Chapter thrity-four.

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Cassie pov.
He groans loudly and opened his eyes.

"Jay" I whispered. He turned towards me and looked confused.

"What happened? Why am I here" he looked around looking for answers.

"Don't you remember?" I asked quietly. He shook his head.

"And who are you by the way? Have you seen my dad?" I didn't hear the second question cause my world just stopped at the first. I held back my sob with all the power within me.

"Am no one, just relax I'll go get the doctor" i cleaned my tear and began to walk to the door with a destroyed heart.

"Cassie, do you really think I will forget the love of my life?" I froze as i heard my name. I turned around.

The asshole had a cheek smile on his face. Is he for real. I ran towards him and jumped on the bed and began to hit him.

"Your an asshole, you scared me. I thought i lost you forever" I kept hitting him.

"Ouch, I don't think is right to hit a patient"

"You a patient, your an idiot" I hit him again.

"Yea, the idiot you love" i looked at him with wide eyes.

"You heard?"

"Yes I did, every single word and I love you too. Regardless of your past i will always love you" I wide smile grew on my face and I jumped into his arms.

"Ouch! Stop hurting me woman"

"Oh shut up and kiss me" and he gladly did. I have the love of my heart in my heart in my arms at last.
Two weeks later.

Jayden is being released from the hospital today. And I am beaming with Joy. After spending two weeks in the hospital, he is finally coming home.

"There is the love of my life. Beautiful as always" I blushed at what Jayden said.

"Hey Jay" oh heavens why am I shy. Jayden chuckled at my red cheek.

"I can't wait to get out of here, so I can take you out on a property date" my heart skipped at his words. A date really?

"Well its a good thing your leaving the hospital today. I said walking towards him.

"Its a good thing indeed" he pulled me down and I sat on the bed.

"So Miss Brooks what are you expecting on this date" he asked while leaning into me.

"I don't know Mr Black, surprise me" I whispered my lips brushing his softly.

"Oh I will" he pressed his lips on my and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck. He hands went to my waist and he pulled me into his lap. I ran my hands through his hair pulling it softly, making me groan in pleasure.

"We ar- seriously guys we are at the hospital for Christ sake" i pulled away as I heard Bensons voice and hid my face in jayden's shirt.

"sorry dad next time we would lock the door so you won't enter" Jayden replied and I slapped his arms.

"Unbelievable" I heard other voices and t turned around and I saw two doctors and a nurse. Someone please kill me now.

"Looks like you are ready to go Jayden" the a doctor said whose name is Theo.

"Yes doctor, I want to go now" he held my hands making me smile.

The doctors did their last check up on Jayden and gave him his prescription and we signed out and were good to go.

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