Chapter Seven

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Today work has been stressful and I can tell Miss Cassie too is stressed because she keeps rubbing her temples. We are currently in a meeting with Mr Chan.

"Miss Brooks I would love your company to be the one to build my new restaurant in China i have seen your works and I love them".

I was hoping miss Cassie will decline because we have 5 pending project and me can't add now.

"Mr Chan thanks for appreciating my work. It would be my pleasure to be in charge of the construction of your restaurant".

I can tell Miss Cassie didn't want to do it because she has more work at hand so why accept this.

"But you will have to give me time cause my hands a bit full" she told him.

"No problem I will give you a month but my October and I will like to see what you have" he told her but the time period is short and that's a problem.

"No problem Mr Chan I will see you I October. my assistant will show you out. Have a nice day".i saw Mr Chan out of her office and went back in.

"Ma why will you add Mr Chan request to your list of work. You have a lot of pending request why add more" I ask softly

"Mr Black these men are strong men in the business world and they trust my company to build for them. I can't turn them down it will be bad for business" she explained and started looking for Mr Russell Blue print that's due on Friday.

"Well Miss Cassie they come to you because you are one of a kind and every work and building you make are from you make are from your hard work" I told her truthfully and she gave me a small smile that warmed my heart.

"Thank you Mr Black" she said softly and went back to what she was doing.

I went back to my office and started the work i was doing. I have been working for 3 hours i know because my alarm went off indicating that it was lunch time. I took my phone and went for lunch.

Near the building was a small restaurant and I always come here to eat causes their food is delicious and its also cheap.

As I was eating I thought about Miss Cassie and the small smile she gave me it really warmed my heart to see that I was the reason behind it. I find Miss Cassie attractive, she is beautiful and that small smile brought out the beauty more.

I was almost done eating and I wonder if Miss Cassie as had lunch yet. Knowing her I'm sure he has not eaten so I ordered food for her to take away.

I knocked on her door and I heard a soft come in. Walking in i saw her concentrated on her work and a pencil in her hair.

"What can I do for you Mr Black" she asked without even looking.

"Em.. Miss Cassie I went for lunch and I brought food for you also because i no you didn't go for lunch" what i said got her attention because she looked up.

I can tell she was surprised because she keeps looking between me and the bag in my hands.

"Thanks but I am not hungry Mr Black" after she said that  her stomach rumbled I held my laugh. She had a little blush a little clearly showing she is embarrassed.

"Well Miss Cassie you might not be, but I can tell your stomach is" I told her jokingly. She let out a little chuckle and I was amazed her laugh was so angelic. She looked shocked after that but composed herself.

"Well Mr black you can keep the food on the table and as soon as am done with this i will answer my hungry stomach" I let out my own chuckle  and she looked shocked and I don't know why.

I did as I was told and left her office. I went back to mine and continue doing my work. I was rounding up on the last email when I received a phone call from Miss Cassie from her tone i can tell she is angry and I became scared. what if she didn't like the food.

"You call for me ma" I asked her she was typing very fast on her computer.

"I want you to call my pilot and tell him to have my jet ready tomorrow and be should be by the airport before 6am" she told me without looking at me.

"And you can leave go home and pack and be at the airport before 7 because you are following me to Poland for 3 days".

I was shocked but left either way. But before I left i saw the empty can of food in the trash can and that put a smile on my face.

I got home and told my father everything I was worried leaving them alone but he reassured me nothing bad will happen. So I went to pack for my first trip ever with Miss Cassie.
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