Chapter Fifteen

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Cassie Pov.

Am at the front of Jayden's house and am nervous to go in. Since I need that file i have to go.

His house is small. Its like a cottage. Am a little surprise he is living by this side of the city. But who am I to judge, I once stayed in a place like this. I knocked at the front door and patiently waited for the door to open.

"Hey Cassie, your just on time I was about to serve dinner. Oh were are my manners come in" Oh Jayden being a charmer as always.

"No Jayden, I don't want to disturb your family dinner" I don't want to make anything awkward.

"Nonsense, Your my friend and I can't let you go like that come in" he held my hands and dragged me into his house.

"I would have told you to take a seat, but I don't have any couch" he looks embarrassed and was rubbing the back of his head.

"No problem Jayden, we can go to the kitchen and sit there" I know I won't leave here without having dinner so there is no point in arguing.

We entered the kitchen, and I saw an older looking version of Jayden. The only difference is his eyes. His are brown while Jayden's are blue. He stood up from the small dinner table and walked towards me with a smile of his face.

"Miss Brooks,  its lovely to see you" Mr Black greeted me.

"Good too see you Mr Black" my tone was voice of emotion. I still don't like fathers.

"Dad,Cassie both of you take your sits, while I serve dinner" Jayden told both of us with a smile on his face.

Mr Black and I sat on the little dinning table. The kitchen is small but cosy. Baby food and bottles were on top the kitchen counter and Jayden was dishing the food into plates.

"Jason, what are you doing under the table" I heard Mr Black Voice and loud baby giggles. I turned towards Mr Black and saw him picking something from under the table.

"There you go, okay be a good boy and sit on grandpa's lap and wait for dad to bring your food okay". He looked at Mr Black confuse and clearly not understanding what he just said. then he started laughing. Mr Black turned him to face me and when he saw me he stopped laughing.

Oh my God! I just stopped a baby from crying just by looking at it. How in fucks name is my facial expression? it looks like the baby is accessing me. He looked at me for about 15 seconds before smiling. I let out a breath i didn't even know I was holding.

"Don't worry child, Jason likes you already without even knowing you. He always holds the Teddie you bought for him" Mr Black told me with a smile on his face. I gave him a forced one.

"Would you like to hold him?" That question took me off guard. What if I drop him. If I say know it would be rude and am in their house.

"Sure no problem" he handed Jason to me and I took him with shaking hands. I placed him on my lap. I looked down at him. He has Jayden hair and eyes he looks like the mini version of Jayden. I subconsciously rub my hands in his chubby cheeks. He was smiling bright at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Okay dinner is served, I hope you like spaghetti and meat ball" Jayden placed the food on the table for each of us.

"You Know I eat everything, so why ask" I teased him.

"I just want to be sure" I laugh when I saw he was blushing a little bit. When Jason heard me laughing he started laughing. I looked down at him and smiled.

"And are you hungry big boy?" I asked him in a silly voice he looked at me and started giggling.

"Jay, go and make his food" I ordered Jayden without looking at him. it took me 20 seconds to realize what I just did. I turned to Jayden and I saw him making the food. I looked at Mr Black and I saw him eating. Maybe they didn't notice I signed in relief inwardly.

"Hey you go. You can feed him" Jayden handed me the food.

"Sure? But if your want to feed him no problem" I told him.

"No, go ahead" and that's what I did. I fed Jason his food and ate mine. I complimented Jayden for the food because it was delicious. Mr Black and Jayden were talking about his health, I didn't add to anything they were saying all my focus was on the little boy on my lap.

Jason refused to let me go, so I bathed him and put him to bed. I placed his teddy by his side and sang for him until he was asleep. I gently closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. I saw Jayden doing the dishes.

"Thanks for dinner Jayden" he turned towards me when he heard my voice. He smiled and gave me Mr Chan file and both of us walk to the door.

"Thanks Cassie, you helped a lot with Jason" I smiled and walked towards my car.

" Goodnight Jayden, see you on Monday" I was about to enter when he held my hands and pulled me into him.

Am standing frozen at the spot, he is hugging me. He pulled away a little and whispered in my ear

"Goodnight Cass" he kissed my cheek and walked away leaving me shocked.
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