Chapter two

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So today is the day. Here i am sitting down waiting for my turn to be called for the interview.

I woke up very early dropped Dad and Jason at home prepared food for them and trying to make it on time and am happy I did.

The expression on people faces as the come out of the office are not encouraging. Some looked pissed as fuck, sad and frustrated.

"Hello" i turned to my right to see who is tapping me.

"Are you nervous?" the girl asked me well this will help take off my mind from everything that is going on

"Yes I am" I answered truthfully. I can she is nervous because she is sweating on her fore head

"By the way my name is Jayden what about you?" I asked her

"My name is Anne" she gave me a small smile and I returned the smile.

"I heard from my friends that the last personal assistant quit because of the way Miss Cassie treated her" I didn't no what to say. But as she was about to talk her name was called.

"Miss Anne your up" says the secretary

"Well looks like is my turn wish me luck"

"Good luck Anne"

When she left i started thinking about Miss Brooks and why she had such a cold personality that everyone is either scared of her or hate her. I was so lost in my thought that I did not see an angry Anne matching out of the office

"That lady is so cold she put ice queen shame"

" what happen?" I asked concerned

"See i don't want to talk about it. I just want to go to any bar and drink my lack of employment away"

I tried to talk to her but she walked out. I started to think about what Miss Cassie would have said to make her that angry

" Jayden Black your up" I thanked the woman and walked into the office.

The lady I saw behind the desk was not who I imagined to be Miss Cassie Brooks. I was expecting a ugly short lady but sitting before me is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is sitting down so I don't really no her full height but the way she is sitting I can tell she is tall her Brown golden hair fall on her suit shoulders and I suddenly have an urge to run my hand trough it.

She is on the phone so she did not notice me checking her out. I guess she did because she turned towards me and suddenly she became angry

"What do you mean they brought the wrong shipment" I brows formed a cute frown

"I left you in charge of one simple work and that's to order the paint and your telling me they brought the wrong one" she roars at the person on the phone and I pity that person

"How dare you say that" I have never seen a woman so angry before

" I sent my former assistant to send you the type of paint to order and the fucking bitch sent the wrong one".

"look i don't have time for this shit I will send you money and you better order the right one" she ended the call before the person could say anything

"God I work with fucking idiots"

"And what can I do for you" she asked I can see she was frustrated but tried to cover it up. I put on the best professional act i can do

"Am here for the interview for the personal assistant" I said

"That's still going on i thought Miss Anne was the last one" she looked confused

"Okay well.. Why should I hire you?"

"Well my name is Jayden Black and i am an effective worker, I no how to prioritize and I am orderly, I am hard working and I no how to get well with people"

i can't read her expression because her face is blank.

"Aside from your work place tell me about your life" she claps her hand together and leaned forward.

"Well ma there is nothing interesting about my life except my sick father and my 7 months old son" she looked surprised.

"Are you married?" She asked curiously

"No ma I am not married" now she looked confused So I explained further

"My ex girlfriend left him with me and with full custody.. Well she couldn't stay in poverty and left me with the baby"

"Well Mr Black i must say you have alot of responsibility and you will hardly give me your attention I don't think I can hire you" All my world came crashing down i was about to talk when her phone started ringing she raised her hand to stop me

"Hello Mr Russell how may I help you" begin professional she talked business

"Well this is something we can't talk on the phone about why do you come to my office tomorrow and tell me what you want I will have you can inform my personal assistant on your arrival goodbye" she ended the call

"Well Mr Black looks like luck is on your side cause am in need of a personal assistant but take note that this office its for mainly work okay" she told me hardly

I was overjoyed and thanked her but she wasn't fazed at all.

"Be here my 8pm sharp am giving you an hour free cause of your responsibility but not a minute less not a minute more okay"

"Thank you so much ma. I promise you won't regret it at all"

"I hope not cause I don't give luck easily. Now you can go i have some were to be"

I walked out of the building with a blown out smile on my face. I got weird looks but I didn't care. I got home and I found my family waiting for me even Mr and Mrs Mayor and my best friend Paul. I told them the good news and all of them were happy. Finally am having solutions to my problems.
What do you think about their encounter?
Is Cassie really Cold?

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