Chapter Twenty-six

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Cassie Pov.

I'm using shaking hands to drive to the hospital. I'm passing speed limit but I don't care. Avoiding him or not, Jayden family has grown a place in my heart they make me feel love. And I can't lose Jason.

Jayden is physically shaking and I put him so much. He loves his family dearly and now they could leave him at any moment. He is trying to hold his tears but failing miserable. I have never seen him crying before. I felt like hugging him.

Pulling to the hospital, but if us ran into the hospital just on time to see them taking Mr Black into the operating room.

"Dad, Dad am here.. Dad open your eyes" Jayden ran towards his dad and was trying to wake him up.

"Mr Black you have to let go so we can take him into the room" the nurse tried to pull Jayden away from his dad. Knowing his father needs help Jayden lets go the nurse took Mr Black into the operating room and closed the door. A nurse came out of the room and Jayden grabbed her  hands.

"My son Jason, were is he?" Jayden had tears running down his eyes and it broke my heart.

"The little boy, he is alright. He is in the children ward. Nothing happened to him" we both let out the breath we were holding.

"Jay, stay here in case they need you, I'll go and bring Jason" he just nodded his head.

I walked to the children ward and I saw Jason. He was crying in the middle of the room. The nurses were trying to calm him down, but its not working. I saw he had a little bruise and I ran to him and knelt in front of him and took him in my arms.

"My baby, stop crying Cassie is here now" I kissed his forehead repeatedly. His cries turned to baby hiccups and I pulled away.

Picking him up and placing him on my hip i walked out of the room and went to were i left Jayden.

"Dada" I was shocked and turned to Jason. did he just talk?

"Dada, Dada" he definitely did. I turned and I saw an angry looking Jayden holding the doctor by the collar.

"What do you mean you can't do the operation?" Jayden shouted.

"Sir you have to pay for the transplant its the hospital policy. Its not my doing" the doctor explained.

"Fuck the policy, that's my dad dying in there" he ran his hands trough his hair in frustration.

"Sir I am begging you. Am on my kneels here please sir help me out here" Jayden held the man by his legs. I felt something wet on my cheek. honestly the site will make anyone cry. I couldn't bare it anymore it walked towards them.

"Whats the problem Doctor?" I asked.

"Ma'am we can't undergo a heart transplant on Mr Black because the song has not paid for it" that's really the policy.

"How much is it?" I can't stand here and watch him die.

"$1.4million ma" now I understand why he can't pay. The money is much but is not hard for me to pay.

"What's the hospital account i will send in the money" they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"You can go to the nurse at that table. She will tell you what to do" I nodded and walked to were he directed. the nurse gave me all the information and I paid the money to the hospital account. I quickly walked back to the men standing in front of the operating room.

"I've paid the money, so you can go ahead with the operation" he turned to the nurse who nodded in confirmation.

"I've something to tell you Doctor" they all turned to me.

"I built this hospital and I donate money to this hospital if this surgery is not successful i will end your career"  he nodded and left.

"Don't worry Jayden, everything will be alright" I looked at his red blue eyes and my heart ached.

"I don't even know what to say or how to thank you. But just know I am in debt to you for the rest of my life" I smiled at what he said.

"Dada" Jason decided to talk now.

"Hey baby boy" he took him and kissed his head before hugging him tight.

We sat on the hospital chair and waited. i hope it will be a success.
Cassie Came to the rescue.

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