Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jayden Pov

I can count today as one of the best days in my life. If someone would have told me Cassie could play the way sis did, I would have laughed my ass off. We spent 11 hours in her house and with the constant smile and laugh from Jason I knew he enjoyed his day. We left Cassie house around 9. She is driving but I can tell she was nervous about something. She always bites her lips when nervous.

Driving trough the familiar street i began to feel bad. Everyone in the neighborhood has put on their Christmas decorations except my house. We were the odd ones out. Getting closer to the house, I saw lights and I became confused. Party lights were hanging around the tress like others. Whats going on? Did somebody make a mistake and decorated the wrong house. Packing in front of the house, we all came out with shock faces. I just kept staring at the building that looks like my house.

"Jayden what's going on?" I heard dad voice but I'm still shock to answer him.

"Come on Blacks lets go check it out" Cassie voice brought me out of my daze. She was holding Jason on her hip.

We walked to the front door and a Christmas wreath was hanging on the door with Merry Christmas in it. I just stared at it. Cassie tugged my shirt and I turned to her.

"Get the key and open the door" I took the keys from under the foot mat and unlocked the door. I pushed the door open and I nearly fainted at what my house looks like. Dad gaps and held his heart. Me too I would likely have an heart attack.

My living room has furniture l. A white couch in curve form. Its also has beautiful red cushions on it.

There's a huge Christmas tree by the side of the couch. A flat screen tv. A small table and a brown colour rug. The window were decorated with Christmas weather. The curtains were changed and now a sleek cream curtains is hanging. I ran from the living room to the kitchen.

The kitchen was also decorated. A new set of dinning table was placed. Instead of three chairs and a small round table, its been replaced with high seat. And it was also decorated. I left the kitchen and checked the room.
"Dads bedroom is also decorated. New curtains and a new bed. Well laid and also decorated. And the one that broke my heart with happiness and love was the baby bed that was decorated in blue. Jason has his own bed. The hallway was decorated as I walked to my room.

My small bed has been changed to a queen size bed. My room was well decorated. I looked at everything and went to look for Cassie.  I saw her in the living room sitting on the couch and playing with Jason. Jason was laughing and was playing with the toys that I know I didn't buy for him.

"Cassie" I looked up and saw Jayden. His eyes were red and he was breathing hard.

"Did you do this" his voice was full with emotion.

"Yes, i did. Don't you like them" shit he doesn't like it. I just made a fool out of myself.

"You asking if I don't like it?" he asked in disbelief. He took fast steps towards me and did something no man has ever done. He kissed me.

I felt his warm lips on mine and was shocked beyond belief. He lips felt good. he was about to pull back. so I did the craziest thing I kissed him back. I followed his movement. He smiled when he noticed what I was doing but kissed me back with passion. He held my waist and I placed my hands around his neck. His lips tasted like apples and I deepened the kiss wanting more. I ran my hangs through his hair making him groan. His hands went down so my ass and he squeezed it. And that action brought me out of my lust filled passion . i quickly pulled away.

"Thank you Cassie, thank you so much. You are the best thing that have ever happened to me. I love you so much" I became froze at what he said

"I have to go, see you later" I didn't wait for his replay. I took my phone and car keys and ran away from the house.

He loves me.... Why?

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