Chapter thrity-three.

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Mary pov.
"Mom are you at home?" I need to see my mom, guilt has been eating me alive for a very long time now.

"Yes dear am at Bruce's" am happy for my mom, after everything she has been through she moved on.

"Okay mom, I'll be there soon. Love you"

"Love you too dear" I picked my bag and walked out of I and Josh room.

"Am going love wish me luck"

"Good luck baby, hope it goes well" I kissed him and went out the door and drove to Bruce house.

"Hello future step father" I greeted Bruce in our usual way and he laughed.

"Hello to you too my beautiful daughter" am always happy when he calls me his daughter.

"Where is mom?"

"She is in the kitchen eating breakfast"

"Okay thanks" I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom.

"Hey mom"

"Hi baby" she kissed  my head and i sat beside her.

"Mom we need to apologize to Cass. We betrayed her and abandoned her also. I feel great guilt because I compared her to dad. Till this very hour, I don't k ow why I did that. I left the only person that gave me a better life. Am so ashamed of myself" I regret everything I said to her.

"your not alone dear, I myself am ashamed of what I did to my baby girl. She took my responsibility and provided for us all and gave us the luxurious life we always dreamt about" a tear fell from her eyes and I hugged her.

"We should go and correct our Mistake mom. Lets go and ask for forgiveness" I really need to go back to my big sis.

"Yea, let's go. Let me go get bag. I'll meet you at the front door" we both walked out of the kitchen.

"Bruce dear we are going to Cassie's. I hope she forgives me. Love you" my mom informed him.

"Take care love" Bruce kissed her forehead and we left his house.

Getting to the familiar Manson I grew up in. 'Honesty how can i compare Cassie to dad. What kind of spirit manipulated me back then" .

We entered the house, I was expecting silence but I heard baby cries. I looked at mom and her face mirrored my confusion.

Getting to the living room, I saw my sister moving around collecting things and a baby on the ground crying.

"Wallet, diapers, extra diapers, extra baby clothes, baby socks, towel, formulas... Formulas were are they" she started looking around.

"Mama up up" my jaw reached the ground.

"Am coming baby, mama is a little busy" I turned to my mom and her mouth hang open in shock.

"Mama up up" she groaned

"Okay bu- holy shit" she jumped as she saw us.

"Martha come here" she regained herself and call for Martha.

"Yes dear, you called?" Martha answered as she walked in.

"Answer the visitors, am on my way to the hospital. Am finally going to see jay. I hope it works for the best" Martha nodded.

"Lets go baby, lets go see dada" she picked the boy up.

"Dada" she boy squeal and I could see love and admiration in Cassie's eyes. She walked pass us and left the house.

"What you guys did to her is unforgivable" I looked down in shame at what Martha said.

Cassie pov
What's mom and Mary doing at my house? Are they here to accuse and insult me again. Well that's their problem. I can't be bothered with them. I miss Jayden.

I have not seen Jayden since the day of the accident. After what the doctor said about Jayden loosing his memory i broke down. I cried and made a big fool out of myself. But I didn't care, the only person I care about won't remember me.

I refused to go and see Jayden that day. I sat down on the hospital chair until Martha came. Benson said he would stay with Jayden. We went home and i locked myself in my room.

I didn't come out of my room the next day and I was not planning on coming out well not until Martha entered my room using a spare key and began to scold me. Yelling that I have a son and I should take care of him.

She dropped Jason on my bed and walked out. Jason crawled into my lap and rested his head on my breast and I began to cry again.

So i made up my mind to go and see Jayden. Even though he won't remember me, I'll always remember him.

Parking the car at the hospital, I took Jason baby bag and carried Jason in my arms and we entered the hospital. Benson told me the room number and I began to search for room 105.

Stopping in front of the room, I became scared of what I would see.

"Mama" I turned to Jason.

"Yes baby" I whispered. He kissed my cheek and I smiled. I looked into his blue eyes and wishing for Jayden's. Then I opened the door.

The love of my life looks lifeless on the bed. Machines were by his side beeping and he two needles sticking in his hands and a bandage around his head. I felt like crying all over.

"Hey Cassie" i turned away from Jayden and I saw Benson. I nodded my head cause I can't find my voice.

"Why don't you come and sit beside him." When Benson saw i was not moving, he took Jason from my hand and his baby bag. Then he dragged me to the seat and sat me down.

"Why don't you talk to him, maybe he can hear you. I'll give both of you some privacy" I didn't answer Benson. I kept on staring at Jayden and I heard the door close.

'Should I talk to him? This may be my only chance'

"Hey Jay, em.. How are you doing on the inside? I hope you doing good cause your outer form is killing me. You look so lifeless and i feel like you have left me. Am so sorry Jay. I know this is ally fault. You're in this condition cause of me" a loud sob broke out of my lips.

"If I had given you a chance to explain none of this would have happened. But I allowed my anger to get the best of me. Yes I was angry because I thought you didn't love me again. I didn't want to tell you about my past but you promised to be there for me so I believed.

When you left that morning I thought you walked out of my life. I was so heart broken but I didn't want to hallow in pain so I became angry am so sorry Jay" i rested my head on his shoulder sobbing like crazy.

"The truth is that i love you. I love you so much Jay. I don't want you to leave me. Please don't leave me" i held his hands tight.

The heart monitor began to beep loudly and I began to panic. I heard a soft groan and I turned to Jayden. His head began to move.

"Jay.. Jay can you hear me?" I asked in hope. He groaned again but loud this time.

"Open your eyes for me Jay please" I begged and he did making my heart stop.
Jayden is awake.

Do you think everything will  be the same?.

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