Chapter Three

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Cassie Pov

Today has been a very busy day for me. Brake fast with my mother and sister two was weird.

I feel like both of them are hiding something from me because they kept glancing at each other every two seconds

"Is there anything both of you like to say because its beginning to annoy me the way you look at each other" I ask them straight to the point.

"Cassie dear can we meet today at a nice restaurant we have something to tell you. I will text you the place and time". I nodded i looked at my watch and saw it was getting late so I left.

Today office work were like other days meetings and annoying phone calls and interview with personal assistants and I am stressed

Am now on my way to the place were mother and Mary are waiting for me.

Coming to think about our relationship i know both of them are a little afraid of me. I make all the decisions and I know they don't like it but that doesn't mean I will allow them to just make drastic decision.

Getting to the restaurant its nothing fancy not that I mind. inside looks simple.

I saw both of them at the far end and it was more private but also with them are two men one older then other younger.

"Whats going on here?" I went straight to the point.

I can tell they were all nervous cause of the way they were behaving. The man beside my mom look to me in his late 40s and the on beside Mary should be 22 or so.

"Cassie you have not even settle down always so straight forward" she laugh but I can tell it was forced. I did as I was told and looked at them.

"Okay am seated now care to explain" I told them when no one was talking.

Mother turned to Mary giving her a look that says 'say something'

"Em.... Cassie this is boyfriend and eh...." I got angry as soon as I heard boyfriend

"Get it out Mary before I lose it here right now" she looked scared now but said it any

"we have been together for a year now and I want to move in with him and also I want to tell you". i was shocked but soon replaced with anger. I turned to my mom

"And you, whats your own" she was shocked by my tone and a little hurt but I don't care i was angry.

"Well this is Bruce and we have been seeing for 6 months and he proposed to me and we need your blessings"

Now I let out a bitter laugh. the atmosphere was tensed. I looked at my sister

"Well you are not leaving  the house to stay with whatever guy" she looked shocked and angry

"And you.. You are not getting married or leaving either" I told my mom she looked hurt.

I stood up and left before they can say anything.. I didn't want to cause scene here. I want my life private.

They all called out to me but I paid them no mind I entered my car and drove home.
What do you think about what Cassie did to her family was it right or wrong?

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