Chapter Thrity

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Jayden pov.

Jason finally has a mother figure in his life. After his birthday a week ago, a new relationship has began between Cassie and Jason. Jason calls her mama all the time and the way she answers warms my heart and make me smile.

To Jason me and Cassie are his mama and dada, if only he knew that is dada is trying to confess his love to his mama, but his mama she still avoiding him. Cassie is still not talking to me like before. And now that Jason calls her 'mama' her action towards me has changed for the worst. Only God knows whats on in that pretty head of hers.

Work for me has started and its helping me get my mind off Cassie a little bit. Mr Russell construction is about to end and we are trying to make everything to perfection.

Cassie left the completion of Mr Russell building to me, and the stress that's flowing through my body is massive. Trying to make everything to be great so Cassie won't be angry and me not making a fool out of myself.

When I showed her my idea on the completion of the building she was impressed and that make me proud cause I pleased her.

I looked at the time and saw it is 1:05am. I've been working since I came home. Trying to answer email and arranging Cassie schedule for tomorrow.

I bathed to get the sweat and germs off my body. I put on my sweatpants. I was about to sleep when I suddenly heard a loud scream.

I ran outside the room. I saw dad and Martha. Dad was looking confuse while Martha had a sad look on her face.

"Whats going on? Who is screaming like that?" Dad asked.

"Its Cassie, today will mark it 10 years" she said the last part quietly but I heard it.

"10 years of what Martha?" I asked her.

"Its not my place to tell. I'll advice you all to go to your rooms and pretend you didn't hear anything" Dad nodded and went back into his room.

I scream increased and agony and her pain could be heard miles away.

My legs moved on their own and I found myself in front of Cassie room. Without thinking i opened the door and was greeted with darkness.

"Dad please don't do this to me" she shouted. I opened the curtain allowing the moon light to shine into the room. I looked at her and her legs were moving like crazy.

"Dad please, Dad am begging you please" hot tears were rolling down here eyes. i can't stand here and watch her hurt herself.

I touched her legs her legs and she screamed so high like my hands were fire burning her skin.

"Please Dad, please anything but this am begging you" whats going on? Whats she dreaming about?

"Hey Cassie its me Jayden, you are having a bad dream, nothing is going to happen to you" i tried talking to her without touching her but it fell on deaf ears.

I held her waist to try and pull her up and the way she screamed made me drop her and u took three step back. I kept watching her, not knowing what to do

She began to hit her hand on the head board. I thought bit will wake her up, but it looks like it just added to her nightmare. For her not to hurt herself anymore, I jumped on the bed and pulled her into me.

That's the worst mistake I could ever do. She started hitting me and it was painful.

"Dad please, please" she begged.

I wrapped my arms around her and brought her close to my chest. I ran my hands through hers soft hair hopping it I'll clam her down.

Her hands slowed down and her shouts of pain began to decrease. I kept whispering sweet words into her ears. Once I notice her hands has stopped hitting me, i pulled away slightly and looked at her face.

Her eyes opened a little and she looked at me through her lashes. First i thought she will pull away but she hugged me tightly and started sobbing on my chest and I just realized am not putting on a shirt.

Her tears ran down my chest like it was sweat. I rubbed her back trying to clam her down.

"Why did he do it Jay?" What did he do.

"What did he do Cass? You know you can tell me right?" I need to know why Cassie is broken.

"Your the only one I have left Jay, I don't want to tell you so you won't leave me" her voice was filled with pain.

"Am always here for you Cass, I will never leave you" I reassured her but she shook her head on my chest.

"No, you will leave me too. Mother and Mary already left. I don't want you to leave too" my heart skip at her word. Maybe I do have a chance with Cassie.

"Cassie you know i love you, I will never leave you" he body tensed at first.

"You really love me Jay?" She asked in an adorable doubtful voice.

"I love you Cassie to the moon and back" she didn't say anything but her body relaxed.

"My dad raped me when I was 15" I sat frozen at what she just said.

"Lets go to bed Cassie am sure you need the rest" she didn't say anything.

We both laid down on the bed. I felt her tears on my chest but I didn't know what to do.

I kissed her forehead and whisper goodnight. I couldn't sleep and I know she didn't either cause I still felt her tears on my chest
Cassie just told Jayden about her darkest secret.

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