on the hard hospital chair but that's the least of my problems. Now I know how Jayden felt when his dad was In there.

I looked up to the hospital light handing on the ceiling. My vision became blurry and I close my eyes and hot tear began to roll down my cheek but I didn't clean them I cried more. Even though I fight my emotions everyday, I can't fight or mask this.

Jayden made me to know what love feels like and how to love. My black and white life finally has other bright colours. I wake up every morning happy and not empty.

'Please God don't take away my only source of happiness. Please cause i will die. I love Jayden so much. I deserve to be happy too don't I? I deserve to be love and he is the only one who loves me and who i love in return please do-

"Cassie" hearing my name brought me out of my prayer.

"Benson" my voice was horsed.

"On my dear Cassie" Benson pulled me into a hug and I didn't flinch nor did I push him away.

His hug was warm and gave me a taste of a fatherly hug feels like. And that made me cry again. I felt like a daughter crying into her fathers arms seeking comfort from a heart brake.

"What will I do dad.. I can't lose him. I've lost everybody i can't lose him too" I cried from all the heart ache in my heart.

"My dear you won't loose him. Jay is a strong man and he will fight his way out of their" i felt comfort from his words.

"Do you really think so?" I asked in a doubtful voice.

"Yes i do or if not, I will carry my shoe and beat the hell out of him till he wakes up" I giggled a little bit. He pulled away and began to clean my tears with his hands.

"Don't cry dear, we don't want to scare off Jayden with red eyes and face now do we?" I shook my head.

"Thanks a lot Benson" I kissed his cheek.

"Mama" I turned as i heard my baby voice. I was about to take him but a voice stopped me.

"I think you should go was your hands first before you take him" I turned and I saw Martha. How come I didn't know she was here. I looked at my hands and i saw blood. I went to the nearest bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, my nose and cheek were a little pale. I washed my face, cleaning the little makeup i had on. My face was bare but i don't care.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to where i left my family. 'My family its just missing one person. My Jayden'

I took Jason in my arms. We waited for the doctors.
We have been seating for almost 6 hours and I am beginning to panic.

"You need to sir down Cassie, you pacing around is beginning to turn my eyes" Martha told me.

"I can't clam down Martha, what if something has gone wrong. Or God forbids they lost him and they don't want to come tell us... Or.."

"Enough Cassie, you need to sit down. Maybe eat something" Benson cuts me off from my rant.

"I don't wa-"

"Family of Jayden Black" we all turned and saw the doctor.

"Yes" I answered running towards him.

"How is he? Is he okay? Oh please tell me his okay if-"

"Cassie!! allow the doctor to talk" not Benson and Martha shouted the same time.

"Sorry" I whispered to the doctor.

"Well, there's good news. Jayden is alive" once he said that I let out the breath that I was holding.

"We are lucky that the blood did not enter his brain cause it could've been a big problem. He has two broken ribs but that will heal in about 3-4 weeks. Now the bad news" I held my breath again.

"He is in coma, he should wake up in about a week time. And there is a possibility of his losing is memories due to the impact of the fall" I nearly passed out. The doctor held me and placed me on a seat.

"He won't remember me" I said to myself but I know they all heard it.

'Why can't i be happy in my life. What did I do wrong to this world that's it so against me being happy'
poor Cassie.

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