Chapter Twenty-eight

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Cassie Pov

Its been three weeks since the fire. Three weeks since the surgery and three week living with Jayden.

If I knew being so close to Jayden would make me feel strange things, I would've allowed him to look for a place to stay.

Jayden is hardly around because his dad is still in the hospital but when he comes home am always happy to see him. I even stay up just so I can see him walking into the house. Sometimes I pretend to be working just so get can scold me and tell me to go to bed. Crazy I know.

Jason has been sleeping with me every since. I bought a baby bed for him but he refuses to stay in it and wants to stay on my bed not that am complaining I love him so much.

Am on my way to the hospital to pick Mr Black and Jayden. Once I packed the car i went into the hospital and to Mr Black room.

"Hello, are you guys ready to go" I greeted them as I entered the room

"Yea, we are, we are just waiting for the doctor so we can sigh out" I nodded and took a seat

"Jay, can you go get a cup of coffee for me?" Mr Black asked.

"Sure" Jayden left the room. I played with my phone.

"Miss Brooks, I've not been giving the opportunity to thank you. I don't have words to say but just know my life belongs to you" I smiled at him.

"No problem Mr Black, and you can have you life i just did what any friend would do" he chuckled at what I said.

"Please can you stop calling me Mr Black? I think we have passed the stage of formalities" he said.

"Sure no problem Benson" i called him by his first name.

"So dose that mean I can call you Cassie" I laughed and nodded my head. two minutes later Jayden walked into the room with a cup of coffee in his hand and the doctor behind him.

"Good day Miss Brooks" I nodded my head I return.

"Well Benson you are good to go. Your heart is better but you need to take your drugs and stick to the time. I just need you to sign here and you can leave" Jayden signed the paper and we left the hospital.

"Thanks for allowing us stay at your house Cassie" Benson said from the back seat.

"No problem Benson, its a pleasure" I said.

"When did both of you enter the first name phase?" Jayden asked.

"Don't worry Jay, I won't take Cassie away from you" I nearly lost control of the car nearly.

"Dad don't say it like that" Jayden whined like a child and Benson laughed at his childishness

We got home and the maids took the duffle bag from Jayden.

"Dada, papa" we heard baby giggles and saw Jason on the ground playing with his new toys.

"Cassie did you buy the toys for him" I know he doesn't want me to buy things for him but I can't help myself anymore.

"Just say thank you Jay" I told him and walked towards my room.

I've been feeling a little abdominal pain. I know my period is about to come. I felt wetness on my panties and I saw blood. I hate my period because its brutally painful. I bathed with cold water to try and numb the pain. After that I wore super typoon cause that whats i use and its really painful. I crawled to sleep with the pain.


We were sitting on the dinning table waiting for Cassie to come down.

"Martha do you know were Cassie is?" I asked her.

"She is in her room. She won't be coming down, she is not feeling well" that got me worried.

"Can you please feed Jason for me. I'll be right back" I quickly left the dinning room and went to Cassie's room.

I opened her door. Her room was dark i walked towards the bed and she was on the bed. Her back was up.

"Cassie......hey Cass" I called her name but she did not answer me.

"Shit your burning up" i said a bit loud as I touched her body.

"J-jay w-hat are y-you do-i-ng in my room" her voice was cracking at every word.

"Whats wrong Cass, you were fine not this afternoon what happened?" She didn't say anything for about five minutes.

"A-m o-n my p-er-iod Jay. i-ts just p-er-iod c-ram-ps nothing much" I know a little bit about period and I know its painful.

"Hang in there Cass, I will be right back" I quickly left the room and headed downstairs. I took the key to the car we used today and drove to the nearest pharmacy.

"Hello, can I get drugs that can cure period cramps" I asked the lady at the pharmacy. She smiled and went to look for the medicine.

"Here, give her this and the pain will go. also rub this on her stomach it will help with the pain" i thanked her and paid for the drugs.

I quickly drove home. I served food for her and took it to her room.

"Wake up Cassie you need to eat" she moved a little in her sleep but her eyes were still closed. I tried again and this time she opened her eyes.

I made her sit up and feed her. She didn't argue and am happy for that.

"Here take this it will help with the pain" I handed the drug and she tool them.

"i also need to apply this on your stomach it will reduce the pain also" she looked at me but nodded anyway.

I pushed her shirt up and I saw her smooth, flat stomach. I rubbed the cream around her abdomen. she moaned softly that it told every power in me not to look at her. after ten minutes I was done. I closed the cream and stood up.

"Goodnight Cassie" I kissed her forehead. She didn't say anything. I heard her soft snores and smiled. I closed her door and went to my room.
Cassie has began to overcome her fares for fathers.

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