Chapter Twenty-one

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Jayden Pov

Am setting the table for dinner while daddy is taking care of Jason. I served the food and was about to take my set when my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I answered

"Hey Jay, its me Harry" Harry its been long he called.

"Yo what's up?" I greeted him in our usual way.

"Well dude the pretty girl that came with you that day, she is here and totally wasted" Cassie? Whats she doing there?

"Thanks dude am on my way" I ended the call.

"Dad i have to go and help Cassie take care of yourself and Jayden" I took my jacket and left the house and took a taxi.

Getting there, I walked towards the bar stand. Cassie was sitting on the stool her head on the table completely wasted.

"Cassie what are you doing here?" She raised up her head when she heard my voice.

"What dose look like am doing Jay. I am drinking and having fun" she put her head back on the table.

"Harry give me two shots of what you have been giving me" she ordered him.

"No Harry don't bring anything" she turned towards me with a angry face.

"You do you think you are to cancel my drink" she tried to pock my chest but she couldn't.

"Okay Harry bring her drinks" the drink came and she handed one to me while she gulped hers.

The music got louder and she started moving her head to the beat. Then she stood up from the high stool. Stumbling a little i held her so she won't fall.

"Want to dance Jayden" she asked in a slutty voice and she licked her lips and I was captured.

"I will take you silence as a yes" she dragged me to the dance floor. She started dancing. Moving her body to the beat. She turned and rounded her ass and she looks sexy as fuck. unknown to me I moved and felt her sexy ass rubbing around my dick slowly. This feels like déjà vu. I placed my hands on her hip and rubbed my hard dick on her. She stepped away and I almost whimpered from lost if contact. She turned and faced me. We were so close that her breast was firmly pressed on my chest. I could fill her hard nipple meaning she is not wearing a bra. I looked at her eyes and I saw lust in them. I can't do anything to her and being this close is not helping matters.

"Cassie are you alright?" She said nothing but kept staring at me.

"Lets go outside Cassie and let's take you home" she nodded her head. I took her hands and we left the bar.

"Wow! Its so cold out here Jay and its beautiful come on let's take a stroll" she had a bright smile and I couldn't say no.

"Okay let's go" we started walking in silence. Then she let go of my hands.

"Come on Jay lets run and leave all our heartache behind" she took off before I could say anything so I started running.

"I FEEL FREE" she shouted while running. Then she stopped.

"Jayden do I look like my dad?" I don't no your dad Cass. Then she laughed dryly.

"You can't know someone who haven't met" she told.

"Am I a monster, when you look at my eyes do you see a monster" she asked again.

"Your not a monster Cass and your eyes are the most beautiful pair of eyes i have ever seen" she laughed at what I said.

"Wow I almost believe you but that's just a lie. A big fat lie" she walked closer to me.

"Want to know why" i nodded.

"Cause am a monster" she whispered in my ears then started laughing again.

"Even the people I suffered for called me a monster. I scare my own family. In a matter of time I'll scare yours too" she said sorrowfully.

"Why dose the world hate me Jay? What did I do? am just a victim" I hugged her cause she wanted to cry. And she cried. She kept on asking why and I don't no what to say. I kept kissing her hair and rubbing her back hoping it will clam her down. When I notice she has stopped i pulled away.

"Want a piggy back ride to your car" she smiled and I warmed my heart. She hopped on and place her hand around my neck and I held her by her thighs.

"Jayden can you tell me something about your dad?" she asked

"Sure no problem" I told her everything about my dad. How he took care of me when mom left, his favorite food, what he likes doing and how he feels bad cause he can't do the things he loves cause of his heart condition.

"Your dad sound like a nice guy. I wish mine was like yours" she said in a sleepy voice. I didn't say anything and kept walking.

When we reached the car, Cassie was already at sleep. I placed her gently on the passenger seat and used my jacket to cover her. I drove to my house and placed her on my bed. I took the duvet and went to the living room and slept.

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