Chapter Twenty

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Its been a week since my birthday and my life has changed. I spend most of my time with Jayden's  family and it feels like that part of me that's been missing is coming back and I feel at peace.

Jayden and I are really close now, I don't still understand the feelings I have for him. The one from his family, that i understand but the one I feel for him is different. I've been trying to understand but I can't and is frustrating.

I'm currently in The kitchen. Its cold cause we are in December. I told my head maid Martha to make me a cup of tea. She placed it in front of me but didn't go.

"Is anything the problem?" I asked her. She looked at me like she is trying to read my mind.

"I should be asking you that question child" I've always seen Martha as my second mother. But she doesn't need to know that. Martha is full of wisdom. She was the first person I hired since I built this house. Her first and second son are working for the company and her only daughter is in collage. Maybe Martha can help me understand this feeling I have towards Jayden.

"Its not a problem, its just something i don't understand" I told her taking a sip from my hot tea.

"Dose this something involves the young Man that took you out on your birthday" I looked at her with wide eyes. ' how did she know?'

"How do i know?" she asked I nodded.

"I've been living with you for four years, and he is the first man that has ever stepped foot into this house" like I said wise woman

"And with the way you are staring off into space, I can tell he has something to do with it" this woman is a fucking mind reader. well there's no need to lie. I was about to tell her my feelings when I heard yelling.

"LET ME GO MOM... SHE NEEDS TO KNOW THE FUCKING TRUTH" it sounded like Mary's voice. I got up and was about to go see what's going on but a very angry Mary stormed into the kitchen.

"Mary whats happen? Is anything the problem?" I asked her but it looks like my question increased her anger.


"Don't act all fucking confuse and innocent shit cause I ain't buying it" okay now am getting upset.

"What in fucks name are you yelling about?" I placed both hands on my hips ready for an explanation.

"You are seeing someone and you have the damn right being angry about our own relationship?" I was shocked at what she asked?

"What are you talking about?" I asked rather calmly this time. But she let out a humorless laugh.

"Josh was working at the zoo. He came back home with pictures of my sister with a Man publicly displaying affection. And I wanted to meet you in your office and apologize for not calling on your birthday. I went to the little restaurant to buy you lunch but guess what I saw? You with the same man laughing and enjoying each others company and you have the stupid right to hate my relationship? Your such an hypocrite" there's no point trying to justify me and Jayden relationship, cause there is nothing going o. between us.

"Am not dating anyone" I told her calmly. I turned around cause I don't have their time. They didn't call on my birthday and i was hurt. But what she said made me see red.

"Your just like dad" I could hear  gaps but I paid her no mind.

"What did you just say" I looked at her with cold eyes. Abs she took a step back.

"You heard me right, your just like him. He has always been an hypocrite, has anyone told you your just like him. Ever since you killed him its like his spirit entered you. I've always been scared of you. The whole world knows you as a heartless bitch for fucks sake. Ever wondering why? Every time you come home from work, your presence take away all the air and fun we have leaving us in cold silence. Just like dad. Just like him you take life away" I couldn't take it anymore, I slapped her across her face. And I did not regret what I did.


"Is this what both of you really think about me" I asked my mother but she looked away. I laughed.

"Am like Frank? Should u remind you that I lost my virginity saving you" she looked at me and her eyes was with tears.

"I killed him to save me from pain. I brought us out of the poverty he left us in. Dedicated my life to give both of you a better on when he didn't give a shit about what we are. And I am Frank. DID HE HELP US?, DID HE SAVE US?, ANSWER ME" I shouted. All self control leaving me.

"You said I take away life, but I gave you a better one. You went to the best school, you drive the best cars, wear the best cloths and I am Frank? Did he care if we went to school?" I asked Mary she looked guilty but it didn't move me a bit.

"After that tragic day, i left my childhood. The 16 year old me became someone else. Worked hard for both of you and on her fucking birthday she didn't get a single text from the people she killed for. And she is Frank" Fuck them.

"Ever since both of you found love and moved out what happened to me? I was forgotten. Just like the way Frank forgot us and only need us for money and beating. Mom you picked your love over me just as Frank picked fucking beer over us. And I am Frank" I have had enough from. Both of them.

"Well since am Frank, both of you get out of my house" I told them coldly. They both looked at me with shock, guilty and broken faces but I don't fucking care anymore.
"Cass..." I cut my mother from whatever she was about to say.

"Just get out of my house" both of them left. And I broke down. tears that I didn't no I had came pouring down.

I don't know how long I've been sitting on the floor, but I can't hallow in self pity. I took my car and left house. I went to the bar that Jayden took me to celebrate.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.

"Anything strong" I told him. He didn't say anything which am grateful for. I drank and lost country of how many shot if whatever he gave me. All I wanted to do is forget my pain.

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